Wednesday, November 30, 2011

True Insanity

The news (ok, it was Fox) in Atlanta reported that a woman threw her 8 year old son out of the window and stabbed her 4 year old daughter to death, before stabbing herself and being killed by police.  Her Pentecostal Bishop, while being interviewed, said that she had been to the church, had said she was under a lot of financial pressure (water had been turned off), acting strangely, was seen talking to herself and was clearly "not herself" according to church witnesses.  They prayed for her and sent her home.  He said in the interview that they believe there are demonic forces at work, after all, what else could have caused a woman to do this to her own children?  I don't know... ummmm... mental health issues?

How many abused women and children have heard from their pastors or bishops that they must stay with their husband/honor their father or mother, with horrible outcomes, because it is God's will according to their pastor or bishop?

How many people have turned to the church they have given their tithes to for years, in a time of desperate need, perhaps in need because their pastor or bishop told them they must tithe and more... just to be turned away without help?

How many people have been prayed for, rather than referred to a Psychologist or Psychiatrist, because of the belief of their pastor or bishop that they could be supernaturally and spiritually healed, with horrendous outcomes?

Who are the truly insane here?
Sometimes, while looking intently for the supernatural interventions that some proclaim, God's work in human compassion, mature thinking and mental health and/or medical sciences is ignored, de-valued or rejected as being OTHER THAN God's work...

Find out where your Pastor or Bishop got their FORMAL TRAINING.
A call is one thing, charismatic gifts are another and responsible preparation is yet another...
Bubba's Bible College for six weeks is not formal training.
If one is called, I believe a cost of discipleship and discipline of preparation for the ministry might be formal training for more than a few weeks of glorified Bible Study.

Has your pastor or bishop learned the original, Biblical Languages?
Has your pastor or bishop studied the historical and cultural contexts of the writers of the scripture?
Exegetical methods and hermeneutical studies?
Has your pastor or bishop had pastoral care and counseling courses at a reputable school?
Have they studied how to teach people in Christian Education courses?
Do they recognize God at work in the mind as well as the heart or spirit?
Have they worked under a pastor in contextual education for a time?
Have they invested their time and money in training for ministry, or have they just claimed God's "anointing" and have launched into making stuff up as they go along?

Don't get me wrong... I think Spiritual healing is needed, often... it is currently my full time ministry, in fact, with hospice... but the healing of the mind, body, spirit and relationships and other aspects of human existence are no less from God when they are done in therapy (the use of the mind God gave for healing) or through medicines provided by the creator.

I am repulsed by someone's bishop praying over them and sending them home, with family members noticing huge differences in behavior and not getting their loved one help... rather than being "mature in thinking" and calling someone who could help her and her children.

Who is really insane or demon possessed here?  All of the above?  I DO believe that evil was at work in this... just not, perhaps, a demon.

If I seem not myself, start talking to myself and behaving irrationally, depressed or out of touch with reality in any way... PLEASE feel free to pray with me, and then GET ME SOME HELP from someone whose call in life is to serve God by helping me!

Pastor Jamie

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

I am thankful for what I have.
I know that it may not be fashionable in an age and culture that values the unlimited acquisition of more, and that likens satisfaction with a lack of drive or ambition.
I am satisfied with what I have.

I have a connection with the Lord of my life that is empowering, enlightening, engaging, inspiring and comforting.  I have true moral direction offered to me in the teachings of Jesus as we have them reflected in the Gospels.  I have The Good News of Jesus.  I have Agape Love for my Lord, knowing that I have it because it has first been given to me.  For God, I am truly thankful!

I have an incredible life partner.  She and I were put together "late in life", but we are like kids together, and share laughter, tears, interests, convictions and faith.  This Eros love is marvelous because it has at its foundation, Agape Love.  For her, I am very thankful!

I have a family and friends, acquaintances and encounters with strangers that inspire, move and touch me regularly.  These are the people with whom I live Phileos Love.  They are wonderful to me and I pray that I can be wonderful to them.  In various measures, the Agape Love shines through with all of them.  For them, I am thankful!

