The WORD MADE FLESH has dwelt among us. The Good News has been in circulation for 2000 years. The teachings, commands and examples of Jesus have been shared for 20 centuries and 50 generations. God's Will has been made known for the living of Agape Love and the Justice, Equitability, Peace, Equality and Shalom (well-being, wholeness, completeness) for all that is the fruit of that living of Agape Love in Grace for the whole creation that God loves.
And yet...
We have constant war.
We have horrible poverty, and mostly for children in the world.
We have inequitable treatment for many (mostly brown and black) in our world.
We have unequal opportunities in education, income, affordable housing, healthcare, food, drinkable
water, non-toxic land and air and peaceful life free from violence and exploitation.
We have injustice perpetrated purposefully and intentionally on some at the hands of others.
We have 1% owning 40% of the world's resources, while 99% struggle to survive.
We have hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status that drive our values, our inequities, our
injustices, our wars and death.
Jesus as an icon is embraced, because people want a personal Savior.
Jesus as Lord of our lives, fulfiller of the Law and Prophets and authority on how to live within God's
Will is ignored.
So, we have what we have - politically, economically and ecclesiastically...
people who claim the name of Jesus, but who live by the empire values of greed, lust for power
over others and desire for personal status above others.
The future looks bleak for the planet because of the greed of a few and disregard for the planet that
we all share.
It looks bleak for millions of people because of that greed, who will die of diseases once thought
eliminated and wars over ever shrinking resources.
It looks bleak for most and eventually for all.
Yet, the drive for personal gain at the expense of others is strong, even to killing one's own future
family for one's own gain right now.
Understanding has been de-valued and chosen ignorance has been lifted up with myths over truth and
Wisdom has been thrown out and recklessness has been fully grasped.
Civility has been murdered and intolerance is the new norm.
Intelligence has been rejected for prideful ignorance.
The economic conditions that led to the world-wide economic disaster in 1929 and to the stock market crash in America are being replicated brilliantly. Greed and the inequities it produces are in full swing, as the very few rush to raid whatever resources they can for themselves, even toward the destruction of the whole economy, aided by the de-regulation of their greed and opportunities for the exploitation of others.
The political unrest across the world, the nationalism among seized governments by ultra-"right" extremists are reminiscent of the conditions just before both world wars. Hatred grows.
The climate has never been challenged this badly, so we will see more unprecedented extreme weather as a result. Drought, water surges, flooding, hurricanes, tornados, fires and earthquakes (due to fracking) will lead to war, famine, disease and extinction. All results of our own greed, lust for power over others and desire for personal status above the good of others, even ultimately of ourselves in the end. Empire values are a disease, an addiction in and of themselves. As such, they ultimately destroy the lives of their hosts.
Happy New Year, right?
Well, it could be.
If we were to heed the messages of Jesus in the Good News teachings, commands and examples He offered regarding a different value for living based on Agape Love for God, Neighbor (and the creation God loves), we would see a stabilization and restoration of Shalom on every level and in every aspect.
That would take a purposeful, intentional learning of what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled in the Gospels and a committed, and a faithful living of it.
I am convinced that it is the only hope for all of us.
The adoption and living of empire values (greed, lust for power over others and desire for personal
status above others) leads us to destruction, ultimately.
The embrace of the Good News of Jesus in Agape Love and Grace leads us to Shalom and life.
I am resolved to keep beating this drum for as long as I have breath.
I am resolved to lift it up above the filth and inevitable destruction of empire values.
I am resolved to put it in the face of those who claim Jesus' name but live empire values.
I am resolved to write, preach, teach and demand Agape Love as Jesus' Way for those who would
follow Him.
I am resolved to FB, Text, Email and blog for as long as I can afford the (commandeered for the profit of a few and the silencing of the many) internet.
I am resolved to follow Jesus' Way and grow in the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable) and Grace (undeserved loving mercy, given freely) in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, here and now.
What is your New Year's Resolution for 2018?
Pastor Jamie
This is a blog for those who want to live the Good News of Agape Love that Jesus taught and exemplified in the World around them, working to lift up ALL people equally, thus working toward Shalom for all people.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Incarnation... Emmanuel... Hallelujah!!!!!!
I have been called an iconoclast. I suppose I have earned that.
I believe that at best, icons are a superficial image of God's reality in the world. I believe that at worst, they are graven images that attempt to shroud the truth of God with our limitations of belief and spiritual authenticity... even to being idols at times.
I believe that I am speaking through this mechanism to adults - not children or those who must be sheltered from reality or who must live an idealized and false view of reality for their comfort.
Jesus is God. Let me be clear on that. In my mind and heart, Jesus is God and speaks for God... represents God's will in how we live with God and those who God loves here and now, in this part of God's Kingdom.
Jesus' birth signifies, therefore an incarnation of God. God bothered to reach into our world. God who is all power, wealth and status reached into this ridiculous world of ridiculous folk, out of love for the humanity which God created and with which God has continued to have a relationship. It means that God is with us, all of us in this part of God's Kingdom, in love and grace, joy and peace. It is hope for us - our only hope.
Jesus was born in a stable because His parents had no bribe money for the Innkeepers. Jesus was born in relative poverty. It probably took all the resources they had just to travel to Bethlehem for the Census, because Rome had killed the middle, working class of craftsmen, artisans and other trades persons like fishermen, and smalltime shepherds. They took all the resources of those they occupied for empire and for the few elites who benefitted from empire. Jesus was laid, not in a bassinette, but in a feeding trough for animals, full of hay and grain and whatever secretions the animals left that were feeding on them out of the trough. Jesus was wrapped in rags.
Jesus, as more than one modern prophet has pointed out, was "born in blood between urine and feces." I know that we like to idealize the image, but it is the truth. It is how babies are born (naturally). Tears, blood, sweat, filth and the cold met Him at his birth in the stable.
Jesus was born, not in status, wealth or power but in scandal. His parents were not married. In a Roman dominated world in which one's status meant everything, and among the religious purists and therefore hypocrites of the time it would be a shameful thing and "beneath" many.
God loves us that much. God, who is above the ridiculous considerations of status-driven society, occupying and oppressive power and ill-gotten wealth at the expense of others, bothered to identify not with the Roman empire or the Temple Cult leaders of that time who were in collusion with them, the corrupt King of Israel or the wealthy in society, or even those who stuck their heads in the sand and went on believing in some pure, holy, iconic vision of God's presence - but with people who lived in utter poverty at their hands, and people who lived in scandal and shame.
God's son leaves the glory of heavenly status, wealth and power to be born on earth and in human form, NOT in the Temple or the Palace or the gated communities of the wealthy, but in a public stable in a little, insignificant town. And heaven broke forth with exaltations of joy, not to the royal or powerful, wealthy or elite, but to the night shift of shepherds who watched their precious few flocks in order to preserve them from the wolves, so that they could eat the next day from whatever Rome did not take away. It was they who got to announce this to the world.
Jesus is our hope. God loves us. Jesus' scandalous and messy birth, refugee status, itinerate life of poverty, message of justice in Agape Love and Grace and scandalous and messy death all signify how God identifies with those who have unjustly been held down, back and out by the rest in the world. God identifies with those who have been abused and victimized by Satan through the evils of humans out of their Greed, lust of power and desire for status "above" other human beings.
Jesus' presence should still mean hope to us because of the justice and peace Jesus' commanded through the living of Agape Love and Grace. For some, it has been twisted into a justification of their wealth, power and status as signs of God's blessings - a myth that Jesus Himself dispelled in His Gospel teaching. For others, it means that they can aspire to be the ones who hold others down, back and out for their own gain and rely on God's Grace even in that evil. For still others, it means that they can bask in the pleasant (and false) glow of ignorance, a reliance on supernatural intervention and/or an iconic joy and ignore the realities around them, while others suffer at the hands of some in society - ignoring reality through an insulating, personal and false spirituality. For many, even most in the world, it is meant to be the hope that God will bring the high lower and elevate the lowly, that God will even out the rough, even ruthless and straighten the crooked who do these things to others through those who will be faithful to God's will. That comes only in the living of Jesus' commanded Agape Love in the world, here and now, by those who profess to follow Jesus.
God is with us, and God's incarnation can be seen as a sweet, pure and quaint (though false) picture.
God is with us, and God's incarnation can also be understood as God reaching into the sinful world in a very real way, identifying with those who have been most victimized by it and commanding that we do better in how we love God with all that we have and love our Neighbors as ourselves. That is the Gospel message of Good News in the midst of the bad, light in the midst of darkness and hope in the midst of despair.
God does not stay in the glory, but gets down to it in the gore.
God rarely works in quaint, pure and sweet ways, but rather in Power and in Love, through us.
This begs the question - Do you receive THIS incarnate Emmanuel?
and perhaps another... Whose side are you on?
