Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In my experience, considering 25 years of ordination and ministry
in a denomination, as an independent pastor and in hospice...
there are a number of different "kinds" of church...

I have known MUSEUM CHURCHES that have as their central
concern to preserve the past traditions of their congregation and/
or denomination.  Like museums that display dead things, they lift
up their past and what they have done as if IT is the thing...

I have known SOCIAL CLUB churches that draw folks who love
to be with each other because they are homogenous, usually in race
and/or class, and who do ALL that they do to promote, promulgate and
preserve the club and club house, with little devotion, mention or
concern about the Lord of the church or those outside of it, as if IT is
the thing...

I have known MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATION churches that
exist  for exactly the reason they hear from the pulpit week after week,
to give their money to the church (pastor and other leaders) with the
promise that those who give "to God" will automatically get wealthy.
As in corporations, it is almost always only the Executives and a few
others that actually get wealthy in it.  God is used as a means to the end
of more mammon, and the peoples' only value to the preacher is that they
will be present for the sake of numbers present and money given, which is
to many just fine, as they want to anonymously attend to get their weekly
personal "spiritual credit" toward heaven, as if IT is the thing...

I have also known BODIES OF BELIEVERS who come together to
give their love and devotion to God, grow in God's Word, give them-
selves (time, abilities, possessions) to God by lovingly serving God's
children (their brothers and sisters) in the world around them with true
witnesses of faith and love, physical help as others have need, and
standing as advocates in empowerment with those who need that, as
if THAT is the thing... and it IS!

THE THING is not about money.  It is not about buildings.  It is not about
large numbers.  It is not about indoctrination to a particular theology, denomination,
preacher's doctrine or set of principles.  It is not about being "the right ones"
and proving it by making everyone different to be wrong.  It is not about meeting
with people "just like you."  It is not about "me and Jesus" only, and being
entertained personally, reassured personally and used personally.  It is about God in
community, community of believers with God and the community coming
together to share the love of God with each other in very real ways.

I suggest that you find a church community that is about THAT.  Consider it
in prayer.  Look for a church and pastor(s) that takes the teaching and example
of Jesus seriously as the vision for how church is called to be and what it is to
be in the world.

The church is a movement in faith and love, when it is in its fullest expression of
faithfulness.  I pray for you that you will find that.

Rev. Jamie Kaufman

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