Sunday, September 26, 2021

Jesus - the original family guy

 Mark 10:2-16 is the Gospel lectionary text for Sunday, October 3.

Jesus addressed divorce.  For the record, Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality or abortion, or practically ANYTHING that have become hot-button issues today for those who profess to follow Jesus, but who use HIS Gospel to divide, take control over others and gain the appearance of faithfulness for themselves while not living the LOVE that Jesus DID COMMAND.

Jesus was tested by the religious leaders, as always.  It was a trap.  They wanted to catch the "libtard" in some awkward sound byte to discredit Him.  Jesus instead schooled them on the intention of God's Law through Moses, and its context because of THEIR hardness of heart.  Jesus gave the Law context and thus discredited the hypocrites.  It seems to me that "libtards" may need to learn that lesson from Jesus for our interactions today.  We must reclaim the Gospel from those who have been twisting and weaponizing it for over 41 years.

Yes, for their hardness of heart, God did allow for divorce - a certificate to be drawn up by the men against their wives.  They were looking for reasons to ditch wives who did not do everything they wanted - to abandon their wives so they could run off with someone else.  Sound familiar?  There are sub-cultures among corporate executives who do this very thing and have been for years - "trading her in on a younger/newer model," like a car.  The trouble is, it left these women without means because of other rules designed to hold them down, back and out in their society.

So, Jesus clarified - if there is infidelity, then divorce may be justified for the man, but God created us male and female (note there is no hierarchy of importance attached to this statement by Jesus), and put us together as ONE flesh.  Would a man rip off his arms because he saw some bigger guns on someone else?  No.  You work with what you have been given.  Women were vulnerable - among the most vulnerable in that society, and under empire.  Jesus provided protection for the most vulnerable against those who would exploit them and throw them away in the society - men. 

And children - Jesus was blessing them.  They are always the most vulnerable.  They have no means of their own and are subject to whatever great or horrible things their parents or guardians dish out.  They have no status in a society based on merit, because they have not earned any yet.  They are of great value in the Kingdom because of their loving, trusting innocence.  The world victimizes them.  Our nation victimizes them.  Christian folk who claim to be "pro-life" victimize them once they are born.  They are the most vulnerable among us, yet it is to them that the Kingdom belongs.  And if we do not learn from them the receptivity to accept the Kingdom of God in trust and love, we will not enter it, according to Jesus.

Not much has changed in the world since Jesus walked among us.  Empire values still corrupt, especially in our nation.  Women and children are still exploited, abused and thrown away.  And the Gospel of Jesus still addresses the inequities and injustices to the most vulnerable, and counters that with Agape Love and Grace.

Jesus values women and children.  Do you?  Do we?

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, September 19, 2021

us and them

Mark 9:38-50 is the lectionary Gospel text for next Sunday, September 26.

They wanted to create a division - us vs. them.  Someone was doing something good in Jesus' name but was not among THEIR group, not "one of us."  Jesus shut that down.  Here, unlike in another context of those who are assumed to be "of among us," Jesus said, "Whoever is not against is for us." If they are living the Agape Love of the Kingdom, they are with the program.

Then, Jesus talked about not being a stumbling block to the young.  Do not pollute their minds and hearts with your biases and prejudices.  Let them remain innocent of such contrived differences that make you feel superior to or entitled above someone else.  Do not put your hatreds in their hearts and minds and do not give them an example of judging others, with your unfaithful rationalizations and justifications.  Believe in Jesus and Jesus' Way.  The Kingdom is beyond "you and yours."  Jesus' Way includes, lifts up and loves all.  Teach them that.

In fact, whatever it is within you that causes you to think that way, get rid of it.  It is causing you to sin.  Separate yourself from it, even though you may be VERY attached to it, and even if you believe that it is something you need to survive in the world.  It is better to go through life without it, even hindered in the eyes of the world, of empire, than to lose the real life God provides in Jesus - life in the Kingdom.  Get rid of those things that would keep you from the Kingdom of God in Jesus and Jesus' Way.