I believe that at best, icons are a superficial image of God's reality in the world. I believe that at worst, they are graven images that attempt to shroud the truth of God with our limitations of belief and spiritual authenticity... even to being idols at times.
I believe that I am speaking through this mechanism to adults - not children or those who must be sheltered from reality or who must live an idealized and false view of reality for their comfort.
Jesus is God. Let me be clear on that. In my mind and heart, Jesus is God and speaks for God... represents God's will in how we live with God and those who God loves here and now, in this part of God's Kingdom.
Jesus' birth signifies, therefore an incarnation of God. God bothered to reach into our world. God who is all power, wealth and status reached into this ridiculous world of ridiculous folk, out of love for the humanity which God created and with which God has continued to have a relationship. It means that God is with us, all of us in this part of God's Kingdom, in love and grace, joy and peace. It is hope for us - our only hope.
Jesus was born in a stable because His parents had no bribe money for the Innkeepers. Jesus was born in relative poverty. It probably took all the resources they had just to travel to Bethlehem for the Census, because Rome had killed the middle, working class of craftsmen, artisans and other trades persons like fishermen, and smalltime shepherds. They took all the resources of those they occupied for empire and for the few elites who benefitted from empire. Jesus was laid, not in a bassinette, but in a feeding trough for animals, full of hay and grain and whatever secretions the animals left that were feeding on them out of the trough. Jesus was wrapped in rags.
Jesus, as more than one modern prophet has pointed out, was "born in blood between urine and feces." I know that we like to idealize the image, but it is the truth. It is how babies are born (naturally). Tears, blood, sweat, filth and the cold met Him at his birth in the stable.
Jesus was born, not in status, wealth or power but in scandal. His parents were not married. In a Roman dominated world in which one's status meant everything, and among the religious purists and therefore hypocrites of the time it would be a shameful thing and "beneath" many.
God loves us that much. God, who is above the ridiculous considerations of status-driven society, occupying and oppressive power and ill-gotten wealth at the expense of others, bothered to identify not with the Roman empire or the Temple Cult leaders of that time who were in collusion with them, the corrupt King of Israel or the wealthy in society, or even those who stuck their heads in the sand and went on believing in some pure, holy, iconic vision of God's presence - but with people who lived in utter poverty at their hands, and people who lived in scandal and shame.
God's son leaves the glory of heavenly status, wealth and power to be born on earth and in human form, NOT in the Temple or the Palace or the gated communities of the wealthy, but in a public stable in a little, insignificant town. And heaven broke forth with exaltations of joy, not to the royal or powerful, wealthy or elite, but to the night shift of shepherds who watched their precious few flocks in order to preserve them from the wolves, so that they could eat the next day from whatever Rome did not take away. It was they who got to announce this to the world.
Jesus is our hope. God loves us. Jesus' scandalous and messy birth, refugee status, itinerate life of poverty, message of justice in Agape Love and Grace and scandalous and messy death all signify how God identifies with those who have unjustly been held down, back and out by the rest in the world. God identifies with those who have been abused and victimized by Satan through the evils of humans out of their Greed, lust of power and desire for status "above" other human beings.
Jesus' presence should still mean hope to us because of the justice and peace Jesus' commanded through the living of Agape Love and Grace. For some, it has been twisted into a justification of their wealth, power and status as signs of God's blessings - a myth that Jesus Himself dispelled in His Gospel teaching. For others, it means that they can aspire to be the ones who hold others down, back and out for their own gain and rely on God's Grace even in that evil. For still others, it means that they can bask in the pleasant (and false) glow of ignorance, a reliance on supernatural intervention and/or an iconic joy and ignore the realities around them, while others suffer at the hands of some in society - ignoring reality through an insulating, personal and false spirituality. For many, even most in the world, it is meant to be the hope that God will bring the high lower and elevate the lowly, that God will even out the rough, even ruthless and straighten the crooked who do these things to others through those who will be faithful to God's will. That comes only in the living of Jesus' commanded Agape Love in the world, here and now, by those who profess to follow Jesus.
God is with us, and God's incarnation can be seen as a sweet, pure and quaint (though false) picture.
God is with us, and God's incarnation can also be understood as God reaching into the sinful world in a very real way, identifying with those who have been most victimized by it and commanding that we do better in how we love God with all that we have and love our Neighbors as ourselves. That is the Gospel message of Good News in the midst of the bad, light in the midst of darkness and hope in the midst of despair.
God does not stay in the glory, but gets down to it in the gore.
God rarely works in quaint, pure and sweet ways, but rather in Power and in Love, through us.
This begs the question - Do you receive THIS incarnate Emmanuel?
and perhaps another... Whose side are you on?
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
The Advent of Joy (a week early for personal reasons)
I saved this for last. Apologies to liturgical purists.
Proverbs 21:3 "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
21:15 "When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but dismay to evildoers."
I know some things about joy. I have my joy. I get unhappy about things, even often it seems, but I seem not to lose my joy because it is based on a faith in ultimate things of God. Ultimately, I believe that God is going to turn things right. Ultimately, I believe love will win, justice will win and peace will be known by all. God will restore shalom for all in this part of God's Kingdom and/or in the other part of it, ultimately.
I have been happy. I have desperately sought happiness for lengths of time in my life. It often left me empty and unhealthy. It made me hurt some very important people in my life. My happiness came at the expense of others at times, because I traded the things of justice and joy for fleeting happiness, regardless of the cost. What made me happy hurt others. Fleeting happiness is not what sustains me in my life. I am much less likely to run after fleeting happiness in what I can feel, do or obtain. I have deep, abiding joy. It is in my being. That is the state in which I live.
Can my joy be shaken? Sure! If I have devastating loss or if I suffer injustice at the hands of someone else or many others, I can lose my joy. It can be stripped from me.
I know a lot of folk, love a lot of folk who have systematically and intentionally had their shalom stripped from them by injustices perpetrated by others in our society. They have been held down, back and out from the "pursuit of happiness" which is supposed to be their right. They have been discriminated against. They have been judged unjustly. They have been exploited. They have been abused. Their loved ones have been destroyed and/or killed unjustly. Those who do such things to others can worship, praise, pray, tithe and even do mighty acts of healing and still not be right with God. The dismay they have produced is unconscionable and immoral. God is not pleased.
But when justice is restored and shalom with it, then joy is restored to those who have suffered injustice at the hands of unscrupulous, immoral and conscience-less folk. Then the dismay belongs to those who have perpetrated injustice, because it means that their efforts have not somehow elevated them in their own eyes.
How pathetic is it that someone would take joy in the dismay of others and dismay when justice is restored to others? How pathetic is it that for some it is only when others suffer that they can feel good about life? It is ungodly. It is evil. Getting much more than one needs off the backs of others who consequently will not have enough for shalom in their own lives is greed, which is evil idolatry. It wrongly presumes one's right to have more than they need. Obtaining power so that one can exploit, discriminate and abuse others around them for their own gain is evil idolatry. It wrongly presumes one's entitlement to hurt others for the sake of self. The notoriety of status gained by doing nothing good for others is also an expression of idolatry of self.
In what do you find your joy? What makes you happy? I pray that it is not found at the expense of someone else, or it is delight in evildoing. Advent is the time to make the crooked way straight, the rough places a plain and the high brought down and the lowly lifted up. Take joy in God's activity in Agape Love through others. Join in that activity. It is a new hope in love that could bring you a peace and joy that you have never had before now. Anticipate Joy in Joy, as you work to restore the joy of those who have had it stolen from them.
"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but dismay to evildoers."
May you have Joy!
Pastor Jamie
Proverbs 21:3 "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
21:15 "When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but dismay to evildoers."
I know some things about joy. I have my joy. I get unhappy about things, even often it seems, but I seem not to lose my joy because it is based on a faith in ultimate things of God. Ultimately, I believe that God is going to turn things right. Ultimately, I believe love will win, justice will win and peace will be known by all. God will restore shalom for all in this part of God's Kingdom and/or in the other part of it, ultimately.
I have been happy. I have desperately sought happiness for lengths of time in my life. It often left me empty and unhealthy. It made me hurt some very important people in my life. My happiness came at the expense of others at times, because I traded the things of justice and joy for fleeting happiness, regardless of the cost. What made me happy hurt others. Fleeting happiness is not what sustains me in my life. I am much less likely to run after fleeting happiness in what I can feel, do or obtain. I have deep, abiding joy. It is in my being. That is the state in which I live.
Can my joy be shaken? Sure! If I have devastating loss or if I suffer injustice at the hands of someone else or many others, I can lose my joy. It can be stripped from me.
I know a lot of folk, love a lot of folk who have systematically and intentionally had their shalom stripped from them by injustices perpetrated by others in our society. They have been held down, back and out from the "pursuit of happiness" which is supposed to be their right. They have been discriminated against. They have been judged unjustly. They have been exploited. They have been abused. Their loved ones have been destroyed and/or killed unjustly. Those who do such things to others can worship, praise, pray, tithe and even do mighty acts of healing and still not be right with God. The dismay they have produced is unconscionable and immoral. God is not pleased.
