Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The politically "right"

Ok, so just off the top of my head...
I do not find these things "right" about what is going on in the political "right", supported by the "Christian Right"...

Deliberately Lying and Misleading American citizens regarding this administration's policies and our President... about Medicare, Medicaid, "Welfare" and employment figures most recently...

Using Scare Tactics to instill fear over false claims regarding our President with labels like  "socialism",
"muslim" and "unnatural" citizen...

Re-districting and Suppressing Voters actively and intentionally to favor one party while disenfranchising innocent voting citizens over false claims of wide-spread voter fraud...

Making claims of "Class warfare" now, when people have finally called it what it is after decades of silently being fiscally slaughtered...

Favoring the Wealthy over the Poor and Middle Class consistently, relentlessly, ruthlessly and persistently for 32 years, while claiming still that this "trickle down" thing works...

Blaming the President for the plight on the economy that the LAST ADMINISTRATION manufactured through de-regulation, two wars and favoring corporations over the people of the nation...

Claiming they want less government control over people's lives, unless we are talking about legislating women's own bodies, love between two consenting adults and the rights to exploit workers overseas while denying our own people jobs - THEN they want more government control...

Screaming over demands for equal taxation and representation that should be in place regarding corporations and wealthy individuals paying their taxes, ironically while being the ONLY ones truly represented by this nation's government and LEAST taxed today...

Straining at the gnats of individual fraud regarding public assistance, when the true Welfare Fraud is the  government support of corporations in this "free market" system, which is a much greater percentage of our national budget and should not be given if it is truly a "free" market with less government control...
calling it "welfare" regarding poor individuals and families, and "entitlements" (aptly put) for the wealthy and powerful...

Scapegoating "illegal" immigrants, gay and lesbian citizens and anyone else who does not think (I use the term loosely) like they do... as the ENEMY and REASON for the nation's woes, much like the Nazi's did with SO MANY...

Claiming they love DEMOCRACY, when it is limitless, unchecked and unregulated GREED in Laissez Faire Capitalism they love, as exhibited in their practices of oligarchic control over the nation and the exclusion of voters, lack of representation of the poorest citizens and an economic system designed to allow the wealthy and powerful to stay that way on the backs of the poor and powerless...

Finally, wanting desperately to go back to the practices that got the NATION into this mess, because while the NATION has suffered in it, some INDIVIDUALS and CORPORATIONS have made out like bandits because of it... their lack of concern for the WHOLE NATION and PEOPLE for the sake of their own, short term and immense financial gain is disturbing...

Power, Prestige and Wealth are the Unholy Trinity of gods in America...
       Devotion to them, while giving lip service to Jesus and Democracy has brought us to Idolatry and
                    Tyranny... and MANY are devoted to them...
Greed is not only our SIN, but our horrible National Treasure and Legacy to our own children and
       the world around us...

Where is the political "right" in that?
Where is the CHRIST in that?
Where are YOU in that?

Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keep dreaming

Keep dreaming of the day
   when this will not be a relative democracy any longer, masking an oligarchy of power and wealth
   when every vote will truly count because it is counted and elects our officials
   when every person will truly have equal respect and an equal chance
   when every citizen will have what he/she needs as a human right
   when every child will grow up with truly equal opportunities to grow
   when all will have enough and the equal opportunities to grow beyond enough

Keep dreaming of the day
   when we will live in a true democracy and not just a system of unchecked capitalism
   when the well-being of everyone will replace greed as a national value
   when people will embrace those different from themselves as treasured equals
   when government will truly represent ALL the people and work on the behalf of ALL
   when justice will be equal and injustice no longer a tool to elevate some while holding others down
   when we will treat God's creation, our HOME, with respect, and stop polluting, wasting and
        destroying it for our own, short term and short sighted gain

Keep dreaming of the day
   Keep voting toward the day

I will keep writing, speaking, preaching, teaching, demonstrating and working toward that day


