Sunday, August 21, 2022

Invited and Inviting...


Luke 14:1, 7-14   Pentecost XII

 In a world based on having more wealth than others, having more power over others and having more status above others, a message on humility can seem absurd.

 Rome, and empire in general, was/is built on greed, lust for power and desire for status.  A false sense of superiority helps to justify those who believe that they are entitled to more than anyone else, to control others’ lives and even to hate those not like oneself.  The expectation of entitlement above others is just par for the course under empire.

 So, Jesus, in the house of a Pharisee, on the Sabbath, to have a meal, Jesus was watched closely, and Jesus watched those in the house closely.  Kingdom met Sabbath at table, and you can imagine that a lesson about the Kingdom of God would be the natural outcome.  It is a lesson for US.

 Recognition for status was expected.  People were vying for attention and recognition.  So, sitting in a place of honor might give others the impression that one had the status by which to do so.  It meant nothing to Jesus.  He talked of the danger of being exposed for having less status than one believed he/she/they had.  It is always a danger that one might be exposed for being a poser when one assumes a position of status.  Status is such a fleeting, fickle thing that can be lost in an instant based on political wind, social faux pa or someone else’s preferred presence, so it is dangerous to pose in a place of status.

 “All who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”  It is not out of low self-esteem that one should take a humble stance, any more than it is out of high self-esteem that one should take a more prominent one.  It is wise.  It is honest.  It is humble, and in the Kingdom of God there is value for humility.  Those who willingly humble themselves for the sake of others to be recognized are lifted up.  As Jesus humbled Himself to be born in our existence and live it, to offer Himself in service to humanity and eventually to die for us, so we are to humble ourselves with one another, regardless of worthiness.  We reflect God’s Kingdom values in how we live in this part of God’s Kingdom, here and now.

 God demands that we treat all of God’s children with equal value, selflessly.

 Likewise, a lesson for the one throwing the banquet for folk seeking higher status than one another was in order.  It is best in agaph to invite those who cannot pay one back or offer quid pro quo, a strong value of empire.  Indeed, it is best to invite those who have nothing to give in return.  For living agaph means committed action on behalf of the most vulnerable, so inviting them to feast is a foretaste of the feast to come, in which God even invites lowly humans to table with God.  As God does, so we are to do in this part of the Kingdom, here and now.  As God elevates to worthiness, so are we to treat others as worthy.  As God invites us, those unworthy to sit with God, so we are to invite those we deem “unworthy” to sit with us.  It is reflective of God and thus God’s Kingdom.

 God demands that we use our resources to provide for those most in need among God’s children, selflessly.

 Are we people of empire, or people of the Kingdom?

Do we follow Jesus?  Then, we must go where Jesus went.  We must humble ourselves.  We must serve humanity.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

All Love is not Equal


Luke 13:10-17   Pentecost XI

 Jesus was in a synagogue, teaching on the sabbath. He dropped what He was doing to proclaim her free from her ailment.  Kind words.  No one objected to His kind words.

Then He acted, laying hands on her, and healed her.  Committed action. Some opposed His committed action on behalf of a vulnerable, disenfranchised woman.  The leader of the synagogue was not amused and rebuked Him for breaking sabbath law.

Jesus pointed out that when it served them, they also worked on the sabbath, but they lacked compassion for another child of Abraham.  He put His opponents in their place on her behalf, and on behalf of everyone else who might ever be in the same plight.

The crowd rejoiced in Jesus’ WONDERFUL ACTION in love.

 The compassion of Jesus in speaking to a woman and taking time for her on the Sabbath was Phileos.

The committed action on her behalf was Agape.

The rebuke of His opponents was also Agape, advocating on behalf of others who had been victimized by those who would apply the Law for others differently than they would for themselves.

 Phileos is wonderful.  It is full of feelings that make us feel warm and fuzzy, that we belong and are loved.  Phileos is kind words, compassion and empathy with others.  Phileos is making others feel good about their encounter with us, and about themselves.  Phileos is a great love.

 Agape is more difficult, for it is not about feelings but ACTION – committed action on behalf of the other.  Agape is harder because it is not about feeling good, but rather about DOING GOOD.  Agape is about advocacy on behalf of the other, even stranger, enemy and especially the most vulnerable among us.  It does not necessarily mean that the one actively committing feels good – that is not even a consideration.  It is ALL about the recipient needing and the faithful one acting to restore them to completeness, wholeness and well-being (Shalom) in their lives, even when it means sacrifice for the one acting, when there is a consequence to the action.

Phileos is a great love.  It has its place.