But when justice is restored and shalom with it, then joy is restored to those who have suffered injustice at the hands of unscrupulous, immoral and conscience-less folk. Then the dismay belongs to those who have perpetrated injustice, because it means that their efforts have not somehow elevated them in their own eyes.
How pathetic is it that someone would take joy in the dismay of others and dismay when justice is restored to others? How pathetic is it that for some it is only when others suffer that they can feel good about life? It is ungodly. It is evil. Getting much more than one needs off the backs of others who consequently will not have enough for shalom in their own lives is greed, which is evil idolatry. It wrongly presumes one's right to have more than they need. Obtaining power so that one can exploit, discriminate and abuse others around them for their own gain is evil idolatry. It wrongly presumes one's entitlement to hurt others for the sake of self. The notoriety of status gained by doing nothing good for others is also an expression of idolatry of self.
In what do you find your joy? What makes you happy? I pray that it is not found at the expense of someone else, or it is delight in evildoing. Advent is the time to make the crooked way straight, the rough places a plain and the high brought down and the lowly lifted up. Take joy in God's activity in Agape Love through others. Join in that activity. It is a new hope in love that could bring you a peace and joy that you have never had before now. Anticipate Joy in Joy, as you work to restore the joy of those who have had it stolen from them.
"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but dismay to evildoers."
May you have Joy!
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, December 10, 2017
The Advent of Peace...
I pray that this is the advent of Peace.
We have seen enough conflict. We have seen enough chaos. We have seen enough turmoil and unrest. We have seen enough lack of well-being in the world that drives it all. We have seen enough disrespect, exploitation, occupation, oppression, xenophobia, ethnocentrism and nationalism that drive a lack of SHALOM.
The protesters are right - no justice; no peace.
If there are inequities of hope, of life sustenance, of respect, of acceptance, of equality, of dignity, of opportunity and life conditions then there cannot be Shalom.
SHALOM is well-being, completeness and wholeness.
If some have more than they need and others go without what they need at their hands, there can be no shalom.
If some have all the power and wield it over others, especially those different from themselves, then there can be no shalom.
If some falsely believe they are superior to others and act on that out of disdain for them, treating them as villains or sub-human beings, then there can be no shalom.
God wants Shalom.
The people of God who suffered under unjust kings, temple cult leaders and false prophets, as we have record of it in both the Old and New Testaments, were delivered by God out of their enslavement, their exile and their occupation. God acted on their behalf, having called prophets to proclaim the injustices and sending those who would help deliver them.
People falsely create "places" of shalom for themselves, far from the plight of those they have exploited and oppressed in order to have more for themselves. They wall themselves into compounds and communities. They move great distances from the squalor that they have created by inequitable treatments of others. They commute past those they have held down, back and out so that they and their children could have much more than they will ever need. They ignore the conditions of those who will never have enough to have Shalom because of their immoral, unconscionable and unscrupulous lifestyles built on the destruction of others.
It was true of old and it is true now.
Isaiah prophesied of a great turning around by God because of the oppression of the poor.
The Gospels tell of Jesus' message of hope for a people occupied and oppressed by Rome, in collusion with the Temple cult leaders and king of that time and place.
The message is the same. God does not like it and God will turn it around.
So, Paul had it right.
If we want peace, shalom for all humanity, we must "pursue then things that make for peace and for mutual up-building." (Romans 14:19) The divisions that WE have created are not honored by God. The excuses WE have made for treating others shamefully are not honored by God. The justifications we have manufactured for our elevation at the expense of others around us are not recognized by God. God wants shalom, for all of God's children and not just some. If we are working anything that does not bring about well-being, completeness and wholeness for ALL, then we are not living within God's will.
I pray that this is the advent of peace. We have had a lack of shalom for all people for far too long.
Let us ALL pursue the things that make for shalom, exposing the works of darkness that would withhold it from some of our sisters and brothers, children of God. Let us demand it, speaking truth to power and living the Good News of Agape Love as Jesus commanded, which when lived ultimately brings shalom to all around us in the world.
Let this be the Advent Season of Peace... when the restoration of Shalom to all is begun.
Pastor Jamie
We have seen enough conflict. We have seen enough chaos. We have seen enough turmoil and unrest. We have seen enough lack of well-being in the world that drives it all. We have seen enough disrespect, exploitation, occupation, oppression, xenophobia, ethnocentrism and nationalism that drive a lack of SHALOM.
The protesters are right - no justice; no peace.
If there are inequities of hope, of life sustenance, of respect, of acceptance, of equality, of dignity, of opportunity and life conditions then there cannot be Shalom.
SHALOM is well-being, completeness and wholeness.
If some have more than they need and others go without what they need at their hands, there can be no shalom.
If some have all the power and wield it over others, especially those different from themselves, then there can be no shalom.
If some falsely believe they are superior to others and act on that out of disdain for them, treating them as villains or sub-human beings, then there can be no shalom.
God wants Shalom.
The people of God who suffered under unjust kings, temple cult leaders and false prophets, as we have record of it in both the Old and New Testaments, were delivered by God out of their enslavement, their exile and their occupation. God acted on their behalf, having called prophets to proclaim the injustices and sending those who would help deliver them.
People falsely create "places" of shalom for themselves, far from the plight of those they have exploited and oppressed in order to have more for themselves. They wall themselves into compounds and communities. They move great distances from the squalor that they have created by inequitable treatments of others. They commute past those they have held down, back and out so that they and their children could have much more than they will ever need. They ignore the conditions of those who will never have enough to have Shalom because of their immoral, unconscionable and unscrupulous lifestyles built on the destruction of others.
It was true of old and it is true now.
Isaiah prophesied of a great turning around by God because of the oppression of the poor.
The Gospels tell of Jesus' message of hope for a people occupied and oppressed by Rome, in collusion with the Temple cult leaders and king of that time and place.
The message is the same. God does not like it and God will turn it around.
So, Paul had it right.
If we want peace, shalom for all humanity, we must "pursue then things that make for peace and for mutual up-building." (Romans 14:19) The divisions that WE have created are not honored by God. The excuses WE have made for treating others shamefully are not honored by God. The justifications we have manufactured for our elevation at the expense of others around us are not recognized by God. God wants shalom, for all of God's children and not just some. If we are working anything that does not bring about well-being, completeness and wholeness for ALL, then we are not living within God's will.
I pray that this is the advent of peace. We have had a lack of shalom for all people for far too long.
Let us ALL pursue the things that make for shalom, exposing the works of darkness that would withhold it from some of our sisters and brothers, children of God. Let us demand it, speaking truth to power and living the Good News of Agape Love as Jesus commanded, which when lived ultimately brings shalom to all around us in the world.
Let this be the Advent Season of Peace... when the restoration of Shalom to all is begun.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, December 3, 2017
The Advent of (Agape) Love
"Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas, stars and angels gave the sign."
Jesus ushered in Agape Love as the Standard of living for those who would be people of God. This committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable is preached, taught, commanded and modeled by Jesus as we see throughout the Gospels.
Paul wrote eloquently about it to encourage followers in Corinth (I Corinthians 13) and Philippi (Philippians 2:1-11) to live it in their communities, as followers of Jesus.
It is how we will be known as Jesus' disciples. John 13:35
It is the criteria upon which salvation is decided by Jesus, the judge. Matthew 25:31-46
From others and from me, you know the rest of much of the bulk of Gospel writing attributed to Jesus that shares this command to live Agape Love in the world as the central teaching, command and example of Jesus for any who would be Jesus' followers.
Over the generations, Agape Love has been buried as the central focus. It has been covered up with concern for self: personal salvation, personal prosperity, personal power and personal status. Preachers, believers and church bodies have focused on purity, holiness, worship, praise, tithes and have ignored Jesus' command to live Agape in the world. None of these things are expressions of Agape Love per se, and devotion to them has not been an expression of devotion to God and Neighbor out of Agape, but rather out of concern for and focus on self. Like the Word uncovered in the time of Josiah, buried in a treasury box in a wall of the Temple, we have buried this teaching of Jesus under all things wealth, power and status for self.
My hope is for a re-discovery as in the time of Josiah and dramatic, though less violent efforts to reform and return to a respect for and adherence to the Law of Agape in Jesus.
We need an Advent of Agape Love about now.
Hatred has become normative. Selfishness is the American Way. Apathy to the plight of others (the real opposite of love) dominates as we have been programed to focus on ourselves and those like us alone, while having no regard for the most vulnerable or regarding them as less virtuous, less deserving and less human. We have been conditioned to think this way by those who promote the values of empire, as opposed to the values of the Kingdom of God in Agape Love.
We need an Advent of Agape Love right now.