I have a house which is home.  I have a job, the means through which God provides my daily bread.  I am thankful for these things, especially in light of the many who do not have as much.  I believe that I have been given what I have so that I might glorify God and edify the lives of those whom God loves and who I am called to love with that same Agape Love.  It pains me to see so many people struggling.  I recognize that I have had doors opened to me because I am a straight, white male in America, that others, even many whom I love, have not had... and that barriers were not set before me because of it that were put before them.  Were I to turn a blind eye or ignore those with less than I have, it would mean that I am more like Dives in Jesus' story than I would like to be.  It pains me because I love them as brothers and sisters.  It pains me because I am called and commanded to love them.  I give to many who beg from me, because Jesus commanded it.  I strive to "give them something to eat", as Jesus commanded His followers to do with the 5,000, and feed His lambs and tend His sheep, as He told the Rock of the Church.  I work at "go and do likewise", even as Jesus taught about loving enemy and stranger in the Good Samaritan parable.  When I have twice as much as I need (and I do), I give of my abundance, as Jesus taught.  I do not do these things because I have guilt or because I want to appear to be better than someone else.  I do them because I believe they are the right things to do, and because I am THANKFUL for what I have, and because I am growing in my Agape Love for neighbor (even enemy and stranger, as defined by Jesus).

We live in a world that tells us that we should "look out for number one", "take care of your own" and "grab for all the gusto" (old commercial).  We live in a culture that emphasizes success as the accumulation of more wealth, regardless of who else might get hurt in the process.  We live in a culture that makes us believe we are "self made", as if...   We live in a culture that teaches us that what we acquire belongs only to us and generosity is a sign of weakness, socialism or a bleeding heart mentality.  Even among those who profess to follow Jesus, the attitude is not to love neighbor as self, but rather to love self in spite of neighbor, and in spite of what Jesus teaches.  We live in a culture that gets ugly when one would dare suggest we help the poor out of our abundance, support those who are working with fair wages and benefits and work to make sure that ALL and not just some have what they need.

None of that reflects the teachings of Jesus.  That is all that matters to me.  I strive to submit my heart and mind, and therefore my actions to my Lord's way for me.  I strive to conform my will, attitudes and behaviors, to Jesus' will - not just for me, but for how the Agape Love to which I have been commanded will impact those around me.  I want to please God and love others, so I work at it.

ALL OF THIS comes out of THANKFULNESS to GOD for what I have.  All the opportunities in my life, the possibilities before me, all that I am and have, all comes from God.  I am thankful for it all!  God has given me so much and made so much possible for me, Love and Grace chief among the gifts, that if God did not do or give another thing for me for the rest of my life, still I could spend it giving thanks for what God has ALREADY GIVEN: creation, redemption, salvation, sanctification, presence, power, grace, love, mercy.

    Live with a thankful, satisfied heart for what you DO HAVE... for it is substantial!
    Go against the culture on this one... and out of a thankful, satisfied heart... be generous with those
         who do not have as much and PRAY for the day when the Kingdom Values will be lived and
         all people WILL, and then WORK TOWARD IT in Love, toward justice, equity and peace...
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as
         you love yourself... it is Jesus' command and way for your life, for our life together...

Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jesus and Kingdom Values

Jesus values human beings above personal wealth.  It would logically follow that those who profess to FOLLOW HIM, would do the same.

Jesus lifted up the hungry, naked, stranger, sick and imprisoned so much that He said when any of us help them we help Him, and when we refuse them, we refuse Him (Matthew 25:31-46).  He loves them and identifies with them.  We are supposed to follow Him in that love.  He even makes salvation dependent upon it.

Jesus commanded that we "give to one who begs from us"(Luke 6:27-31).
Jesus said that it will be hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom, because their values are often all wrong (Matthew 19:23-30), and encountered a rich man who could not give up his own wealth to help
the poor, so he went away sad because he chose other than Kingdom values, even knowing the price for it (Luke 18: 18-30).
Jesus said "woe" to those who are rich and satisfied, and that those who are poor and hungry are blessed according to Kingdom Values (Luke 6:20-26).
Jesus taught about a Rich Fool who hoarded more and more, built a bigger barn to store all in and died (Luke 12:15-21), because his values were all wrong.
Jesus taught about The Rich Man who died and went to hell for leaving poor and sick Lazarus at his gate (Luke 16:19-31).