The day when THE DREAM becomes OUR REALITY.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Woe to You

Woe to you, IF...
You accumulate wealth and property by monopolizing business and driving out or holding out others from making a living or from getting what they need in life (like Department stores and large corporations do, and anyone who would begrudge someone else their needed healthcare).
Woe to you, IF...
You have a life of ease and self-indulgence, and are independently wealthy.  It will be taken from you.
Woe to you, IF...
You make sinning against humanity a way of life-engaging in falsehood for personal gain - always expecting more and greater blessings in a sense of entitlement, while considering what is evil in the eyes of God to be good, and what is good in the eyes of God to be evil (like politicians, corporate executives, lobbyists working to ship jobs overseas while laying off our workers, and exploiting foreign nations for more profit as a result of it).
Woe to you, IF...
You are among the self-indulgent who use bribes to benefit the guilty and hurt the innocent (voter suppression, re-districting, buy Supreme Court votes).
God will turn it around and drop you on your head.
Isaiah 5 and Luke 6:20-26

Woe to you, WHO...
Desire the day of The Lord, because it won't go as well for you as you think (Matthew 25:31-46).
Woe to you, WHO...
Think that God likes your Worship while you lack Justice and Righteousness in how you treat others in the world around you (Mark 7:1-13).
Woe to you, WHO...
Live at ease and are no better than others but think you are superior (Luke 18:9-14).
Woe to you, WHO...
Live in luxury and have a life of ease, and who ignore the plight of the poor and add to it (Luke 16:19-31).
Woe to you, WHO...
Turn Justice into poison and rejoice in things that don't matter, as if they do.  (Luke 18:18-30)
Woe to you, WHO...
Think you are self made and therefore better than others, or should be more entitled than they should be (Luke 12:13-21).
God is going to turn things upside down on you!  (Luke 6:20-26)
Amos 5:18 - 6:14

Woe to you...
Religious leaders who preach and teach a strict adherence to The Law but make exceptions for yourselves, and who like power, prestige and position with the wealth that comes with it.  You will be humbled.
Woe to you...
Church leaders who keep people from God like you do yourselves, insisting that they go YOUR way which is not God's Way, collecting "saved" people who are not, really.
Woe to you...
Blind guides who are instructed NOT to swear at all, but who swear on monetary value above what comes from out of the heart.
Woe to you...
Hypocrites who make it all about tithing ostentatiously of your showy abundance, while ignoring the more important matters of justice, mercy and faith. (see also Luke 11:37-52)
Woe to you...
Hypocrites who make a show of your piety and self-righteousness, giving the right appearances and postures, but inside are filled with greed, self-indulgence and lust for power and control.  Clean what is INSIDE of you.
Woe to you...
Who look spiritually alive on the outside, but are dead to God on the inside.
Woe to you...
Religious leaders who look and act the part, but only like the power, prestige, position and wealth, and who use them to exploit the most vulnerable in the world around them (Mark 20:45-47)
Woe to you...
Who claim to be unlike past sinners, as if you are more faithful, but you do the same things that destroy the faithful in God.
Jesus laments over you, because you have walked away from Him.  It breaks His heart.  (Lk. 13:34,35)
Matthew 23:1-39

I just thought you should know.  God loves you.  Stop hurting yourself by hurting God's other children.  "Christian" Politicians who make laws that hurt the most vulnerable for the sake of the wealthy and powerful, Clergy who turn a blind eye and deaf ear or who support their efforts, Business Leaders who ignore what Jesus taught about treating others well, Lobbyists who will hurt anyone to benefit their employers for personal gain, Voters who vote only for their self interests at the expense of others, and Citizens who operate out of selfish greed and get mean-spirited and ruthless with others all need to know.  Please tell them that God is not pleased and that they do these things to their own destruction, along with the destruction of the whole nation.  For their sake, and for ours...
Pastor Jamie