People have moved out of their racist reactions to our former President, to elect a person whose hateful, selfish, ignorant rhetoric made him stand out from other candidates for the office. People have promoted the intolerance, self-centered focus and greed of this President as being values both normative and virtuous for Americans to hold. The people who have been put in office and emboldened by our latest election have worked diligently to promote the intolerant deportation of resident aliens, strip away affordable healthcare for the most vulnerable and actively work to kill the middle and working classes with tax "reform". Many have voted for them and many of those in office have done these things while professing to be "Christian" followers of Jesus, who will judge us all in the end on how we have lived Agape Love with the most vulnerable (Matthew 25:31-46). Yet, by droves, "Christians" in America have voted for those who have been trying to do this for years, and voted for this President who promotes greed, hatefulness and ignorance as our new norms. Agape is reserved for God and Neighbor, not self and not "mammon, mars and Bacchus". Many "Christians" still believe you can serve two masters, however and they apply love to only themselves and those just like them, and actively hurt others in order to get more for themselves. It has become the norm in American "Christianity". They persist in supporting this kind of anti-Christ, anti-love behavior BECAUSE they say they are "Christians".
We need The Advent of Love.
Those who have not sold out to empire values completely and who desire only to follow Jesus by living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as God's Kingdom values in Agape Love, need to prepare the way for Agape Love... the Logos... to be born again among us. We need to expose the works of darkness that have been considered "light", and proclaim, demonstrate and live Agape Love in the world around us. We need to point to the Christ and His coming as a current phenomenon, heralded by the heavenly host. We need to give this Good News in an environment of bad news packaged as good, so that folk will not be able to ignore the truth of it according to the Word they claim to hold dear, and thus hold them accountable for the "biblical faith" they profess. We need to admonish those among us who have abandoned sound doctrine due to "itching ears", who have be "blown about by every wind of doctrine" that promised to get them what they wanted according to empire values, and help them see the error of their ways and find hope in the truly Good News of Jesus centered on Agape Love. We must act and we must act now, before the darkness permeates every corner of this part of God's Kingdom.
We are in The Advent of Love.
That means that we must prepare the way of the Lord in hearts and minds.
That means that we must exalt the lows, smooth out the rough and straighten the crooked.
That means that we must repent and believe in Jesus' Good News (Mark 1:15).
That means that we must change how we think and act in the world around us, this part of God's Kingdom.
That means that we must get ready all over again for the coming of Jesus, Word made Flesh, in our hearts and minds, in our teaching and in our living.
Jesus is witnessed as telling His followers that He will come again, and that He is with always to the end of the age. The Holy Spirit of God points, guides and drives us to the Christ everyday. Jesus comes to us still.
This is the Advent of Agape Love. Please, Lord, let this be the Advent of Agape Love.
Pastor Jamie
Jesus ushered in Agape Love as the Standard of living for those who would be people of God. This committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable is preached, taught, commanded and modeled by Jesus as we see throughout the Gospels.
Paul wrote eloquently about it to encourage followers in Corinth (I Corinthians 13) and Philippi (Philippians 2:1-11) to live it in their communities, as followers of Jesus.
It is how we will be known as Jesus' disciples. John 13:35
It is the criteria upon which salvation is decided by Jesus, the judge. Matthew 25:31-46
From others and from me, you know the rest of much of the bulk of Gospel writing attributed to Jesus that shares this command to live Agape Love in the world as the central teaching, command and example of Jesus for any who would be Jesus' followers.
Over the generations, Agape Love has been buried as the central focus. It has been covered up with concern for self: personal salvation, personal prosperity, personal power and personal status. Preachers, believers and church bodies have focused on purity, holiness, worship, praise, tithes and have ignored Jesus' command to live Agape in the world. None of these things are expressions of Agape Love per se, and devotion to them has not been an expression of devotion to God and Neighbor out of Agape, but rather out of concern for and focus on self. Like the Word uncovered in the time of Josiah, buried in a treasury box in a wall of the Temple, we have buried this teaching of Jesus under all things wealth, power and status for self.
My hope is for a re-discovery as in the time of Josiah and dramatic, though less violent efforts to reform and return to a respect for and adherence to the Law of Agape in Jesus.
We need an Advent of Agape Love about now.
Hatred has become normative. Selfishness is the American Way. Apathy to the plight of others (the real opposite of love) dominates as we have been programed to focus on ourselves and those like us alone, while having no regard for the most vulnerable or regarding them as less virtuous, less deserving and less human. We have been conditioned to think this way by those who promote the values of empire, as opposed to the values of the Kingdom of God in Agape Love.
We need an Advent of Agape Love right now.
People have moved out of their racist reactions to our former President, to elect a person whose hateful, selfish, ignorant rhetoric made him stand out from other candidates for the office. People have promoted the intolerance, self-centered focus and greed of this President as being values both normative and virtuous for Americans to hold. The people who have been put in office and emboldened by our latest election have worked diligently to promote the intolerant deportation of resident aliens, strip away affordable healthcare for the most vulnerable and actively work to kill the middle and working classes with tax "reform". Many have voted for them and many of those in office have done these things while professing to be "Christian" followers of Jesus, who will judge us all in the end on how we have lived Agape Love with the most vulnerable (Matthew 25:31-46). Yet, by droves, "Christians" in America have voted for those who have been trying to do this for years, and voted for this President who promotes greed, hatefulness and ignorance as our new norms. Agape is reserved for God and Neighbor, not self and not "mammon, mars and Bacchus". Many "Christians" still believe you can serve two masters, however and they apply love to only themselves and those just like them, and actively hurt others in order to get more for themselves. It has become the norm in American "Christianity". They persist in supporting this kind of anti-Christ, anti-love behavior BECAUSE they say they are "Christians".
We need The Advent of Love.
Those who have not sold out to empire values completely and who desire only to follow Jesus by living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as God's Kingdom values in Agape Love, need to prepare the way for Agape Love... the Logos... to be born again among us. We need to expose the works of darkness that have been considered "light", and proclaim, demonstrate and live Agape Love in the world around us. We need to point to the Christ and His coming as a current phenomenon, heralded by the heavenly host. We need to give this Good News in an environment of bad news packaged as good, so that folk will not be able to ignore the truth of it according to the Word they claim to hold dear, and thus hold them accountable for the "biblical faith" they profess. We need to admonish those among us who have abandoned sound doctrine due to "itching ears", who have be "blown about by every wind of doctrine" that promised to get them what they wanted according to empire values, and help them see the error of their ways and find hope in the truly Good News of Jesus centered on Agape Love. We must act and we must act now, before the darkness permeates every corner of this part of God's Kingdom.
We are in The Advent of Love.
That means that we must prepare the way of the Lord in hearts and minds.
That means that we must exalt the lows, smooth out the rough and straighten the crooked.
That means that we must repent and believe in Jesus' Good News (Mark 1:15).
That means that we must change how we think and act in the world around us, this part of God's Kingdom.
That means that we must get ready all over again for the coming of Jesus, Word made Flesh, in our hearts and minds, in our teaching and in our living.
Jesus is witnessed as telling His followers that He will come again, and that He is with always to the end of the age. The Holy Spirit of God points, guides and drives us to the Christ everyday. Jesus comes to us still.
This is the Advent of Agape Love. Please, Lord, let this be the Advent of Agape Love.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, November 26, 2017
The Advent of Hope
We begin Advent.
It is a time of Hope.
"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
As people of faith, we enter Advent, this time of preparation, in anticipation of God's coming to us.
It was a time for the people who "walked in darkness" (Isaiah 9:2) who were conquered and exiled to see a great light. They were hopeful that they would be returned to their land, their justice and freedom.
It was a time for the people who "sat in darkness" (Matthew 4:16) under (Roman) empire occupation and oppression to see the great light of deliverance in justice, peace and their autonomy.
It is the Hope that people will continue in faith until the darkness of injustice, corruption, exploitation, discrimination, inequities, inequality, hatred and ignorance that grow out of greed, lust for power and desire for status create will be eliminated by the light of truth in love, grace and mercy.
What is your darkness?
What is it that occupies and oppresses you?
Perhaps it is the darkness of others that oppresses you or holds you down, back or out.
Perhaps it is the darkness within you that keeps you from living in the light.
It may seem that the darkness is too great to be overcome.
It may seem that the darkness of greed, lust for power and desire for status wins in this world.
It may seem that the darkness within you that persistently and negatively affects you is too strong to eliminate.
But exposing the darkness for what it is gives the hope of light's reign.
The prophet Isaiah exposed the darkness for what it was.
The Good News of Jesus exposed the darkness for what it was.
And hope was restored as people lived in faith - that irrational, seemingly impossible hopefulness that persists through the darkness, empowered people to address the darkness and eliminated darkness with light. It turns on the light, which eliminates darkness, first from within and then, as people of God live it in this part of God's Kingdom, in the world around us.