And yet, there are people who claim to be Christian and who have no concern for the poor, but rather blame them for the situation they face which the rich and powerful created... they concern them selves with getting more personal gain, and justify it with Old Testament passages (when Jesus said that He fulfills the Law and Prophets)... they actively work to exploit others (mostly poor and working poor) for their own gain... even some who do not have that much themselves, but are middle class and aspire to be rich, to be let into "the club", who with great zeal rail at the poor and those who stand with them, blaming those "below" them on the economic ladder for their not having more, when it is the rich and powerful "above" them who hold them out... they try to prove themselves worthy of being among the rich and powerful, who Jesus warns us against!  They claim to be Christian, but "by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:15-20).  They claim to be Christian, but "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."(Luke 12:32-34)  They claim to be Christian, but they do not live according to Jesus' Kingdom values.

And Jesus says:
"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord" and do not do what I tell you?"  (Luke 6:46), and
that even though people may prophesy in His name, cast out demons and do mighty works, still "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the Kingdom of heaven..." (Matthew 7:21-23).
If we call our selves "Christians", doesn't that mean that we follow THE CHRIST?

Christian business people, Christian politicians, Christian stockholders, Christian neighbors should, as Paul suggests, "look not only to our own interests, but to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:1-11), if we are living the Agape Love that Jesus commanded.

Pastor Jamie

Friday, November 18, 2011

salvation with Jesus

Many are led to adopt a "me and Jesus" belief, as if what Jesus taught about the Kingdom and life in it has everything to do with each individual and nothing to do with community, society and how we live with one another.  "The one who believes and is baptized shall be saved." (Mark 16:16), is seen as what it is all about with Jesus, with no accountability to other teachings Jesus offered regarding loving Neighbor as self and other commands.

Following Jesus means loving God AND Neighbor as self!  It has EVERYTHING to do with what "Christian" business leaders, "Christian" politicians, "Christian" neighbors and "Christian" citizens do, and not just what they believe.  To believe means that we heed what Jesus taught and exemplified, and not just hold Him as God's son.  In fact, Jesus said, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord', and do not do what I tell you to do?" (Luke 6:46)  If we believe Jesus is the Son of God, perhaps we should obey His commandments.

Salvation for Jesus also includes...
    Not ignoring the poor, sick person at our gate (The Rich man and Lazarus)  Luke 16
    Not refusing the hungry, naked, stranger (illegal alien), sick or imprisoned (Sheep and Goats) Mt. 25
    Jesus said it is hard for the wealthy to be saved (Camel through eye of Needle) Mt.19, Mark 10, Luke
        18 (also sharing about the rich young ruler who went away sad because he valued wealth over
              giving to the poor)
        This one always raises the question for me... If Jesus wants me to be rich, does that mean that
              Jesus WANTS it to be hard for me to enter.. wants to make it difficult for me?  exclude me?

I also want to submit that "those" who are saved are often in PLURAL in the scriptures.  It is NOT just about the individual "me and Jesus".  Jesus does not allow it.  It is about how we are with OTHERS whom Jesus loves around us, too, and He says he loves the poor, the powerless, the stranger and the outcast (like lepers).  If we do not love them, we are liars for claiming love for Him (I Jn. 4).

There is corporate sin.  Jesus addressed it with the Pharisees.  God addressed it with God's own nation, Israel for their reliance on military strength and wealth, for their mistreatment of their own people and their neighbors.  There is corporate salvation also.

Where the individual conscience comes in is in how we love God and love Neighbor.  How do I vote, act in business, politics, on the street, etc.?  Am I only concerned about me and mine, or do I recognize that I have brothers and sisters who are children of God and loved by God?  Do I treat them, even stranger and enemy according to Jesus (Good Samaritan in Luke 10), as brothers and sisters?  It has everything to do with society, with groups of people, with the nation.  HOW are we with God AND with Neighbor?

"Then who can be saved?"  Those who Love God and Love Neighbor AS (THEMSELVES) (Matthew 22)... meaning that I would no more want to see someone else (even stranger or enemy) go without what they need or come to harm, than I would want that for myself!  Those who, according to Paul, do not only look to their own interests, but to the interests of others (Philippians 2).   Individually AND collectively.

Pastor Jamie

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

occupy... OCCUPY!

Jesus occupied the Mount in Matthew 5, and the Plain in Luke 6.  It was an act of insurrection to the Roman governance and a religious act of defiance to the Sanhedrin.  He was giving speeches about how things should be in society, government and church.  He did it again when He fed the 5,000 in John 6 and marched on Jerusalem triumphantly and defiantly (Mark 11).

