Sunday, April 30, 2017

sheep and shepherds... John 10:1-10

It is about legitimacy.

True shepherds come through Jesus.  They believe in Jesus' Good News of Grace and Agape Love and they come to give it, to live it and to lead others in it.  Other shepherds may come into the sheepfold by "career path", thus seeking status among the sheep for their own promotion and gain.  They may come from a place of ego, hoping to have their own emotional or ego needs met by their position among the sheep.  They may come into the sheepfold with some need to control others and have power over them, a "laying down of the law" orientation that they believe will make their world the way they think it should be.
A legitimate shepherd loves God with all of her/his heart, soul, mind and strength.  A true shepherd loves neighbor, even stranger and enemy as himself/herself.  A true shepherd comes into the sheepfold living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled - particularly, Agape Love, Grace and Mercy with the sheep.  Developing and using their minds toward understanding and mental health, growing in their spirit toward oneness with God and others, developing their strength of character and personhood, they are all about living active commitment on behalf of others.  Legitimate shepherds have a heart for the sheep, get to know the sheep in that love and lead them out of it.  The sheep follow the legitimate shepherd because they have recognized the shepherd's true nature and know the shepherd well.  The shepherd has taken the time, care and energy to get to know the sheep.  Strangers who are not "legitimate" see the sheep as objects to be exploited for their own gains in wealth, power or status and the sheep of the Good Shepherd recognize them as strangers to Jesus' Good News of Agape Love and Grace. 
Legitimate shepherds come in with Jesus, abide with Jesus and lead with Jesus because they know and embrace what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled regarding Kingdom of God values.  False shepherds exhibit, preach, teach and promote worldly empire values.  They come to take from the sheep for their own benefit like thieves and bandits.  They come to steal what they can from the sheep for their own gain.  They come to corrupt the sheep with their own ideologies, agendas and values.  They do not reflect the Good Shepherd.
Sheep of the Good Shepherd will not listen to them, because they know the Shepherd and what the Shepherd has taught, commanded and modeled.  They know what Jesus stands for and calls them to stand for in the world around them.  They know the Kingdom values that lead to life, life abundant and life forever, and that fly in the face of the prevailing worldly empire values that divide and ultimately destroy the sheep. 

Jesus' Agape Love is at the center of the Good News that Jesus commands us to believe in and live.  Sheep of the Good Shepherd understand its central role in our lives and strive to live it in every aspect of life, so that we do not allow the worldly empire values of greed, lust for power and status in prestige and position to shade how we see and live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. 
If a shepherd comes promoting wealth and prosperity, control and power over others or prestige and position among the sheep in the world, there is no Good News of Jesus in that shepherd - he/she is false.  If a shepherd comes suggesting that we can be faithful to God and faithful to the values of worldly empire in wealth, power and status, she/he is false.
If sheep have "itching ears" and allow themselves to be "blown about by every wind of doctrine" that please them because they know it will get them what they want, rather than what God Wills for them, they are not sheep of the Good Shepherd.  If sheep give lip service to God but participate in worldly empire for their own gain, they are not sheep of the Good Shepherd.  They are following another voice and not the command of the Good Shepherd.  Sheep of the Good Shepherd know the voice of the Good Shepherd, know what the Good Shepherd taught, commanded and modeled and they stay clear of false shepherds that say or do otherwise.

So, when one considers the legitimacy of shepherds, one must necessarily also consider the legitimacy of the sheep.  Which voices guide you?  What shepherds do you follow?  Are you sheep of the Good Shepherd, a follower of a false shepherd or one of those who are "like sheep without a shepherd?"

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, April 23, 2017

how we recognize God... Luke 24:13-35

We know how we are to be recognized as Jesus' followers - "By this everyone will know that you are MY disciples, if you have AGAPE for one another."  John 13:35

As it turns out, that is also how we will recognize God when God comes to us.
It is in the loving gesture that this God of the intimate sharing of bread is known.
It is in the breaking and blessing with loved ones that we recognize God.
It is in the gathering of people and sharing Grace and Peace, and in the sharing of the Good News in the intimacy of Agape that our hearts burn within us.
It is in our midst, collectively that God is known.

