Saturday, January 4, 2014


Me, mine and those just like me... or ... what is best for ALL of US?
Look out for number one... or ... see that I am my brother's/sister's keeper?
Profit over People... or ... People over Profit?
Grab for all the Gusto for self... or ... Make sure others have enough?
Less for them means more for me... or ... Less for them means I am lessened?
If I can, I should... or ... Is this the RIGHT thing to do?
I don't care how I got it for me... or ... is someone else suffering for my gain?
I got mine, let them get theirs... or ... what can I do to help like I was helped?
Might/Wealth makes right... or ... do the right thing for the right reason?
So what if others suffer, as long as I have MY rights... or ... how are my "rights" affecting others?
I should be entitled to this... or ... shouldn't all be entitled to this?
Why should I help someone else who doesn't have what I do... or ... why NOT me?
It's not my fault or responsibility... or ... what can I do to help?
Scapegoat others not like me for our problems... or ... how is it that I contribute to the problems?
Withhold what people need... or ... work to make sure all have what they need?
Give lip service to Jesus as Savior... or ... follow Jesus' teachings as our Lord?
Do whatever it takes to get what we want... or ... consider the needs and rights of others?
Destroy the creation for our own gain and convenience... or ... preserve the creation?
Waste our natural resources for our convenience... or ... conserve our natural resources?
Pollute the environment for profit or convenience... or ... use clean energy and live more simply?
Judge others who are not like us... or ... accept others for who they are?
Legislate others' lives out of self-righteous arrogance... or ... allow others to make their own choices?
Manipulate God's children with the Word for our own gain... or ... preach/teach Jesus' Good News?
Discriminate based on race, class, sexual-orientation, gender... or ... respect and uplift all, equally?
Keep some down so the rest of us can have more... or ... work to make it equal for ALL?
Contribute to the darkness out of fear... or ... be a part of the light out of Agape Love?
Let fear create hatred in our hearts... or ... stubbornly refuse to be afraid, hate or judge?

Jesus' values?  ... or ... The world's values?
Agape Love values? ... or ... Selfish values?
God's values? ... or ... Laissez-faire Capitalism's values?

Yes, it really IS that simple...

Pastor Jamie

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