Our WWI vets formed a BONUS ARMY and occupied Washington DC in 1932 over promised bonuses that were never given upon their return.  12,000 of them moved to Washington and set up a shanty town.  The Army drove them out and burned the camps.  Some were injured and their property was destroyed.  They gathered again in 1933.  They did not get the $2billion in promised bonuses until 1936.

People occupied diner counters in the Civil Rights movement and marched in the streets to protest unjust treatment and for equal rights.  The harsh treatment they received was caught on film and changed the views of many in the nation - shamed the population's leaders for what they had done with fire hoses and dogs, and moved people because of their resolve to hold fast, go to jail and even die for the cause.

The Anti-War movement brought in occupations and demonstrations, some accompanied by live music and days of bands, etc..  People faced armed soldiers in the streets.  Some died (Kent, Ohio and other places).  It was certainly one of the reasons, along with work on "The Poor Peoples' Campaign" that Dr. King was killed, JFK, Robert and others...

Even the ultra-right wing "Tea Party" demonstrates in front of State Houses.  I saw some as I demonstrated in solidarity with Organized Labor at the Georgia State House not long ago.  Wisconsin, Ohio and other states saw demonstrations in protest of the treatment of citizens and for equal economic treatment by those who have a grossly unequal share of our nation's wealth (and the world's).

Occupy Wall Street is a demonstration of Democracy.  It is a righteous exercise of liberties protected in the constitution of our nation.  Dispersing crowds, destroying their shelters and "cleaning up" the parks they have occupied I trust will spark true Americans to push for voices to be heard, more equal treatment of the average population and most poor and vulnerable in our land and to speak justice to power.  There is much wrong with the nation that necessitates such demonstrations and much more wrong with it when its response is not to listen and change, but to try to silence the powerful, unified citizen voices.  We have chosen an oligarchy that values limitless capitalism over democracy in our country.  Some in the nation are shedding light on these dark practices and demanding that we be different as a nation.  Others want to stop them from doing that out of their own sense of entitlement, sick greed and lust for power.

In the Spirit of Jesus, Americans and other brave and determined people across the world (Arab Spring, Europe, the Mediterranean) have occupied, demonstrated and marched.
What will YOU do to work toward Justice, Equity and real Peace?  Speak, write, demonstrate and VOTE... because they haven't taken that away from us (yet).

Pastor Jamie

occupy... OCCUPY!

Jesus occupied the Mount in Matthew 5, and the Plain in Luke 6.  It was an act of insurrection to the Roman governance and a religious act of defiance to the Sanhedrin.  He was giving speeches about how things should be in society, government and church.  He did it again when He fed the 5,000 in John 6 and marched on Jerusalem triumphantly and defiantly (Mark 11).

Our WWI vets formed a BONUS ARMY and occupied Washington DC in 1932 over promised bonuses that were never given upon their return.  12,000 of them moved to Washington and set up a shanty town.  The Army drove them out and burned the camps.  Some were injured and their property was destroyed.  They gathered again in 1933.  They did not get the $2billion in promised bonuses until 1936.

People occupied diner counters in the Civil Rights movement and marched in the streets to protest unjust treatment and for equal rights.  The harsh treatment they received was caught on film and changed the views of many in the nation - shamed the population's leaders for what they had done with fire hoses and dogs, and moved people because of their resolve to hold fast, go to jail and even die for the cause.

The Anti-War movement brought in occupations and demonstrations, some accompanied by live music and days of bands, etc..  People faced armed soldiers in the streets.  Some died (Kent, Ohio and other places).  It was certainly one of the reasons, along with work on "The Poor Peoples' Campaign" that Dr. King was killed, JFK, Robert and others...

Even the ultra-right wing "Tea Party" demonstrates in front of State Houses.  I saw some as I demonstrated in solidarity with Organized Labor at the Georgia State House not long ago.  Wisconsin, Ohio and other states saw demonstrations in protest of the treatment of citizens and for equal economic treatment by those who have a grossly unequal share of our nation's wealth (and the world's).