"The Kingdom of God is among/within YOU."  Luke 17:21  It is not "out there", but in our midst as we gather.  And the "you" is plural.  The Kingdom is lived in community.  It is not about heaven, out there somewhere, but about living in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, here and now.  It is not about "me and Jesus", but about the body of Christ, gathered in His name and living His Good News of Agape and Grace in the world. 

We recognize God with one another.  We experience God in community.  The miracle of life after death is the miracle of the sharing of Good News even in the midst of death, of finding life in spite of death.  What is raised is our spiritual humanity as we gather with one another around the values of the Kingdom of God, taught, commanded and modeled by Jesus.  When we gather together as people who "hear His words and act on them." (Luke 7:46, 47)  We are His disciples when we collectively live His commands in the world.

As we walk the post-resurrection road, on our way to where we are led in life, it is in the intimate gathering, the sharing, the blessing and the Good News within community that we recognize Jesus.  If we are waiting for the trumpets and lights in the clouds, we are going to miss how Jesus is in our midst here and now.  The miracle, the epiphany, the theophany, the immanence of God is found in community as we live the Agape that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for His followers to live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.  THAT is how we recognize God.

Pastor Jamie

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Doubt - John 20:19-31

So, Thomas was not with them for the "blowing on" of the Holy Spirit. 
And when they saw Thomas, they did not tell him about the Holy Spirit being blown onto them.  They just said that they had seen the Lord. 
Was it bravado?  Was it the doubting of his fellow disciples?
Was he doubting that something he had never witnessed could take place like that?
Was doubting just the place from whence Thomas came, even always?

It was a lesson on believing without sensual proof.
How many times have you said, "I will believe it when I see it." or "I am from Missouri.  You are gonna have to show me?"
We all want proof.  The Pharisees and Elders wanted signs.
The crowds demanded wonders, even from the cross.
We want a supernatural God to show us the trick behind the magic.
We want our supernatural God to prove that God is supernatural.

Perhaps what we need to do is trust in what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us.
Perhaps we need to believe that His Good News is a better way to live in the world - God's Way for us.
Perhaps we need to come to believe that Jesus is alive within His body - community, and that the living of the Agape Love that Jesus commanded IS the miracle and produces well-being in the lives of people because of the miracle of whole communities living it.
Perhaps we need to believe that God wants US to be the miracle... to ACT in Agape Love - not a feeling love, but a COMMITTED ACTION on behalf of others, even stranger and enemy.
Perhaps we need to see that God acts through our hearts, minds, mouths, hands and feet - proof that God loves all those around us.
Perhaps WE need to BE the proof of Jesus' presence, power and love.
Doesn't that come dangerously close to "testing God" to see if God really exists and loves and will be there for us?

Do we need proof of a risen Lord in order for us to believe in Jesus' Good News?  (Mark 1:15)
Do we need proof of the empty tomb, the shroud, the literalistic word, the weight of historical belief or supernatural activity in order to actively commit on behalf of others, even strangers and enemies, knowing that Jesus commanded us to do so?
Do we need PROOF that the world will be a better place if we do?
Do we need PROOF of our reward in heaven in order to live it?

Blessed are those who have not seen proof and still believe.
Blessed are those who believe in Jesus' Good News and live it, without looking for rewards, just because it is the right thing to do and because Jesus commanded us to do it.
If we live Agape, we may have life in His name, because we have blessed other lives in His name, which is what He commanded us to do.