Agape is the PERFECT LOVE of which Jesus spoke (Matthew 5:43-48 and 19:21) and John wrote (I John 4:18).  It is the sacrifice of ourselves for the sake of the other about which Paul wrote (Romans 12:2).

 Eros is our favorite – romantic love is wonderful love and full of feelings.  It is used 0 times in the NT.

Philanthropia is amazing love – generous, magnanimous love for humanity leads to charity, and it appears 6 times in the NT.

Phileos is a wonderful feeling, kinship, belonging, comradery kind of love

Agape is the perfect love commanded and taught by Jesus, modeled by Him in how to live with one another.  It appears 115 times in the NT.

 Agape is the Love at the center of the Good News of Jesus.  It is at the center of what it means to follow Jesus.  Jesus said that if we are His disciples, we will be known by our living of this (John 13:31-35).  It is this Love that transforms the world, because it is unconditional.  It is meant for EVERYONE to receive, so that none go without what they need!  It is meant for us to LIVE in the world around us.

 Thoughts and prayers are wonderful, they make us feel great, both as prayers and objects of others’ prayers.  Kind words can make us all feel wonderful inside.

Agape Love changes the world because it is active commitment/committed action, not based on feelings at all, but rather on NEED – the need of the recipient of our action on their behalf and the need of us to live it with others around us as followers of Jesus.  THIS is the love commanded by Jesus – it is harder to live, but it is what will change the world.  This is the love that will most be opposed by people of the world… because it is not about a payback – there is no quid pro quo.  And because it means a change in how we see others – especially strangers and enemies and the Most vulnerable.  It takes a commitment to God and Neighbor to live Agape Love.  It may mean consequences and almost always means sacrifice on their behalf.  It means advocacy on behalf of others in the world – Standing up to those who would hold them down, back or out – those who would exploit, or ignore, marginalize, disenfranchise those in need.  That is a very unpopular notion.  But the outcome is SHALOM for ALL PEOPLE.

Jesus offered Phileos in receiving the woman and sharing kind words.

Jesus changed her whole life through His example of AGAPE LOVE on her behalf, AND in standing up to those who would oppose her empowerment to well-being.

We can and should offer thoughts and prayers, kindness and a warm reception of others. Phileos is good.  It may make someone’s day, give them a warm feeling and even make their life better for a time.

We MUST live the Agape Love that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled, if we are to follow Jesus.  For THAT will change the world, and THAT is the mission of all who follow Jesus.


Sunday, August 7, 2022


 Luke 12:49-56   Pentecost 10

 The Old Testament Lesson from Jeremiah 23 is all about false prophets in Israel during the time of the Babylonian conquest.  Jesus talks about divisions.

He said he came to bring fire – judgment and purification.

He said that he had a baptism with which to be baptized – His dying – which He would hasten.

He said that He came to bring division instead of Peace

   Wait.  What?

   Yes, He said it, according to Luke.

 It is a literary technique.    Hyperbole of purpose.

He did not come to bring division instead of Peace, this Prince of Peace.

   He came to bring the truth – as the prophets did long ago.

   He came to bring God’s Will to bear on earth as in heaven.

   He came to bring in Kingdom values in the face of the worldly ones of empire.

   He came to bring Good News to the most downtrodden, vulnerable in society hurt by empire.

He KNEW it would mean division.

He KNEW IT from history, from human nature and from logic.

   Many people did not want to hear the truth of God.

   Their ears itched for hearing what they wanted to hear.

   Their minds were fixed on the things of empire.

   Their hearts were far from God and God’s Way for them.

   They blew with every wind of doctrine that sounded good to them.

        Like Prosperity Theology, Personal Salvation Theology, Church Growth Theology…

        Like that Christians are OK to hate, if it’s the right people.

        Like the precepts, protocols and doctrines of humans outweigh the teachings of Jesus in the Word.

        Like our, particular way of doing things is what this is all about,

           Or building up the institution

           Or pleasing people

                Rather than being faithful to God’s Will and being a movement of love in order to change the world.

   Their hearts and minds were far from God.

Jesus KNEW that sharing His Good News would not be popular with many…

      The traditionalists, the empire elites, those in power and with wealth…

      Jesus KNEW that it would divide the people

          And it still does!

The False Teachers are so slick, so smooth, so well-rehearsed and polished…

     That people have bought their false teachings and prophecies, hook line and sinker

     Like during the time of Jeremiah with Hananiah the false prophet, among others

         God’s Word was not a popular one, so the sheep, I mean people, elected what was comfortable to them

             Instead of the TRUTH of God.

And so it would be and still is the with Gospel of Jesus

    The message of Agape Love instead of wealth, power, status and hatred is a hard sell.