Many people in our land and around the world suffer because of the darkness cast across the world by the insidious evil of greed, lust for power and desire for status of others. What those who live these empire values put out in the world casts a great shadow over the rest of the world. It is darkness, but they see it as the light (Luke 11:33-36).
The Good News of Jesus calls us to live the Kingdom values of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy. These are forces of light for this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. When people of God, who live in faith - the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things (as of yet) unseen, live these values in the world around them, transformation in individual lives and community occurs and the light of God's truth eliminates the darkness.
Tired of sitting in the darkness of empire?
Tired of seeing others hurt by the darkness of empire?
Live in the light of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy in the world around you, and watch the darkness dim, shrink and evaporate.
It starts from within.
It starts from within YOU and ME.
So, now, at the end of 2017, we have our Advent of Hope that the people who have sat in darkness will see the Great Light of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy in this world and eliminate the darkness itself in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.
God is not supernaturally eliminating the darkness. God is spiritually eliminating it through us, those who Jesus calls the "salt of the earth" and "light of the world."
God has planted within us the faith that will produce hope in the face of the darkness, and has given us the Good News to compel us to live in the light of Agape, Grace and Mercy and thus eliminate the darkness in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. God is working through us, by the Holy Spirit, to drive us to follow Jesus, be transformed and help others be transformed, and be those through whom the light is given that eliminates the darkness.
God's Kingdom come; God's will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give up those expressions of the darkness of empire values that others live. * Make sure that what you believe is light is not darkness to others, which means that the light in you is darkness. *
Embrace the light and truth of living the Good News of Jesus - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as we have that in the Gospels - Agape, Grace and Mercy. Only that will eliminate the darkness within you and around you.
This is the Advent of Hope for us all.
Pastor Jamie
It is a time of Hope.
"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
As people of faith, we enter Advent, this time of preparation, in anticipation of God's coming to us.
It was a time for the people who "walked in darkness" (Isaiah 9:2) who were conquered and exiled to see a great light. They were hopeful that they would be returned to their land, their justice and freedom.
It was a time for the people who "sat in darkness" (Matthew 4:16) under (Roman) empire occupation and oppression to see the great light of deliverance in justice, peace and their autonomy.
It is the Hope that people will continue in faith until the darkness of injustice, corruption, exploitation, discrimination, inequities, inequality, hatred and ignorance that grow out of greed, lust for power and desire for status create will be eliminated by the light of truth in love, grace and mercy.
What is your darkness?
What is it that occupies and oppresses you?
Perhaps it is the darkness of others that oppresses you or holds you down, back or out.
Perhaps it is the darkness within you that keeps you from living in the light.
It may seem that the darkness is too great to be overcome.
It may seem that the darkness of greed, lust for power and desire for status wins in this world.
It may seem that the darkness within you that persistently and negatively affects you is too strong to eliminate.
But exposing the darkness for what it is gives the hope of light's reign.
The prophet Isaiah exposed the darkness for what it was.
The Good News of Jesus exposed the darkness for what it was.
And hope was restored as people lived in faith - that irrational, seemingly impossible hopefulness that persists through the darkness, empowered people to address the darkness and eliminated darkness with light. It turns on the light, which eliminates darkness, first from within and then, as people of God live it in this part of God's Kingdom, in the world around us.
Many people in our land and around the world suffer because of the darkness cast across the world by the insidious evil of greed, lust for power and desire for status of others. What those who live these empire values put out in the world casts a great shadow over the rest of the world. It is darkness, but they see it as the light (Luke 11:33-36).
The Good News of Jesus calls us to live the Kingdom values of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy. These are forces of light for this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. When people of God, who live in faith - the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things (as of yet) unseen, live these values in the world around them, transformation in individual lives and community occurs and the light of God's truth eliminates the darkness.
Tired of sitting in the darkness of empire?
Tired of seeing others hurt by the darkness of empire?
Live in the light of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy in the world around you, and watch the darkness dim, shrink and evaporate.
It starts from within.
It starts from within YOU and ME.
So, now, at the end of 2017, we have our Advent of Hope that the people who have sat in darkness will see the Great Light of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy in this world and eliminate the darkness itself in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.
God is not supernaturally eliminating the darkness. God is spiritually eliminating it through us, those who Jesus calls the "salt of the earth" and "light of the world."
God has planted within us the faith that will produce hope in the face of the darkness, and has given us the Good News to compel us to live in the light of Agape, Grace and Mercy and thus eliminate the darkness in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. God is working through us, by the Holy Spirit, to drive us to follow Jesus, be transformed and help others be transformed, and be those through whom the light is given that eliminates the darkness.
God's Kingdom come; God's will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give up those expressions of the darkness of empire values that others live. * Make sure that what you believe is light is not darkness to others, which means that the light in you is darkness. *
Embrace the light and truth of living the Good News of Jesus - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as we have that in the Gospels - Agape, Grace and Mercy. Only that will eliminate the darkness within you and around you.
This is the Advent of Hope for us all.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, November 19, 2017
the culmination of this Reign of Christ Matthew 25:31-46
I always find it interesting that this is not the END of Matthew's Gospel. What a "drop the mic" moment, if it were, but it would seem that the Gospel writer wants to remind us of Grace and that there might still be time to live the Agape Love that Jesus commanded.
The thing is, those who profess to be Christian, believe that Jesus is the judge of the living and dead. Christians believe that Jesus will return just for that purpose. Jesus, who says that He has "all authority" given to Him, as we read later in this Gospel (28:18), will judge by the criteria He has taught, commanded and modeled for His followers to live.
I tend not to be a "literalist" with the Word, and I certainly strive not to be "dogmatic" as a believer in Grace, Mercy and Agape Love. I must admit that I find this rather clear, and that because it is ascribed to Jesus in this Gospel, I give it great weight. In fact, I believe that this vision of Jesus regarding the end has shaped my beliefs as much as Matthew 22:34-40, which early on made the lights go off for me regarding life in Christ. Separating sheep from goats is pretty clear.
The surprise amuses me, both of those who are reckoned as goats, and those as sheep. The sheep are just as surprised to find that it was Christ Jesus they loved, served and lifted up when they helped the most vulnerable among us, as the goats were to find out that they refused to help Christ when refusing to help them.
Not only are they surprised that it was Christ, however, but perhaps that the criteria for salvation are based on the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger or enemy, and especially the most vulnerable). No holiness or purity here as salvific characteristics. No keeping of the Law of Moses here or dogmatic living within a legalistic ideology as that life by which one is saved. No mention by Jesus, judge of the world, of praise or worship, tithes or piety.
The sole criterion for our salvation, according to Jesus is how we have actively committed on behalf of the most vulnerable among us.
So, self-less acts of kindness on behalf of the most vulnerable among us are what save us.
I must interject here that I believe we are not supposed to worry about salvation, but rather focus on living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us on how to live in this part of God's Kingdom simply because it is the right thing to do. I also believe we should do it because it makes this part of God's Kingdom a better place in which to live. Salvation God takes care of, and indeed already has.
We are to practice Agape Love. Period.
We do not do so only with those who can return the kindness, as Jesus taught, but give to those who will never be able to add to our wealth, power or status in return.
We do not do so ostentatiously so that we gain in prestige or position with others through their praise, as Jesus taught, but rather humbly and with no regard for a return or personal gain of any kind.
We do not do so in order to be saved, but because we follow the one who gives salvation with Grace, and shows Agape Love and Mercy to us.
There were many who were left hungry under empire in Jesus' life. Rome took everything from the most vulnerable for their own profit, and exploited the masses of people for their own gain. Many thirsted, literally and also many were thirsty for justice and shalom (well-being, completeness and wholeness that leads to peace) to be restored in the land that was occupied by empire. There were alien residents in the land who needed to be welcomed because they lived in a most unwelcoming climate. Some had everything taken away because they could not pay the debts that the Romans, King and Temple Cult leaders of that time had levied against them, and for some it was the collateral of their cloak that was stripped from them. They were exposed to the elements of the world, having been rendered most vulnerable by empire. Some had no means by which to get medical care, proper nutrition for healing or any compassion from those who practiced a legalistic belief system that believed they should punish those inflicted, even as they believed God was punishing them. Many were imprisoned unjustly, locked up by the empire that had taken all from them, sometimes out of fear of insurrection against the injustice or simply because they were forced to do what must be done to survive under the conditions created by empire. Jesus was with these folk everyday. Jesus was among them and rendered Himself one of them. Jesus identified with them and sought to give them comfort. Jesus commanded any who would follow Him to do the same.
Jesus still does, even as one who with all authority calls us to go out and live Agape in the world around us, here and now. We have the Good News of Jesus' Agape Love, Grace and Mercy. We have Jesus' mandate, His manifesto. Any who claim to know, love and/or follow Jesus have His teachings, commands and examples before us. And we have this vision of what happens when we do not live as Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us to do in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now, and we have the vision of what happens when we do live it.