What proof would make you obedient to what Jesus had already taught, commanded and modeled for His followers to live?
None?  Then what are you waiting for?
Live the Agape Jesus taught, commanded and modeled.  That is living the faith out of belief in Him.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, April 9, 2017

being raised to newness of life... Matthew 28:1-10

Matthew's Gospel has the women less fearful than the guards when the angel appeared to roll away the stone.  The message was specifically given "for you (plural, the women)."  They (the women) would see Him in Galilea.  As they were going to tell the disciples, Jesus appeared to them (the women).  They fell at His feet in a great reunion of love and worship.  Then they were instructed to go and tell the disciples, hiding together in fear, that Jesus would meet them in Galilea.  Jesus loved these women.  God loves these women.  Jesus chose to appear to them and to make them the first witnesses of His resurrection.  Even in the First Century, hardly a time of lifting up the value and power of women, Matthew's Gospel has much of this resurrection announcement given just for them.  There is no reaction by the disciples offered in Matthew, or even mention of them meeting with Jesus until they were directed by the women who had seen Jesus, as to which mountain they must go for the great commission.  God loves those who are rendered powerless in any society, and lifts them up, honors them with God's presence and messages of hope in new life.

Matthew's Gospel also deals with the forces of worldly empire.  The Temple Cult leaders, in collusion with Rome, had to cover up that Jesus was raised from the tomb.  It was one thing to have a dead martyr who opposed them in their corrupt collusive power, in the memory of the people of God.  It was quite another thing to have a risen Lord and sign of the power of the Kingdom of God behind one who opposed them in their corrupt, collusive power.  It was logical.  Make the soldiers fall on their swords.  They are sworn to defend empire.  The Temple Cult leaders, adept at stirring up crowds and spinning current events to their benefit, even twisting the Word of God for their own purposes, knew what to do.  To be clear, it was Rome that executed Jesus.  They had the power and used their favorite method of execution with Him.  But the Temple Cult leaders were in collusion with them, as was King Herod, and His death was the result that they all wanted, but certainly His resurrection and accounts of it were not at all pleasing to them.  Whatever would happen next, the one who claimed to be the Son of God could never be perceived as being that.  They could not let that happen.  Worldly empire stands because people believe it is the only real power and that its wealth is the only real wealth.  Without that illusion intact it would be clear that "the emperor is wearing no clothes."  They had to discredit any witnesses to the power of God in a corrupt world.  Some Christians have done the same by making the resurrection solely a "spiritual warfare" reality, and not one about how we live in this part of God's Kingdom out of new hope in new life.

This resurrection thing is about new hope in the midst of hopelessness.  Their circumstance did not change politically or economically after Jesus' resurrection, but they were now equipped with a blueprint for resistance to the practices associated with empire.  They were now equipped with the knowledge of God's presence, power and love to sustain them in the fight to live Kingdom of God values.  What was new was the Good News in the midst of the horrible world around them.  What was new was the promise of new life when it all turned to shit.  The Temple and holy city would be destroyed (again) in a few years after the first public reading of this Gospel.  The violent, zealot way would not deliver them.  But in their collective memory, they held onto the teachings, commands and examples of Jesus on how to live Kingdom of God values within worldly empire.  Their circumstance had not changed, but their hearts, minds and spirits were affected powerfully by Emmanuel.  They were changed within the circumstances, to respond differently.

It is about new life and new beginnings that start out of destruction of the old way and old life.  We are baptized into Christ Jesus' death.  We die to sin and are raised to newness of life.  To whom do we belong, then?  Empire?  The values of empire?  The practices of empire?  Or do we belong to God in the midst of empire?  Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, one is forced with either...or choices on values.  This new life in Jesus is no exception.  Will we be followers of Jesus, who died and thus took our sin to its death, and was raised so that we could have new life?  Will we follow those who still have worldly power and wealth, and hold onto those values as the only "real" things on which to depend?  Will we live those values as the way to be in the world?   Will we try to straddle both realities and live the duplicitous life of the Temple Cult leaders who give lip service to God but devotion to Empire?  We must choose.  We must decide whose way we will follow - the risen Lord who brings life out of death and reconciliation with God out of alienation, or the empire that destroys the lives of the many for the sake of a very few elites, and thus puts us at odds with God.  It is clear in Matthew that we have to make a choice.  The choice in Matthew is clear.  To follow Jesus, we must turn our backs on empire and all its values and practices, and live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as Kingdom of God values.