        We like to think we can be good with God and get wealthy at the expense of others.

        We like to believe that we can gain power in order to exploit others and hold them down

        We like to adopt a false belief that we are somehow superior to “those people”, whoever they are

        We like the idea that we can hate, if it is the right people, believing that God hates them too.

But that meddling Jesus and His Good News will not allow it, any of it.

   So, we come up with our own interpretations, our own false teachers, our own embedded theologies

        And we silence or eliminate anyone who dares to challenge them,

        All while claiming to be faithful to Jesus.

And there is, quite naturally, division.

Denominations, ideologies, parties, factions, dissent… all of it is true.  Inside the church and outside it.

Jesus knew what it would bring.

But it is the truth of God.

Sisters and brothers, we cannot follow Jesus AND the ways of Empire that divide, bring to despair, destroy.

    Jesus’ Way is the Way of Agape Love for ALL and Shalom for ALL.

It was and IS time to CHOOSE – the false teachings or the Way of Jesus.

    The false way leads us to comfort, false superiority, false security and a lot of worldly benefits.

   Jesus’ way leads to, to self-sacrifice, to lessening self for the sake of other, even to the Cross.

    But it leads us to Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

 As Jesus also said, you see the signs coming, don’t you?

You see the dark skies and the scorching heat, right?

You see a storm brewing in the country and the world, right?

   There ARE divisions, because Jesus has dared to share the Truth in the face of the Lies.

So, the comfortable lies of empire or the uncomfortable truth of God?

Which will you choose?

Monday, August 1, 2022


 Luke 12:32-40 Pentecost IX

It gives God pleasure to give us the Kin-dom.

What we treasure is in our hearts.  Like last week's lesson, we hear that it should not be wealth that we treasure but sharing with those in community who need well-being in their lives.  Treasuring people and the relationships we have with them toward their well-being is heavenly treasure.  

And like the Rich Fool who did not know when his life would be required, so it is with Jesus' coming.  We do not know the day or hour, and should be prepared at all times, ready to go and watching for Jesus to come to us.

God loves to include us in the Kin-dom.  We exclude ourselves when we live values other than those of God's Kin-dom.  We must be aware of what is in our hearts.  We must treasure the things that God treasures.  God treasures the creation and humanity.  We must treasure the creation and humanity.  God treasures justice and peace, love and joy, and God treasures Shalom for all.  We exclude ourselves from participation in the Kin-dom here and now, when we do not treasure those things in our hearts and lift them up with our lives.  We evidently exclude ourselves from participation in the Kin-dom then, when we treasure the wrong things as well.  

God would love to include us in the Kin-dom now, and its mission to bring about Shalom (completeness, wholeness and well-being) for all creation.  God would love to include us in the Kin-dom then for having thus participated in the Kin-dom now.  

This is not something to put off until later.  It is not something to get around to in the future.  It is about what we treasure in our hearts, here and now, and what we are doing because we treasure it.  When we treasure more wealth, power and status for ourselves, we are treasuring the things of empire and not of God. When we treasure only our "salvation", then we are saying that saving others' lives from trauma, unmet needs, brokenness and despair are not what we treasure, but only ourselves.  That is the opposite of God's Will for Shalom for all people.  When we treasure only "saving souls" and we ignore the plight of those who struggle to survive in this part of God's Kin-dom, here and now, we are saying that we do not treasure what God treasures.  

We say that Jesus is coming to judge the living and the dead.  Jesus said that we should always be ready for that coming, because we do not know when it will take place.  I pray that for that day more earnestly on some days than on others, frankly.  

Where is your treasure?  Therein lies your heart.  Your heart that is meant to love God with all that you have and love your Neighbor as yourself.  Your heart that belongs to God and Neighbor.  Your heart that is full of light or darkness, love or apathy or hatred.  

We know where the treasure of empire is, and we know from Jesus' teachings, commands and examples where the treasure of the Kin-dom lies.  Where is your treasure and where is, therefore, your heart?  

The question is a "right here and now" question.  For we live in THIS PART of God's Kin-dom, here and now.

Ready or not, here Jesus comes.  He comes to you here and now, in this Gospel lesson, in the Holy Spirit's whispers and shouts, in the things that you see on TV and hear on the radio, in your mind and in your heart daily.  Jesus is speaking to you here and now.  Be ready to hear it, take it in and apply it to your life right here and now.  Don't put this off.  Are you listening?  Where is your treasure?  In that is your heart.  Is it in alignment with the Kin-dom of God, right here and now?  

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  Is it with God?  Is it with Neighbor?