It's election time again...
... the negative ads...
... the innuendoes and lies...
... the empty promises...
... the clean-cut, American kid look that hides bigotry, fear, hatred, greed, selfish ambition...
... the hidden funds and sources of the funds...
... the back room deals...
... re-districting for those with power and wealth already to keep it...
... voter "fraud" efforts to keep some of "those people" from exercising their right to vote...
... schemes for election day exclusion, miscounting, losing of ballots (mostly in Florida)...
... presenting bills that the other party would be foolish to kill before an election, with unrelated "riders"
aimed at benefits toward the wealthy and powerful, or to take away someone's rights...
... the killing of legislation that could really help hurting people, just to make the other party look bad...
... the fear-based messages of doom and gloom if he/she gets elected/re-elected...
... the creative use of statistics...
... the claiming to know what "the American people" want...
... the divisiveness and we/they dichotomy building...
... the looking good/avoiding looking bad...
I detest politics, or at least what our American system of politics has become... there is no truth,
honor or integrity in it...
It is all about GETTING INTO A POSITION... not necessarily DOING THE RIGHT THING
And once a person gets into office, it is all about KEEPING IT...
Compromising on principles is the name of the game...
Who can we hurt and we get away with it? The poor and vulnerable? Always!
Blame the others for the problems, regardless of their origins with the previous leaders...
Blame the opposition, who I secretly love because I always have someone to blame...
Two parties? Like different stripes on the same zebra... representing the wealthy, and MAYBE
a few of the upper, middle-class... the ones whose power and wealth we can benefit from...
No Agape Love in it. No unconditional, active commitment to the poor, most vulnerable...
No Community in it. Divide and conquer keeps people from looking at the REAL problems...
It keeps the wealthy and powerful in control as those with little blame those with less... as people who
have had the privilege of living here want to blame those who want only the same... as those who
have had marriage for generations (and did a MARVELOUS job with the institution) deprive those
who WANT a loving, committed relationship to be recognized by the community and supported by
No Truth in it. No integrity in it. No honor in it. No Agape Love.
Even those who start off with integrity, honor, sincerity and love for humanity COMPROMISE IT
I will vote. It is a necessary thing. A lesser of evils thing.
I will vote for the one who most exhibits the teachings and example of Jesus... and especially the
AGAPE LOVE He exemplified and commanded! (or the one who least epitomizes the opposite of
what He taught and lived)
I will vote because they haven't taken away that right... YET...
"Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss..." - the poor, people of color, minorities, vulnerable
still struggle, either way...
Let the games begin...
Wow, a whole year of my life tied into this again, probably with the same results...
Please vote. And when you do, "Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF" (Matthew 22), and "look not only to your own interests, but to the interests of others." (Philippians 2)
Pastor Jamie
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