Saturday, August 23, 2014


When they discriminate... MARCH
When they perpetrate injustice... MARCH
When unequal treatment is evident... MARCH
When systemic inequities persist... MARCH
When they yell nasty things... MARCH
When they spit in your face... MARCH
When they hit you with sticks... MARCH
When they bring out the dogs... MARCH
When they turn on the hoses... MARCH
When they smoke up the street... MARCH
When they fired those rubber bullets... MARCH
When they put you in jail... MARCH

All races, ethnicities, cultures, sub-cultures...
Religious, Spiritual, Agnostic, Atheist...
Teachers, pastors, news personnel, bankers, laborers...

When we RIOT or LOOT
    it is action out of irrational anger, unfocused, futile at best...
          and at worst - the opportunistic predatory victimization of our own people
    it is misconstrued and turned back on us
    it does not draw more rational, focused, purposeful people to the cause, but repels them...

But when we MARCH
    HISTORY has shown... even RECENT history
    People gather... they unify... they rally... they activate... they DEMAND justice
    and folks are DRAWN to that...

and VOTE... VOTE... VOTE... VOTE... VOTE...

Remember - there is no such thing as an "off year" election!

MARCH to the POLLS in November!  Sing marching songs... righteous songs...
    hold hands, link arms, move together... MARCH!!!!

Pastor Jamie

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