Occupy Wall Street is a demonstration of Democracy.  It is a righteous exercise of liberties protected in the constitution of our nation.  Dispersing crowds, destroying their shelters and "cleaning up" the parks they have occupied I trust will spark true Americans to push for voices to be heard, more equal treatment of the average population and most poor and vulnerable in our land and to speak justice to power.  There is much wrong with the nation that necessitates such demonstrations and much more wrong with it when its response is not to listen and change, but to try to silence the powerful, unified citizen voices.  We have chosen an oligarchy that values limitless capitalism over democracy in our country.  Some in the nation are shedding light on these dark practices and demanding that we be different as a nation.  Others want to stop them from doing that out of their own sense of entitlement, sick greed and lust for power.

In the Spirit of Jesus, Americans and other brave and determined people across the world (Arab Spring, Europe, the Mediterranean) have occupied, demonstrated and marched.
What will YOU do to work toward Justice, Equity and real Peace?  Speak, write, demonstrate and VOTE... because they haven't taken that away from us (yet).

Pastor Jamie

Monday, November 14, 2011

False Teachers and Prophets

 Jesus said that we would know them by the fruits they bear (Matthew 7:15-20).
    Laws written to hurt the poor and most vulnerable, out of a sense of entitlement for those who exploit, use and abuse others for their own gain.
Paul distinguished quite clearly between works of flesh and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), because it is all about what we put out there in the world around us.
   Will we put out things that destroy and tear down, or things that build up and produce growth?  Laying off workers, as "job creators", and then crying foul when being taxed of their abundance?  Killing laws that would put people back to work, so that the President looks bad and will have a harder time getting re-elected?  Cutting funds for education, denying healthcare and deporting sojourners in the land?  Ending the funding for programs that help the most vulnerable and the poor in the land?

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  Matthew 6:19-21
   You can tell where our hearts are when we treasure profits above people, parochial power over what is best for the nation and our own position over the well being of others.  You can tell where our hearts are when we treasure consumption over the creation's sustainable life.  You can tell where our hearts are when we treasure money over the health of others.  You can tell where our hearts are when we treasure our own "standard of living" over those who have little or nothing in our own land and in the world.  Our hearts are far from God and far from our brothers and sisters.

Paul wrote that we have gifts of ministry "so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of others, by craftiness and deceitful wiles." Ephesians 4:14
   "Speaking the truth in love", I must say that being "highly favored over others" is a wind of doctrine born of a love of prestige, that being blessed with great prosperity is a wind of doctrine born out of greed, and that any idea that Christians have superiority over anyone else is born out of the love of power over others and bigotry.  Being duped into believing that being a "real, American Christian" means counting morality only in terms of sexuality and procreation, while ignoring the blatant immorality of greed and the lust for power, while hurting (or killing) countless others in our own land and abroad is childish and a wind of doctrine.

Paul also wrote that "the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths."  II Timothy 4:3,4
   I only disagree with Paul on one thing.  The time is HERE.  When we embrace personal prosperity over the well being of our brothers and sisters in need, we fail to "feed the hungry and clothe the naked", and we, the goats, have abandoned the teachings of Jesus for something that pleases our selves.  When we believe we cannot do wrong because we claim the name of Jesus, we have adopted a belief in our own righteousness apart from Him, and deny the Cross of Christ, instead of "denying (our selves), taking up the cross and following Him.  When we push people out who just want to make a living for their families, we fail to "welcome the stranger" and push Jesus out.  When we exploit others in the world for cheap goods for our own families, we fail to "love (our) neighbor(s) as (our) selves."  When we invade other lands for oil or power or revenge (or all of these), we fail to "love our enemies and pray for (them)."  We ignore what Jesus taught because we don't like what Jesus taught.  We like what we get when we ignore what Jesus taught.  And Jesus says, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do what I tell you?"  (Luke 6:46)

False Teachers and Prophets are a dime a dozen right now.
There is only ONE Savior, who is Lord.
Which will you follow?  Which will we follow?

Pastor Jamie

Thursday, November 10, 2011

election time again

It's election time again...

... the negative ads...
... the innuendoes and lies...
... the empty promises...
... the clean-cut, American kid look that hides bigotry, fear, hatred, greed, selfish ambition...
... the hidden funds and sources of the funds...
... the back room deals...
... re-districting for those with power and wealth already to keep it...
... voter "fraud" efforts to keep some of "those people" from exercising their right to vote...
... schemes for election day exclusion, miscounting, losing of ballots (mostly in Florida)...
... presenting bills that the other party would be foolish to kill before an election, with unrelated "riders"
        aimed at benefits toward the wealthy and powerful, or to take away someone's rights...
... the killing of legislation that could really help hurting people, just to make the other party look bad...
... the fear-based messages of doom and gloom if he/she gets elected/re-elected...
... the creative use of statistics...
... the claiming to know what "the American people" want...
... the divisiveness and we/they dichotomy building...
... the looking good/avoiding looking bad...

