"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'" (Matthew 9:13)
Jesus associated with people who were known by others to be "sinners". He, in fact, according to the Gospels, refused to judge and shared that He came, not for the righteous, but for sinners.
The Law of Agape has its deepest expression in Grace - undeserved loving mercy. God is Gracious with us, regardless of our deserving. We are commanded to be gracious with one another. Just as Jesus embodied Agape and did not just teach it as a theoretical ideal, so Jesus WAS Grace on the Cross.
In Luke 7:36-50, we learn a lesson, not only about being gracious with one another, but about forgiving the debts or sins of others. If we understand our sinfulness, we understand the greatness of God's Grace in our lives. If we don't recognize our sinfulness, but rather have some delusion about our own righteousness, especially over others, then we have no value for God's Grace and are much less likely to be gracious with others. I used to think, "Just give me what I deserve." Coming to understand my sinfulness and consequent need for Grace, I now do not want what I deserve. I know what I deserve. I want Grace. If I want it for myself, I must necessarily want that for those who I love as I love myself. If I want to receive God's mercy in Grace, I had better learn mercy for others over some punitive desire to see them make a sacrifice for their sins.
Agape Love demands Grace. I cannot live Agape, as commanded by Jesus, AND judge or refuse to forgive. I cannot live Agape and want, out of vengeance or a sense of superior righteousness or a lack of compassion, to want others to pay a price while I enjoy the fruits of Grace. I am either a person of Grace in Agape Love, or I am not.
We are not to consider this a theoretical, spiritual truth with no application, but rather to LIVE it with one another. As God lives it with us, so we are to live it with one another. We learn from Jesus' parable of the two debtors in Matthew 18:23-35. God will deal with us as we dal with others. We had better learn mercy over a desire for punitive sacrifice.
Jesus is THE sacrifice for ALL sin. He WAS Grace and Mercy. He WAS Agape, and command it.
If we hope to follow Jesus, we must indeed LEARN mercy over sacrifice for others, because it is what we want for ourselves.
Pastor Jamie
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