Thursday, September 20, 2012

VOTING as a Believer

I have watched as people got duped into believing that politicians' faith informed their political actions in the past.  I have watched as people stormed off on a "moral" quest in elections.  I have watched as people have twisted the truth about a politician's religious beliefs in order to manipulate voters.  I have watched as people in power, both in church and politics, have claimed a division of church and state, while doing all they can to promote their particular religious agenda as they held others who did not share that down.  I have also watched as some have disassociated how they vote with their active faith, or with any concern for others around them.

When will people who claim to follow Jesus stop voting for those who would hurt the many whom Jesus loves and who Jesus commanded us to love (Agape Love = active commitment on behalf of the other)?

When will people who claim to follow Jesus vote consistent with what Jesus taught and exemplified, and NOT just for their own self interests (Philippians 2:1-11)?

When will people who claim to follow Jesus, follow Jesus in how they vote regarding the powerless, the poor and the most vulnerable (Matthew 25:31-46)?

When will people who claim to follow Jesus, apply their obedience to Jesus in the voting booth?

"This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me..."  Mark 7:6,7

"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do what I tell you?"  Luke 6:46

"As you do it (care for those in need, welcome the resident alien, care for the sick and imprisoned), you do it for me... when you refuse (them), you refuse me."  Matthew 25:31-46

GREED is IMMORAL.  ABUSES OF POWER are IMMORAL.  SELF PROMOTION at the expense of others, especially the most vulnerable, is IMMORAL.

I will vote for the candidate who most exemplifies what Jesus taught and exemplified as Kingdom Values in His teachings and example for living... and NOT LOOK only to my own interests in doing so... (Phil. 2:1-11)...

Live what Jesus TAUGHT and EXEMPLIFIED.  Vote accordingly.

Pastor Jamie

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this article. It is a blessing. So true and needed to be shared on the front page of newspapers and the highlight of the day on news channels and election coverage shows. I witness many not realising what they show to us who live beneath the poverty level and who are refused a seat at the table of justice see when they say they care but then make choices that show they really DONT.