So, how are we doing with this here and now, in empire?
The poor have still had everything taken away from them. Their opportunities and possibilities for escaping poverty have been eliminated by those who exploit them for their own profit and gain. The great re-distribution of wealth that started in 1981 and has continued in this nation, has created more poor and has given those with wealth, power and status in this empire culture more of the same. There are people starving today and many are malnourished because they do not have healthy and affordable food available to them. How have you voted since 1980? Have you voted out of your concern for the hungry and thirsty, the naked and vulnerable or on the side of those who aspire to get always more for themselves? If you are an employer, have you paid a living wage to those who get you your profit? As a stockholder, have you willingly taken less gain so that those who work for companies in which you are invested can thrive? As a citizen, have you demanded that those who have been held down, back and out for generations be given an equal chance and that we strive toward equal opportunities for all?
People are still sick across the world. Many people die each year from treatable and even curable diseases because healthcare has been tied to profit and they cannot afford treatment. Measures have been proposed and some were even recently implemented to make healthcare affordable for millions more in our own nation, but efforts to kill those efforts have been very strong. Did you vote for the folk who have wanted to kick millions of your fellow citizens off ACA? Did you voice your opinion against efforts to make healthcare affordable for the most vulnerable? Do you support a system that withholds treatment and medications from people across the world based on profit? Are you an employer who only hires part-time employees so that you do not have to pay them health benefits? Are you a politician whose healthcare and that for his/her family are taken care of, but who votes against getting even minimal coverage for every person he/she represents in government?
Resident aliens live in the land. Some are economic refugees and others are refugees based on their need for safety. Jesus identifies with refugees, having been one. Immigrants and resident aliens in this empire have been exploited and then scapegoated and often deported. Resident aliens in this empire are not welcomed but blamed by many among us because we have been manipulated to do so by those who would like to keep their wealth, power and status. Resident aliens have been treated shamefully, just as they were under empire in Jesus' time, even by those who were themselves being oppressed by the system of empire. Have you spoken on behalf of the resident aliens here and now, and voted for those who would treat them with respect and honor, and welcome them here? Have you refused to be duped into blaming them for the injustices you have suffered at the hands of the wealthy, powerful and prestigious among us? Have you welcomed them yourself?
Injustice prevails in this empire, also. People who have had equal opportunities denied have also been unequally imprisoned for the same or lesser crimes than those in the "majority of power." People of color have been targeted for traffic, walking and just existing violations and even executed as unarmed citizens by some of those who have sworn to serve and protect them. Laws are written to protect white collar criminals who victimize even thousands of people out of greed, and also to ruthlessly punish those who commit petty crimes out of desperation. We have two justice systems and they are very unequal. People have their civil rights once again threatened because of the color of their skin and equal rights being threatened because of who they love. Do you speak out on behalf of those being unjustly imprisoned or executed? Do you vote for those who seek equal justice for ALL people in the land? Do you visit those who have been imprisoned or support their families with your voice, you vote and/or your resources? Do you visit them with love and not scorn?
How are you doing with this following of Jesus thing?
The Good News is of Grace. Jesus' message of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy has been given to you in the Gospels. Jesus' teachings, commands and examples are readily available for you to learn and apply to the living of your life here and now. As I write this, the separation of sheep from goats has not yet happened. There is time. There is Grace in time. God gives it out of Agape Love. God is Merciful AND Just.
But don't try to put on sheep's clothing just to be saved.
Follow Jesus. Live the Agape Love that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us because it is a better way - Jesus' Way - and because it will transform the world around you to be a more loving, gracious and merciful place for you and everyone around you. Do the right thing for the right reasons. God works out salvation. Live Agape Love and Grace in the world. BE one of the sheep.
Pastor Jamie
The thing is, those who profess to be Christian, believe that Jesus is the judge of the living and dead. Christians believe that Jesus will return just for that purpose. Jesus, who says that He has "all authority" given to Him, as we read later in this Gospel (28:18), will judge by the criteria He has taught, commanded and modeled for His followers to live.
I tend not to be a "literalist" with the Word, and I certainly strive not to be "dogmatic" as a believer in Grace, Mercy and Agape Love. I must admit that I find this rather clear, and that because it is ascribed to Jesus in this Gospel, I give it great weight. In fact, I believe that this vision of Jesus regarding the end has shaped my beliefs as much as Matthew 22:34-40, which early on made the lights go off for me regarding life in Christ. Separating sheep from goats is pretty clear.
The surprise amuses me, both of those who are reckoned as goats, and those as sheep. The sheep are just as surprised to find that it was Christ Jesus they loved, served and lifted up when they helped the most vulnerable among us, as the goats were to find out that they refused to help Christ when refusing to help them.
Not only are they surprised that it was Christ, however, but perhaps that the criteria for salvation are based on the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger or enemy, and especially the most vulnerable). No holiness or purity here as salvific characteristics. No keeping of the Law of Moses here or dogmatic living within a legalistic ideology as that life by which one is saved. No mention by Jesus, judge of the world, of praise or worship, tithes or piety.
The sole criterion for our salvation, according to Jesus is how we have actively committed on behalf of the most vulnerable among us.
So, self-less acts of kindness on behalf of the most vulnerable among us are what save us.
I must interject here that I believe we are not supposed to worry about salvation, but rather focus on living what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us on how to live in this part of God's Kingdom simply because it is the right thing to do. I also believe we should do it because it makes this part of God's Kingdom a better place in which to live. Salvation God takes care of, and indeed already has.
We are to practice Agape Love. Period.
We do not do so only with those who can return the kindness, as Jesus taught, but give to those who will never be able to add to our wealth, power or status in return.
We do not do so ostentatiously so that we gain in prestige or position with others through their praise, as Jesus taught, but rather humbly and with no regard for a return or personal gain of any kind.
We do not do so in order to be saved, but because we follow the one who gives salvation with Grace, and shows Agape Love and Mercy to us.
There were many who were left hungry under empire in Jesus' life. Rome took everything from the most vulnerable for their own profit, and exploited the masses of people for their own gain. Many thirsted, literally and also many were thirsty for justice and shalom (well-being, completeness and wholeness that leads to peace) to be restored in the land that was occupied by empire. There were alien residents in the land who needed to be welcomed because they lived in a most unwelcoming climate. Some had everything taken away because they could not pay the debts that the Romans, King and Temple Cult leaders of that time had levied against them, and for some it was the collateral of their cloak that was stripped from them. They were exposed to the elements of the world, having been rendered most vulnerable by empire. Some had no means by which to get medical care, proper nutrition for healing or any compassion from those who practiced a legalistic belief system that believed they should punish those inflicted, even as they believed God was punishing them. Many were imprisoned unjustly, locked up by the empire that had taken all from them, sometimes out of fear of insurrection against the injustice or simply because they were forced to do what must be done to survive under the conditions created by empire. Jesus was with these folk everyday. Jesus was among them and rendered Himself one of them. Jesus identified with them and sought to give them comfort. Jesus commanded any who would follow Him to do the same.
Jesus still does, even as one who with all authority calls us to go out and live Agape in the world around us, here and now. We have the Good News of Jesus' Agape Love, Grace and Mercy. We have Jesus' mandate, His manifesto. Any who claim to know, love and/or follow Jesus have His teachings, commands and examples before us. And we have this vision of what happens when we do not live as Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us to do in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now, and we have the vision of what happens when we do live it.
So, how are we doing with this here and now, in empire?
The poor have still had everything taken away from them. Their opportunities and possibilities for escaping poverty have been eliminated by those who exploit them for their own profit and gain. The great re-distribution of wealth that started in 1981 and has continued in this nation, has created more poor and has given those with wealth, power and status in this empire culture more of the same. There are people starving today and many are malnourished because they do not have healthy and affordable food available to them. How have you voted since 1980? Have you voted out of your concern for the hungry and thirsty, the naked and vulnerable or on the side of those who aspire to get always more for themselves? If you are an employer, have you paid a living wage to those who get you your profit? As a stockholder, have you willingly taken less gain so that those who work for companies in which you are invested can thrive? As a citizen, have you demanded that those who have been held down, back and out for generations be given an equal chance and that we strive toward equal opportunities for all?
People are still sick across the world. Many people die each year from treatable and even curable diseases because healthcare has been tied to profit and they cannot afford treatment. Measures have been proposed and some were even recently implemented to make healthcare affordable for millions more in our own nation, but efforts to kill those efforts have been very strong. Did you vote for the folk who have wanted to kick millions of your fellow citizens off ACA? Did you voice your opinion against efforts to make healthcare affordable for the most vulnerable? Do you support a system that withholds treatment and medications from people across the world based on profit? Are you an employer who only hires part-time employees so that you do not have to pay them health benefits? Are you a politician whose healthcare and that for his/her family are taken care of, but who votes against getting even minimal coverage for every person he/she represents in government?
