Saturday, November 1, 2014

Voters' Guide

People of the Way of Jesus VOTER GUIDE


“look not only to your own interests, but to the interests of others…”  Philippians 2:4


Take care of the most vulnerable and resident aliens – Matthew 25:31-46




Benefit the poor, working families and the middle class, and not only the wealthy and powerful?


Fund education equally for rural, urban and suburban children, and restore the HOPE scholarships for those who most need them?


Support EQUAL rights among ALL citizens, in EVERY aspect?


Encourage the exercising of rights within our democracy equally, and not limit them for some?


Make sure that ALL have access to affordable healthcare?


Safeguard our environment for future generations?


Insist that those with means ALL pay their taxes?


Ensure that there is equal pay for equal work, and that all workers have a LIVING WAGE?


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