We in the United States ARE Empire.  If that was not clear to you before this time, it must be becoming abundantly clear now.  Since 1981, the forces of Empire with its values of wealth, power and position have become more and more normalized as our true American values.  Even the leaders who profess to be "liberal" or "justice oriented" or "progressive", and who claim to love Democracy, Equality and Equitable treatment for all, have been at best promoters of empire, American Civil Religion instead of Christianity, American "exceptionalism", American corporate imperialism and an inherent right as a nation to exploit, coerce, manipulate and dominate other peoples in the world as we marginalize, exploit, discriminate against and hold many of our own people down, back and out for the sake of the elites in our society.  Our citizens do not want to change a system that does those things to other citizens, but instead hope to be among the elites who benefit from them at the expense of others around them.  Our churches are in collusion with this Empire, and offer Prosperity Theology, personal salvation theology and church growth practices in the place of the Gospel of Jesus, spiritualizing everything in the Word to the point of irrelevance to life in these here United States. 

A person hearing Matthew's Gospel read to them in the First Century knew exactly how it spoke to them, to Empire, to collusion with Empire and to how Kingdom of God values fly in the face of the values of empire.  We do not see it, because we have been under the yoke of the corrupt American Temple Cult leaders for far too long.  We believe that Caesar is "Son of God" because Caesar exhibits power that we believe only God could have given.  We believe that wealth, power and position are the only values that truly matter in the world today.  We believe that if we are wealthy it is because we are being blessed by God or have "pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps" or are "self made", and that if we are poor it is because we just do not measure up in faith or the God-given characteristics that make us blessed by God.  We refuse to see that the few have most and the many have little, not because God has not provided equally, but because it has been distributed unequally to benefit those who ruthlessly live worldly empire values.  We refuse to see that our hatreds for others around us have been manufactured by the elites so that we can be easily manipulated to keep them rolling in power and wealth, and that our hatreds are not of God, but the product of the twisting of the Word of God by the American Temple cult leaders.  We also refuse to see that the Good News of Jesus calls us to resist those values and resist living them, and calls us to live Kingdom of God values and spread them like leaven so that the nation is changed. 

The Good News of Jesus calls us to new hope in the midst of our current hopelessness.  It calls us to live Kingdom of God values and put them in the face of the worldly empire values that 'murika is known for today.  It is about new life and new beginnings that start with the death of the old ways that have dominated us since 1981.  It is about being baptized into death and resurrection as our hope, of choosing Jesus' Way in the face of the American Worldly Empire way.  It is about reconciliation with God because we have been reconciled with one another in Agape Love.  It is about turning around (repenting) in our minds so that our direction changes.  It is about leaving the things that lead to death and destruction and embracing the things that lead to life, here and now.  It is about loving God and loving Neighbor.  It is about dying to the sin of living worldly empire values (The American Empire Way), and being raised to newness of life (Jesus' Kingdom of God Way).

Will you be raised?  Into what will you be raised?  Matthew's Gospel presents us with a choice.
Choose wisely in faith and how you live it.  Die to sin.  Be raised to new life.  Alleluia!

Pastor Jamie

Saturday, April 8, 2017

If we want Peace...

If we want peace (shalom- well-being, completeness, wholeness), we must be people of peace.
It must come from within - a desire that there be, not just a lack of outright conflict, but rather completeness, wholeness and well-being for all humanity.
It means letting go of any US vs. THEM mentality and embracing our common humanity.
It means letting go of our bigotry over race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, faith practice, sexuality or any other difference, and seeing our common humanity.
It means letting go of our greed - that immoral sickness within that drives us to always want more than what we need, so that we are willing to render others with less of what they need in order for us to have more, creating class warfare between "haves" and "have-nots" in the world.
It means letting go of our desire for prestige, position and status - the sick need to be recognized as being "more than" someone/anyone else, "above" others in class and "elite", and seeing our common humanity and need to identify with others of all walks of life, regardless of differences.
It means letting go of our lust for power - another immoral sickness that drives us to want control over others for our own gain, or force others to comply to our way of being, rather than self-control over our own, sick spirits - that which makes us accumulate weapons so that we can run roughshod over others, whether interpersonally, intra-nationally or internationally.