Resident aliens live in the land. Some are economic refugees and others are refugees based on their need for safety. Jesus identifies with refugees, having been one. Immigrants and resident aliens in this empire have been exploited and then scapegoated and often deported. Resident aliens in this empire are not welcomed but blamed by many among us because we have been manipulated to do so by those who would like to keep their wealth, power and status. Resident aliens have been treated shamefully, just as they were under empire in Jesus' time, even by those who were themselves being oppressed by the system of empire. Have you spoken on behalf of the resident aliens here and now, and voted for those who would treat them with respect and honor, and welcome them here? Have you refused to be duped into blaming them for the injustices you have suffered at the hands of the wealthy, powerful and prestigious among us? Have you welcomed them yourself?
Injustice prevails in this empire, also. People who have had equal opportunities denied have also been unequally imprisoned for the same or lesser crimes than those in the "majority of power." People of color have been targeted for traffic, walking and just existing violations and even executed as unarmed citizens by some of those who have sworn to serve and protect them. Laws are written to protect white collar criminals who victimize even thousands of people out of greed, and also to ruthlessly punish those who commit petty crimes out of desperation. We have two justice systems and they are very unequal. People have their civil rights once again threatened because of the color of their skin and equal rights being threatened because of who they love. Do you speak out on behalf of those being unjustly imprisoned or executed? Do you vote for those who seek equal justice for ALL people in the land? Do you visit those who have been imprisoned or support their families with your voice, you vote and/or your resources? Do you visit them with love and not scorn?
How are you doing with this following of Jesus thing?
The Good News is of Grace. Jesus' message of Agape Love, Grace and Mercy has been given to you in the Gospels. Jesus' teachings, commands and examples are readily available for you to learn and apply to the living of your life here and now. As I write this, the separation of sheep from goats has not yet happened. There is time. There is Grace in time. God gives it out of Agape Love. God is Merciful AND Just.
But don't try to put on sheep's clothing just to be saved.
Follow Jesus. Live the Agape Love that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us because it is a better way - Jesus' Way - and because it will transform the world around you to be a more loving, gracious and merciful place for you and everyone around you. Do the right thing for the right reasons. God works out salvation. Live Agape Love and Grace in the world. BE one of the sheep.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, November 12, 2017
entrusted with... Matthew 25:14-30
Again, Matthew leaves the message open for the interpretation of the reader/hearer.
One can either read this from the perspective of how badly slaves (under Empire) were treated by their masters with regard to "their property" (taken from the people when they were made slaves), or you can hear it as God's expectations on how we use what God has given toward the furthering of the Kingdom.
Either way, the story presents us with these facts as part of the picture:
1. The talents never belonged to the slaves, but were generated by the property owner.
2. It was not to the Steward that these things were given for investment, but all the slaves.
* the word doulon in the context of 1st Century Israel meant slaves
the enslavement of peoples under Rome was horrific, as in later periods of history
slave owners took what they wanted, because they had the power, wealth and status under
Rome that allowed them to do that - "reap where they did not sow, gather where they
did not scatter" - the harshness of their occupation and oppression was such that they
took what they wanted that once belonged to others, and made more on their backs
Of course I believe this is about Grace and Agape Love. God is DIFFERENT with values, especially over power and wealth, and calls us to be different in what we value as well.
We do not originate them. They do not come from within us, except that God has put them there.
God is the giver of all of it.
Agape Love, as we understand, has been given to all people, like faith. God has chosen to meet us with Agape Love, even in our disobedience. God has actively committed to our well-being, despite our sinfulness. God clearly expects the same from us with one another.
The sin of the servant who hid the talent (having only been given one portion because he/she was not capable of handling more), is that he/she did not invest Agape Love or Grace in the world, and therefore produce more of the same in the world, this part of God's Kingdom.
Agape is active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable. When we invest that in the world around us, what we started with does not diminish, but rather multiplies, grows, expands in the world around us and transforms it.
Grace is undeserved loving mercy shared freely. When we invest that in the world around us, without judgment, what we started with does not diminish but grows, expands, spreads in the world around us and transforms it.
Just as the empire values were addressed by Jesus as the "leaven of the Pharisees," that spread hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status, so when Kingdom values are spread "like leaven", they produce more love, grace, mercy and peace because they come from a place of justice, equity, equality and humility.
We did not create Agape Love or Grace. God gives them to us, they originate from God. We are called to be servants who invest them in the world in order that they may grow and spread, and transform the world around us - this part of God's Kingdom.
This has nothing to do with coins or money, investments of them or wealth. Empire makes it all about that. How we might USE those things in Agape Love and Grace is as close as they get to the center of this parable.
This has to do with true stewardship of God's most valuable gifts - Agape Love and Grace.
What kind of leaven are you spreading?
What are you putting out in the world around you?
What has God given you freely that is truly valued in the Kingdom?
With what have you been entrusted by God, and what are you doing with it for God?
Are you investing it in the world around you? Are you sharing it so that it may grow?
Pastor Jamie
One can either read this from the perspective of how badly slaves (under Empire) were treated by their masters with regard to "their property" (taken from the people when they were made slaves), or you can hear it as God's expectations on how we use what God has given toward the furthering of the Kingdom.
Either way, the story presents us with these facts as part of the picture:
1. The talents never belonged to the slaves, but were generated by the property owner.
2. It was not to the Steward that these things were given for investment, but all the slaves.
* the word doulon in the context of 1st Century Israel meant slaves
the enslavement of peoples under Rome was horrific, as in later periods of history
slave owners took what they wanted, because they had the power, wealth and status under
Rome that allowed them to do that - "reap where they did not sow, gather where they
did not scatter" - the harshness of their occupation and oppression was such that they
took what they wanted that once belonged to others, and made more on their backs
Of course I believe this is about Grace and Agape Love. God is DIFFERENT with values, especially over power and wealth, and calls us to be different in what we value as well.
We do not originate them. They do not come from within us, except that God has put them there.
God is the giver of all of it.
Agape Love, as we understand, has been given to all people, like faith. God has chosen to meet us with Agape Love, even in our disobedience. God has actively committed to our well-being, despite our sinfulness. God clearly expects the same from us with one another.
The sin of the servant who hid the talent (having only been given one portion because he/she was not capable of handling more), is that he/she did not invest Agape Love or Grace in the world, and therefore produce more of the same in the world, this part of God's Kingdom.
Agape is active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable. When we invest that in the world around us, what we started with does not diminish, but rather multiplies, grows, expands in the world around us and transforms it.
Grace is undeserved loving mercy shared freely. When we invest that in the world around us, without judgment, what we started with does not diminish but grows, expands, spreads in the world around us and transforms it.
Just as the empire values were addressed by Jesus as the "leaven of the Pharisees," that spread hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status, so when Kingdom values are spread "like leaven", they produce more love, grace, mercy and peace because they come from a place of justice, equity, equality and humility.
We did not create Agape Love or Grace. God gives them to us, they originate from God. We are called to be servants who invest them in the world in order that they may grow and spread, and transform the world around us - this part of God's Kingdom.
This has nothing to do with coins or money, investments of them or wealth. Empire makes it all about that. How we might USE those things in Agape Love and Grace is as close as they get to the center of this parable.
This has to do with true stewardship of God's most valuable gifts - Agape Love and Grace.
What kind of leaven are you spreading?
What are you putting out in the world around you?
What has God given you freely that is truly valued in the Kingdom?
With what have you been entrusted by God, and what are you doing with it for God?
Are you investing it in the world around you? Are you sharing it so that it may grow?
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Being ready, and being prepared... Matthew 25:1-13
I remember Pastor (Dr.) Bruce Schein in New Testament Studies class in our first year of Seminary telling of the practice that still happens in and around Jerusalem around wedding parties - how the game is still played the night before of bridesmaids vs. groomsmen around a mock "kidnapping" or "elopement". This game of relationship capture the flag is part of the celebration of bringing lives together.
The longer the wait, the more oil is used.
We have waited a long time for the arrival of our Bridegroom to fetch this bride, the church.
There must have been great anticipation in the First Century, as followers of Jesus awaited His return.
Perhaps then, having been disappointed with the continuation of Rome's occupation and oppression, and the collusion of the King and Temple Cult leaders of the time with the Romans, Jesus would come and truly fulfill the deliverance from this abuse that so many saw as Jesus' promise. They were ready. But were they prepared?
They were ready to have their freedoms and livelihoods restored for them. They were ready for the intentionally induced poverty to be ended in the land, the corruption of justice ended and the abuse of scapegoated segments of society to be ended. They were ready to govern themselves without empire's control looming over them. They were ready to have peace restored and conflict ended. They were ready for justice and equitability to be restored so that peace (shalom - well-being, wholeness, completeness) would be possible for ALL people. But perhaps they were not prepared for it in their lives in the ways they were living them.