I detest politics, or at least what our American system of politics has become... there is no truth,
    honor or integrity in it...

It is all about GETTING INTO A POSITION... not necessarily DOING THE RIGHT THING
And once a person gets into office, it is all about KEEPING IT...

Compromising on principles is the name of the game...
Who can we hurt and we get away with it?  The poor and vulnerable?  Always!
Blame the others for the problems, regardless of their origins with the previous leaders...
Blame the opposition, who I secretly love because I always have someone to blame...

Two parties?   Like different stripes on the same zebra... representing the wealthy, and MAYBE
    a few of the upper, middle-class... the ones whose power and wealth we can benefit from...

No Agape Love in it.  No unconditional, active commitment to the poor, most vulnerable...
No Community in it.  Divide and conquer keeps people from looking at the REAL problems...
It keeps the wealthy and powerful in control as those with little blame those with less... as people who
    have had the privilege of living here want to blame those who want only the same... as those who
    have had marriage for generations (and did a MARVELOUS job with the institution) deprive those
    who WANT a loving, committed relationship to be recognized by the community and supported by
No Truth in it.  No integrity in it.  No honor in it.  No Agape Love.
Even those who start off with integrity, honor, sincerity and love for humanity COMPROMISE IT

I will vote.  It is a necessary thing.  A lesser of evils thing.
I will vote for the one who most exhibits the teachings and example of Jesus...  and especially the
    AGAPE LOVE He exemplified and commanded!  (or the one who least epitomizes the opposite of
    what He taught and lived)
I will vote because they haven't taken away that right... YET...

"Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss..." - the poor, people of color, minorities, vulnerable
    still struggle, either way...
Let the games begin...
Wow, a whole year of my life tied into this again, probably with the same results...


Please vote.  And when you do, "Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF" (Matthew 22), and "look not only to your own interests, but to the interests of others."  (Philippians 2)

Pastor Jamie


Well, the campaigning has begun...

The lies about one or another...
The fear based comments of what gloom or doom we will suffer if "that one" gets elected (again)...
The re-districting to cut some out and optimize the power of others...
The election "fraud" focus, designed to keep some from voting...
The intentional blocking of any legislation that might help the country, if it means that "he/they" might get  
The raising and spending of millions of dollars by those who have millions of dollars, in order to get the
     best government their money can buy...
The hiding of how much and from whom the millions are given, so we don't see the reason later for some
     of the legislative choices made...

I must say, that I detest politics, our current American practice of it especially...
and yet I am captive to it in order to make my voice be heard, the voices of others, and hope to
"let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream"...

One of the big problems is that it is ALL ABOUT GETTING THE POSITION

So, even when a sincere, compassionate and integrity-filled candidate runs...
   the cost of campaigns means that they must be wealthy or be in the pockets of the wealthy...
   they must compromise to get into office...
   then they compromise to STAY in office...

I believe in Agape Love...
   that demands that the poor and most vulnerable be cared for...
   that commands that we look not only to our own interests...
   that calls for those with wealth to share of their abundance...
   that defines "the greatest as the one who serves best and most...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

ekklesia: "the called out community"

Get the people in... indoctrinate them to our way of belief...
   convince them with bribes, false promises, fear... whatever it takes...
Get large numbers for credibility... fame... PRESTIGE for "the anointed"
Get them to Tithe... money... WEALTH for "the anointed"
Grow in Position/Title... sell my personal vision... POWER for "the anointed"
Disassociate from the world around us (the poor, community, peace, justice)
Create our own world, within here... build our own, little kingdom... not God's
Basque in the Prestige and Power... Enjoy and Display the opulent wealth...
   Convince people that it is from God and they, too can have it...
   If they do what I say, how I say... show up, give tithes...
   After all, see how God has blessed me?  It is because of my faithfulness
   as God's anointed (and the fact that I have duped you into giving me
   your money)

Thousands of people among whom to be anonymous...
No expectations, other than presence on Sundays and Tithing...
Can show up, getcha praise on and go home...
Give God praise and worship, get blessings (or promises of them) and leave...
No sharing of gifts... the "anointed leaders" do that...
No living the Gospel if you don't want to... disassociate life from worship...
"Me and Jesus" means I do my Sunday church thang and it has nothing
    to do with how I live everyday in the world around me...
    it means it is all about my PERSONAL salvation, blessings, favor...
    Just believe in Jesus... the way they tell you that you baptized...
    attend worship, give praise... and tithes... first fruits offerings... praise offerings...