If we want Peace (shalom), we must "pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building." (Romans 14:19)  We must demand justice for all, equality for all, equal opportunity for all, equitable treatment for all, respect for all, acceptance of all and enough for all.

If we want Peace (shalom) in the world around us, we must live Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, unconditionally, and even to some level of self-sacrifice).  This commanded love of Jesus drives us to actively commit on behalf of other, even stranger and enemy (Luke 10:35-37).  It means that we no more want to see harm or lack come to our neighbor than we want that for ourselves.  It means doing to others as we would have them do to us. (Luke 6:31) It means recognizing that as we work to make sure our neighbor has enough in this part of God's Kingdom, we are serving God. (Matthew 25:31-46)

If we want Peace, we must live Agape.

As a nation, as church, as community, as family and as individuals - all citizens who live in this part of God's Kingdom - if we want Peace we must live Agape.

If you are praying for PEACE in the world, your prayer is only completed in Action in the world around you, Words - both spoken and written, Choices in the marketplace and in the voting booth - for that is where Agape is lived.

Pastor Jamie

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Holy Week Challenge

Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 9 with the Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday.
I have a challenge for anyone interested in a different spiritual exercise from the usual.  It will take a little self-sacrifice, perhaps self-denial and humbling of self.  I pledge to do it with you, though I have done it many times.

After going to a Lutheran church since I was 10, knowing that I was called to ministry when I was 13, going to college and Seminary for 9 years in the study of Theology, and after 9 years of ministry in the Lutheran Church, I finally focused on what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for His followers to live in the world, as we have that in the Gospels.  It changed my thinking and direction in life and ministry.  It opened me up to Kingdom of God values and a more holistic love for God with my whole heart, MIND, soul and strength.  For 22 years, I have spoken, written and lived according to my new found understanding.  I would like to open to you that path, if you would like to consider it.  So...

During Holy Week...
   Turn off the TV and Radio for four evenings and perhaps five before Easter/Resurrection Sunday.
   Each evening read ONE of the Gospels...
      Monday - Mark, written first
      Tuesday - Matthew
      Wednesday - Luke
      Thursday - Acts (2nd half of Luke, by the same author)
      Friday - John (if you like, keeping in mind that John is a VERY different kind of document)

This time, when you read these Gospels... (I recommend the New Revised Standard Version Bible)
   Focus on the words of Jesus - highlight or underline them, if you wish
      What Jesus taught - words of enlightenment about the Kingdom, like parables and statements
      What Jesus commanded - Imperative statements "Do this..."  "Don't... "
      What Jesus showed in how to live with one another in this part of God's Kingdom,
          as they exemplify what Jesus taught and commanded in His words
      Especially focus on what Jesus says about LOVE
      Suspend what you have been taught or heard
      Separate this from any ideas around American Civil Religion, Prosperity, Church Growth
      Purely take in what Jesus says, considering that
          JESUS is our authority on Kingdom of God values... Savior, Lord, fulfiller of Law and
                  Prophets, Judge, Rabbi, Son of God and Son of Man
      * with ACTS - consider it as an account of how Jesus' followers lived what Jesus
                  taught, commanded and modeled for how to live in this part of God's Kingdom
                  and consider what impact it is reported to have had when they lived it

It will take 2 or 3 hours per evening... a Good Lenten Discipline during Holy Week
     They were meant to be read or performed in one sitting, aloud... please feel free to do so...
     Even gather family, spouse, friend(s) or others together for the reading
          If you do it with others, take turns reading, if you wish... give pad and pens for notes
               to discuss AFTER it has all been read that evening...
Warning: this could radically change how you understand Jesus (in the Gospel accounts),
                how you look at your faith and how you live your faith...