Because you will be purified - NOT in the way that the world teaches, or the fundamentalists - the purity you will find is one in motive and in Agape Love - the purity of assuming trust and living a guileless existence, even a purposefully healing existence with those in the world around you.  Lifting others up, advocating for them, working on their behalf, being their power and voice, standing with them and transforming the world in which they live to be more just, equitable and loving.  THAT is the purity taught, commanded and modeled by Jesus.  THAT is Jesus' Way.

There is no us vs. them.  WE are children of God, ALL of us.  Are we going to see that and teach our children that and LIVE our responsibility to one another as sisters and brothers, or are we going to continue to live the insidiously evil values of empire that divide, delude and destroy others?  Will we follow Jesus or empire?  What will it be?

Pastor Jamie 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

humility in The Way

 Mark 9:30-37 is the lectionary text for Sunday, September 19

Jesus again told them what it meant for Him to be Messiah - self sacrifice for the good of all.  They were not interested enough in that to ask what it meant.

Instead, they argued about who was the greatest.  Number One.  Champion over the other disciples.  Jesus had a teaching moment, and used it.

It is in empire that status above others is valued.  The Roman iteration of empire thrived on it, was built on it.  Somebody had to feel like they were better than, above, higher than someone else.  Pride, hubris and arrogance drive this kind of thinking - that is empire.

Jesus told them that the greatest in the Kingdom, in His Way, is the one who makes themselves last with regard to the well-being of others.  The first is the last, the last first in Jesus' Kingdom.  Humbling oneself to serve a child.  Caring for "the least", the most vulnerable who most need our care, is the GREATEST thing one can do as a follower of Jesus.

You can recite scripture until you are blue in the face, use it to hurt others, worship without missing a Sunday, tithe, praise Jesus, "save souls" and live the purest, holiest life of anyone around you.  What will make you GREAT in the eyes of Jesus, is how you care for the most vulnerable among us while humbling yourself so as not to get credit for it.

Empire AIN'T the Kingdom of God.  Its values are not God's values as we have been taught, commanded and modeled by Jesus.  Agape Love means lifting others up in humility, and gaining nothing for self while doing it.  

THAT is faithfulness to Jesus.

Pastor Jamie

Friday, September 3, 2021


 Mark 8:27-38 is the lectionary text for Sunday, September 12.

Peter confirmed that Jesus is Messiah, but could not get with the idea of redemption and Grace.  Peter could not think in Kingdom terms.  He could only see the human values of long life.

Similarly, Jesus pointed out that to be His follower means leaving the typical worldly values of a self-serving orientation.  It is not about indulging, edifying, glorifying, promoting, serving or even saving self.  It is about losing self for His sake and the sake of the Good News in the world.  For followers of Jesus, it is not about what we get, even heaven, but about losing a life of worldly values and saving a life in Kingdom values now and in heaven.  If we focus on preserving our own lives rather than giving them in service to our Lord and our Lord's children, we will lose life with Him, now and later.  It is Jesus' rebuke of the tempter.   It is Jesus' rebuke of empire values.  It is Jesus' rebuke of those who would claim to follow Him, but who will not go to the Cross with Him.

Prosperity Theology, Church Growth Theology, Personal Salvation Theology, Self-Righteousness through personal purity and holiness Theology are all contrary to the Gospel of Jesus that does not talk about US saving souls, but rather the Holy Spirit doing so.  They are contrary to the Gospel of Jesus that does not talk about even saving ourselves, but in giving ourselves for the sake of others, even following His example, even to the Cross.

It is about sacrifice and finding a new life in the love of others - a life of living Agape Love that is a life worth saving, rather than holding onto worldly (empire) values and walking away sadly from our desire to inherit the Kingdom.

If we are ashamed of the Good News of Jesus because it runs contrary to the American way of life, American Civil Religion, laissez-faire Capitalism and the false, bad theologies that promote them, then Jesus is ashamed of us when He returns.

A pretty clear message, I think.

Deny self, lose the life you have been pursuing according to empire values, and again a life faithful to God - a life centered in the living of Agape Love and Grace.  Do it without shame, unabashedly proud to counter, resist and challenge empire at every turn because the Way of Jesus is a better, more sustainable way for all humanity.  That will save a lot of lives, a lot of souls, even perhaps the soul of our nation.  If not, then... 

Pastor Jamie