And the Formula works for everyone involved... all are happy EXCEPT JESUS

Jesus called for people not to honor God with their lips only,
   to serve "the least of these" and transform individual hearts and communities...
Jesus called for the servants/disciples/clergy to have what they NEED... daily bread...
   "the laborer deserves his/her wages"... and serve out of love for God, the people...
Jesus said that the greatest was to be the most HUMBLE servant of all...
Jesus said that His disciples would not "lord their authority over others"...
WE make it about power, prestige and wealth in the church...
WE disassociate faith from our walk with Agape Love for Neighbor (even stranger and
   enemy), and make it all about personal salvation, personal blessings and favor...
WE reflect the world instead of addressing it with Jesus' "more excellent way"...
WE ignore what Jesus taught and think that He is pleased that we only praise Him and

What are WE doing?  How much further could we get from Jesus' Gospel teachings
   and example?  Strike that... I don't want to know!

Pastor Jamie

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Incarnation

I was talking with a dear friend today.  These thoughts came from that conversation.

Jesus is God in the flesh... The Word made flesh... dwelt among us... full of Grace and Truth.
Jesus was born "between urine and feces" (quote of Cornell West) just like we were... and to
      UNMARRIED PARENTS... in scandal...
He was born in a barn... because they had no money to bribe an inn keeper... homeless birth...
He was born in blood and pain... laid in a feeding trough for animals... not a baby basket...
He was immediately made a refugee, having to flee into Egypt to save His life...
He grew up in a working class family...
He then chose an itinerate, homeless ministry... having to pick free food from fields, etc....
He taught us to love strangers in the land and enemies... He was a peace advocate...
He taught about the evils of... NOT homosexuality (said nothing), but GREED, abuses of POWER,
      and seeking PRESTIGE (hubris instead of humility), especially among leaders...
He was hated by religious leaders for telling the Truth of God.
He was feared by political leaders because people started to rally around Him.
He was wrongly accused of a crime.
He was tried unfairly on those trumped up charges.
He was executed as an innocent man, in a shameful way...

With WHOM do you think Jesus identified Himself?  He said sinners, tax collectors, the sick,
      imprisoned, oppressed, poor...
With WHOM do you think Jesus identifies with today?  The greedy?  Corrupt?  Ruthless?  Abusers of
      Power?  Ethno-centric bigots?

How, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, can Business Executives, Bankers and others, out of Greed, hurt
      others by their policies and still call themselves followers of Jesus?
How, IN JESUS' NAME, can Politicians refuse to pass laws to help people, end programs that help the
      poor to save the wealthy some money, write laws to benefit the powerful and wealthy and hurt the
      poor and working class... and believe they are OK with Jesus?
How, IN JESUS' NAME, can anyone see immorality only in sexual things, and ignore the destructive
      IMMORALITY of GREED, POWER-LUST, NARCISSISM... that run rampant in our society,
      and call themselves "Christians"?  Sit in the pews/seats on Sundays, breath the sanctuary air, hear
      sermons on prosperity and personal power and believe their personal salvation is not at risk?
How, IN JESUS' NAME, can people who worship and adore, praise Him on Sundays rally behind laws  
      to exploit, abuse or evict refugees in this land?
How, IN JESUS' NAME, can people vote only for their own, self interests and think it pleases God?

Jesus is The Word Made Flesh who dwelt among us... the one who wept over the people after He lived
      among us... the one who died our death to give us His resurrection... the one who still weeps over us.
But we are HIS feet and hands in this part of the Kingdom now...
      so what will we do to identify with Him who identified with us?

I will speak, write, demonstrate, petition and vote for the ones who will MOST REPRESENT JESUS'
TEACHINGS AND EXAMPLE... I will stand with those with whom Jesus identifed!

Pastor Jamie