If you do this, let me know how it went.

Pastor Jamie

Monday, April 3, 2017

Radical Community - Community Devotion April 2, 2017


During perhaps the best reign of any King in the Old Country, there was maybe 40 years of peace and prosperity among the people of God, though some corruption of wealth and power had made even their best years difficult for the poor and most vulnerable in the land, while the King and others enjoyed the peace and prosperity.

Then came the teacher, who taught a different way – the Way of Agape Love – to be discussed next month… and people started learning that in spite of the empire values that the occupying and oppressive force had forced upon them, they could live out of love with one another… even under the yoke of the oppressors, they did not have to take on their values, but could resist by not participating in their way of living.  They learned a different way, a better way to be with one another in the world – The Teacher’s Way.

And after the Teacher was executed and it was told that He was raised, His student followers started living what the Teacher taught on how to live the Way of Agape Love – to be discussed next month… and the world around them was changed by it… and people came to be a part of the a Radical Community that lived it… and it was from around the Year 60 until about the Year 325 (265 years) that His Way was lived among people in the community… even though the Empire threatened and indeed, even cruelly persecuted and killed many of the them for living it… they lived it and it changed the world… the people were of ONE HEART AND SOUL… they were, indeed, a Radical Community based on the Agape Love taught, commanded and modeled by the Teacher…

 Accounts say that they virtually eliminated poverty by practicing RADICAL OWNERSHIP… so that as any had in abundance they gave to those who did not and “there was not a needy one among them”… Acts 4:32-35

 They made themselves Radically Available to the sick and many were healed… 5:12-16

They practiced Radical Inclusion, even to those who were once excluded by the Law to gather in the assembly because they were sexually different, whether by birth or by choice… 8:26-40

Many accounts say that they included people who did not come from their faith practice, even some considered pigs and dogs who were enemies and rivals, but they were welcomed in this community because their common bond was Agape Love, and that was all that mattered… 10:9-48

They also Radically Included foreigners into the Leadership, though they had not shared the same background of ethnicity or faith, and some of them gave their lives for their living of Agape Love… 6:1-7; 7:54-60

And some who once persecuted them, zealous about their own extreme faiths, experienced a Radical Transformation by this Way of Agape Love and joined them … 9:1-22

And some in the community did not trust them joining the movement, but others practiced Radical Advocacy on their behalf… they stood up for them and demanded that they be accepted by the body… 9:26-31

And their practice of Agape Love led them to practice Radical Generosity and Sharing, even with strangers far away, who were struggling to survive… 11:27-29

Those who were oppressed or exploited by others, even threatened with death were set free, to experience Radical Liberation… 16:16-24, 27

For 265 years this was experienced in the land occupied and oppressed by the Empire, until the Empire usurped the faith behind it and made it their own… it was then, incidentally, that the focus of Agape Love was largely lost for a focus on the institution, instead of living love with the people…

But there are still some who claim that Love Today as a better Way to live in the world…

 There was another time, many years later… the Year 640 to about 969 (319 years), when in that same land, the city flourished and there was some discrimination, but the people of the Prophet allowed people of other faiths to practice their faiths openly… there was peace and prosperity in the land, unity and mutual love and uplifting of people with one another…

Radical Community CAN happen.  It HAS happened!  People can come together in one heart and soul and actively commit on behalf of one another in love, so that there is Radical Community in which Radical Ownership, Generosity and Sharing, Radical Availability for healing and wholeness, Radical Inclusion of all regardless of differences, Radical Transformation, Radical Advocacy and even Radical Liberation!  It CAN happen!  It HAS happened! 

All it takes is an active commitment on behalf of one another, of ALL in the community, knowing that if ANY do not have wholeness, completeness and well-being… SHALOM… NONE truly have it… understanding that if ANY is in need, we are ALL lacking well-being… and seeing that ALL belong because we are better for our diversity and stronger for our unity… All it takes is people committing to be of ONE HEART AND SOUL… here, now… and WE can have Radical Community!






