Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

I am thankful for what I have.
I know that it may not be fashionable in an age and culture that values the unlimited acquisition of more, and that likens satisfaction with a lack of drive or ambition.
I am satisfied with what I have.

I have a connection with the Lord of my life that is empowering, enlightening, engaging, inspiring and comforting.  I have true moral direction offered to me in the teachings of Jesus as we have them reflected in the Gospels.  I have The Good News of Jesus.  I have Agape Love for my Lord, knowing that I have it because it has first been given to me.  For God, I am truly thankful!

I have an incredible life partner.  She and I were put together "late in life", but we are like kids together, and share laughter, tears, interests, convictions and faith.  This Eros love is marvelous because it has at its foundation, Agape Love.  For her, I am very thankful!

I have a family and friends, acquaintances and encounters with strangers that inspire, move and touch me regularly.  These are the people with whom I live Phileos Love.  They are wonderful to me and I pray that I can be wonderful to them.  In various measures, the Agape Love shines through with all of them.  For them, I am thankful!

I have a house which is home.  I have a job, the means through which God provides my daily bread.  I am thankful for these things, especially in light of the many who do not have as much.  I believe that I have been given what I have so that I might glorify God and edify the lives of those whom God loves and who I am called to love with that same Agape Love.  It pains me to see so many people struggling.  I recognize that I have had doors opened to me because I am a straight, white male in America, that others, even many whom I love, have not had... and that barriers were not set before me because of it that were put before them.  Were I to turn a blind eye or ignore those with less than I have, it would mean that I am more like Dives in Jesus' story than I would like to be.  It pains me because I love them as brothers and sisters.  It pains me because I am called and commanded to love them.  I give to many who beg from me, because Jesus commanded it.  I strive to "give them something to eat", as Jesus commanded His followers to do with the 5,000, and feed His lambs and tend His sheep, as He told the Rock of the Church.  I work at "go and do likewise", even as Jesus taught about loving enemy and stranger in the Good Samaritan parable.  When I have twice as much as I need (and I do), I give of my abundance, as Jesus taught.  I do not do these things because I have guilt or because I want to appear to be better than someone else.  I do them because I believe they are the right things to do, and because I am THANKFUL for what I have, and because I am growing in my Agape Love for neighbor (even enemy and stranger, as defined by Jesus).

We live in a world that tells us that we should "look out for number one", "take care of your own" and "grab for all the gusto" (old commercial).  We live in a culture that emphasizes success as the accumulation of more wealth, regardless of who else might get hurt in the process.  We live in a culture that makes us believe we are "self made", as if...   We live in a culture that teaches us that what we acquire belongs only to us and generosity is a sign of weakness, socialism or a bleeding heart mentality.  Even among those who profess to follow Jesus, the attitude is not to love neighbor as self, but rather to love self in spite of neighbor, and in spite of what Jesus teaches.  We live in a culture that gets ugly when one would dare suggest we help the poor out of our abundance, support those who are working with fair wages and benefits and work to make sure that ALL and not just some have what they need.

None of that reflects the teachings of Jesus.  That is all that matters to me.  I strive to submit my heart and mind, and therefore my actions to my Lord's way for me.  I strive to conform my will, attitudes and behaviors, to Jesus' will - not just for me, but for how the Agape Love to which I have been commanded will impact those around me.  I want to please God and love others, so I work at it.

ALL OF THIS comes out of THANKFULNESS to GOD for what I have.  All the opportunities in my life, the possibilities before me, all that I am and have, all comes from God.  I am thankful for it all!  God has given me so much and made so much possible for me, Love and Grace chief among the gifts, that if God did not do or give another thing for me for the rest of my life, still I could spend it giving thanks for what God has ALREADY GIVEN: creation, redemption, salvation, sanctification, presence, power, grace, love, mercy.

    Live with a thankful, satisfied heart for what you DO HAVE... for it is substantial!
    Go against the culture on this one... and out of a thankful, satisfied heart... be generous with those
         who do not have as much and PRAY for the day when the Kingdom Values will be lived and
         all people WILL, and then WORK TOWARD IT in Love, toward justice, equity and peace...
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as
         you love yourself... it is Jesus' command and way for your life, for our life together...

Pastor Jamie

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