So, we have CLAIMED to want to help the middle class, and some have even CLAIMED to want to help the poor.
Yet, many who have claimed a concern for the poor and middle class support...
starting the trend of hiring part-time (1981) instead of full time, so that employers do not feel compelled to pay benefits for employees, also making people work 2 or 3 part time jobs just to survive...
breaking down organized labor that empowers workers, even creating "right to work" states that consistently mean lower wages and fewer benefits for workers, so that corporate heads can do what they want to with employees, having eliminated a balance of power
fighting every attempt to move to a living wage, or even raise the minimum wage so that people can make a living and even buy the goods companies are selling
going after a few who commit "welfare fraud" by eliminating that for the many, while ignoring the corporate welfare that cripples the nation
cutting the SNAP funds in the farm bill that help the most vulnerable with food, rather than make the wealthy (individuals and corporations) pay their fair share of taxes
letting the "job creators" lay off much of America, rather than take a little less profit for themselves, their execs and stockholders
de-regulating business that gouges citizens, while legislating the bedroom on many, but bailing out businesses that are "too big to fail", rather than let the laissez-faire (hands off) capitalism work in their cases, naturally
allowing companies to charge 20 cents more per gallon at the pump and 20% more at the supermarket in urban areas over suburban ones, where people are more likely not to have the alternative of shopping around, and where they can least afford the added cost
closing the schools in the inner-city, so that classrooms are more crowded and less controlled... perpetuating the stereotypes actively about urban (black and brown) youth, and making sure that they never have a LEVEL playing field in education and therefore employment and financial well-being...
Indeed - they love the poor so much that they are actively making MORE of them, and plunging those already in poverty into further depths of it... all for their own profit...
We NEED to stand together and fight the greed - THAT is the best thing possible for us to do in remembrance on this LABOR DAY...
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