If we want peace (shalom- well-being, completeness, wholeness), we must be people of peace.
It must come from within - a desire that there be, not just a lack of outright conflict, but rather completeness, wholeness and well-being for all humanity.
It means letting go of any US vs. THEM mentality and embracing our common humanity.
It means letting go of our bigotry over race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, faith practice, sexuality or any other difference, and seeing our common humanity.
It means letting go of our greed - that immoral sickness within that drives us to always want more than what we need, so that we are willing to render others with less of what they need in order for us to have more, creating class warfare between "haves" and "have-nots" in the world.
It means letting go of our desire for prestige, position and status - the sick need to be recognized as being "more than" someone/anyone else, "above" others in class and "elite", and seeing our common humanity and need to identify with others of all walks of life, regardless of differences.
It means letting go of our lust for power - another immoral sickness that drives us to want control over others for our own gain, or force others to comply to our way of being, rather than self-control over our own, sick spirits - that which makes us accumulate weapons so that we can run roughshod over others, whether interpersonally, intra-nationally or internationally.
If we want Peace (shalom), we must "pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building." (Romans 14:19) We must demand justice for all, equality for all, equal opportunity for all, equitable treatment for all, respect for all, acceptance of all and enough for all.
If we want Peace (shalom) in the world around us, we must live Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, unconditionally, and even to some level of self-sacrifice). This commanded love of Jesus drives us to actively commit on behalf of other, even stranger and enemy (Luke 10:35-37). It means that we no more want to see harm or lack come to our neighbor than we want that for ourselves. It means doing to others as we would have them do to us. (Luke 6:31) It means recognizing that as we work to make sure our neighbor has enough in this part of God's Kingdom, we are serving God. (Matthew 25:31-46)
If we want Peace, we must live Agape.
As a nation, as church, as community, as family and as individuals - all citizens who live in this part of God's Kingdom - if we want Peace we must live Agape.
If you are praying for PEACE in the world, your prayer is only completed in Action in the world around you, Words - both spoken and written, Choices in the marketplace and in the voting booth - for that is where Agape is lived.
Pastor Jamie
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