Sunday, April 2, 2017

The triumph toward the Cross... Matthew 21:1-11

It had been building up to this for a long time.  Jesus had told His disciples numerous times about what must happen, and now, after He had set His face toward Jerusalem, He was here to fulfill the mission - redemption in Grace.

He had earlier raised an army in the face of the Romans and fed them (5,000 men - 14:13-21), but had  not handed out weapons, instead arming them with teachings on the values of the Kingdom of God in the face of worldly empire values.

Now, Jesus would face down Rome again.  Before cleansing the Temple and confronting the Temple Cult leaders who were in collusion with Herod and Rome, and who corruptly misused God's Word for their own gain, Jesus would mock Rome and its values right before their eyes, and give them a glimpse of real power.

He must have looked ridiculous, sitting on the donkey and/or colt.  Romans would come, marching in with their cohort of 5500 men, organized and lined up, marching in step, behind a commander who was riding on a mighty steed, with weapons drawn, pointing skyward.  It was a show of force and dominant power.  Even their version of Peace, the Pax Romana, was uneasy and false because it was built on coercion by force.  No one dared to question or challenge Rome.  They showed their might at every opportunity.

Jesus, Son of God, Messiah and Son of Man, chose a humble, even humiliating spectacle for His triumphal march into the city.  His baffled disciples wandering in with Him, He was perched on this tiny animal.  The army did not follow them into the city.  His army was all around them.  And instead of swords and spears, it was tree branches that were waved.  And instead of well known, appropriate shouts that were uttered in fear and contempt, the crowds shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!"  "Save us" is what Hosanna means.  It is not a shout of praise, but a plea, given here in joyful expectation.  They were at the same time praising Jesus and asking Him to deliver them from occupation and oppression.  They also shouted blessings on Jesus the prophet, the Messiah for His deliverance, though they did not know exactly what that would look like.

It was a heart-felt celebration and moment of anticipation.  It must have been ridiculously glorious and humiliatingly impressive!  A parody on Rome in their face.  Putting the ridiculousness of worldly empire values in its place by demonstrating real power in Kingdom of God values. 

And the people crowded into the holy city for their celebration of Pesach knew exactly what it meant, they thought.  God was finally facing down with Rome.  Herod and the Temple Cult leaders were finally going to get what they deserved for their collusion with Rome.  At the Passover, the time of celebrating their Liberation from Egypt as slaves, they would now see God's deliverance of them from Rome's tyranny.  It would be historic.  It would mean a restoration of the nation and the Temple.  Many in that crowd expected perhaps a return of the nine plagues or smoke and fire, perhaps drowning soldiers and certainly the wailing of their enemies. 

What they got was Jesus, come to be the Pesach Lamb.  What they got was the sacrifice necessary for their deliverance from despair and hopelessness.  What they got was the one whose blood would be shed and body would be broken for their deliverance from their bondage.  Jesus, the Pesach Lamb, had arrived.  The power of the Kingdom of God is not an external thing, like soldiers marching to be seen by the people, but an internal thing that moves people to respond in love and joy.  It is not a fearful thing that uses coercion to demand compliance, thus producing contempt, but the power to move hearts and minds to respond out of genuine love and be transformed within.  God's power lifts people up over power, neighbors and strangers and enemies above profit, and liberation over oppression.  God's power stands in the face of empire and scoffs at its idea of power.  God's power arises from within and allows even an occupied and oppressed people to resist tyranny with dignity and in hope.  It produces joy, even the face of the misery produced by worldly empire values.  God's power delivers because it emanates from God's love.  God transforms lives by giving Hope.

Jesus had come to go to the Cross.  His lynching would be the culmination of God's work through Him to deliver people from utter despair.  It would become the most talked about execution in the history of the world.  The meaning of His death would mean redemption from sin and the promise of life, even in death.  The Pesach Lamb was offered and the liberation of hearts, souls and minds had begun. 

So, to the Cross.

Pastor Jamie