They were not prepared for the long haul. They wanted it immediately.
Perhaps they were not prepared to change their thinking and follow Jesus' way of being in order to
welcome God's Kingdom come.
Some were not prepared to give up the little personal gains they received from empire, by colluding,
cooperating or being in silent compliance with its oppression of self and others.
Some were not prepared to use their resources to help others who did not have enough and were not
Some were not prepared to look for Jesus coming to them when they would least expect it.
This Bridegroom's coming is to be a celebration in a world dominated by empire, especially for any
who profess to believe in Jesus and His Good News.
It is something to be anticipated with excitement and anticipated joy.
We should be ready for His coming to us.
But we should also be prepared now for it.
We need to prepare our hearts and minds for His coming.
We need to submit to Jesus' teachings, commands and examples on how to live in this part of God's
Kingdom, as we have them given to us in the Gospels.
We need to perfect our living of Agape Love and Grace in the world around us, thus preparing others
around us for God's Kingdom come.
We need to prepare the way of the Lord. Still. Always.
The truth is that Jesus comes to us TODAY.
The Holy Spirit points to the Christ coming into our hearts, minds and lives everyday.
Are we prepared to receive Jesus today?
Will we have enough illumination to see Jesus when He comes to us today?
Will the lights be on?
Will we have prepared our hearts, minds and lives for His coming to us?
Where, when and in a guise that we may least expect to experience Jesus?
Will we feed Jesus, clothe Jesus, welcome Jesus, visit sick and imprisoned Jesus as Jesus comes to us
among "the least" among us - the poor, the stranger, the most vulnerable?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us - Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Buddhist?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us - black or brown, Asian, female, LGBTQ?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us?
Are we prepared today to do that?
We believe we are ready for Jesus to come to us.
Some of us pray for it more earnestly now than ever before.
But are we prepared for His coming to us today?
Are you prepared in your heart, mind and spirit for His coming to YOU today?
Pastor Jamie
The longer the wait, the more oil is used.
We have waited a long time for the arrival of our Bridegroom to fetch this bride, the church.
There must have been great anticipation in the First Century, as followers of Jesus awaited His return.
Perhaps then, having been disappointed with the continuation of Rome's occupation and oppression, and the collusion of the King and Temple Cult leaders of the time with the Romans, Jesus would come and truly fulfill the deliverance from this abuse that so many saw as Jesus' promise. They were ready. But were they prepared?
They were ready to have their freedoms and livelihoods restored for them. They were ready for the intentionally induced poverty to be ended in the land, the corruption of justice ended and the abuse of scapegoated segments of society to be ended. They were ready to govern themselves without empire's control looming over them. They were ready to have peace restored and conflict ended. They were ready for justice and equitability to be restored so that peace (shalom - well-being, wholeness, completeness) would be possible for ALL people. But perhaps they were not prepared for it in their lives in the ways they were living them.
They were not prepared for the long haul. They wanted it immediately.
Perhaps they were not prepared to change their thinking and follow Jesus' way of being in order to
welcome God's Kingdom come.
Some were not prepared to give up the little personal gains they received from empire, by colluding,
cooperating or being in silent compliance with its oppression of self and others.
Some were not prepared to use their resources to help others who did not have enough and were not
Some were not prepared to look for Jesus coming to them when they would least expect it.
This Bridegroom's coming is to be a celebration in a world dominated by empire, especially for any
who profess to believe in Jesus and His Good News.
It is something to be anticipated with excitement and anticipated joy.
We should be ready for His coming to us.
But we should also be prepared now for it.
We need to prepare our hearts and minds for His coming.
We need to submit to Jesus' teachings, commands and examples on how to live in this part of God's
Kingdom, as we have them given to us in the Gospels.
We need to perfect our living of Agape Love and Grace in the world around us, thus preparing others
around us for God's Kingdom come.
We need to prepare the way of the Lord. Still. Always.
The truth is that Jesus comes to us TODAY.
The Holy Spirit points to the Christ coming into our hearts, minds and lives everyday.
Are we prepared to receive Jesus today?
Will we have enough illumination to see Jesus when He comes to us today?
Will the lights be on?
Will we have prepared our hearts, minds and lives for His coming to us?
Where, when and in a guise that we may least expect to experience Jesus?
Will we feed Jesus, clothe Jesus, welcome Jesus, visit sick and imprisoned Jesus as Jesus comes to us
among "the least" among us - the poor, the stranger, the most vulnerable?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us - Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Buddhist?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us - black or brown, Asian, female, LGBTQ?
Will we receive Jesus as He comes to us?
Are we prepared today to do that?
We believe we are ready for Jesus to come to us.
Some of us pray for it more earnestly now than ever before.
But are we prepared for His coming to us today?
Are you prepared in your heart, mind and spirit for His coming to YOU today?
Pastor Jamie
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
... on the 500th Anniversary of the 95 Theses...
Out of love
for the truth of the Gospel, and a desire to illuminate the teachings, commands
and examples of Jesus on how to live Agape Love and Grace in the Good News, I
humbly offer this homage to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses on this, the 500th
Anniversary of their original posting. We need Reform in the church. Now.
1.True Faithfulness and therefore true Repentance (Mark 1:15; Matthew
4:17) come from changing our thinking on what it means to follow Jesus, in
order to truly be followers of Jesus.
2.It comes in submission to His Word as the fulfiller of Law and
Prophets, our professed Savior and Lord of our lives.
3.Righteousness is not personal piety, purity or holiness.
4.Those are things of God and only of God.
5.Righteousness is faithfulness to the teachings, commands and examples
modeled by Jesus on how we live Agape Love and Grace in the world, which is
God’s Will for us, thus exhibiting spiritual gifts and producing the Fruit of
the Spirit in the world (Galatians 5:22, 23).
6.Faithfulness to Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord is living the Gospel
Mandate, Jesus’ Manifesto on Agape Love and Grace for how we live in this part
of God’s Kingdom, here and now.
7.Faithfulness to Jesus as Savior, Redeemer, Lord and fulfiller of Law
and Prophets, our authority and the deliverer of God’s Will in the Good News, the
New Covenant of Grace is lived by obeying Jesus’ Agape Love Command, in living
what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us.
8.Self-righteousness is not righteousness. (Romans 5:6-11; Ephesians 2:1-10)
9.Salvation is not based on merit, as those who represent Empire (the Holy Roman Empire in the 16ht Century, and
in Jesus’ day the Roman Empire) live and promote.
10.Salvation is not earned.
11.It is given freely, which is by Grace through Faith.
12.Faithfulness to living what Jesus commanded and an understanding of salvation
by Grace are established in the Gospels; therefore personal salvation is not
the motive of followers of Jesus.
13.Personal salvation is God’s goal for us and God’s work to be done,
and is given by Grace through faith, which also cannot be made into a work
toward salvation.
14.Our motive is living what God wants us to live and letting God save,
thus trusting in God’s Mercy and Grace out of faith in God.
15.Personal salvation as a motive is “self-centered” and is therefore the
work of Empire, setting some as better than others, which is not a value in the
Kingdom, as we are all “beggars at the foot of the throne of Grace.”
16.Piety, purity and holiness is of God and only given by God, so it is
not about us “becoming” more pious, pure or holy but rather about us becoming
more faithful to the following of God’s Kingdom Values as we have been given
them in Jesus’ teachings, commands and examples.
17.We are called and commanded to live Jesus’ Way of being a child of
God in this part of God’s Kingdom, here and now.
18.Worship, praise and tithes are not necessarily works toward
salvation, as is taught by Jesus (Mark 7:1-8).
19.Faith Litmus tests of spiritual gifts mean nothing, as is witnessed
in the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew 7:21-23).
20.The highest spiritual gift is telling the truth of God, according to
Paul (I Corinthians 14:1-5), but even that is subordinate to living the Agape
Love commanded by Jesus (I Corinthians 13; Philippians 2:1-11).
21.In short, we are to rely on the Grace and Agape of God, and live
Agape and Grace in the world around us.
22.That is righteousness for people clothed in Christ Jesus and His
23.That is faithfulness to Christ Jesus, according to His teachings,
commandments and examples for us.
24.The church has been corrupted by the lust for power, greed and
desire for prestige, position and status which are Empire values, rather than
the Agape Love and Grace which are Kingdom of God Values.
25.It was true during the time of the Holy Roman Empire under Leo
26.In the time of Jesus and the writing of the Gospels it was corrupted
under the Roman Empire and by the Temple Cult leaders.
27.The value of hubris in the Empire overshadowed the humility taught
and modeled by Jesus in the Kingdom.
28.It led to false teachings around wealth, prestige and power, even to
the exploitation of the people under Rome and then to the selling of
indulgences for salvation under Leo X, and now to the false teachings of Church
Growth, Prosperity Theology and the emphasis on Personal Salvation.
29.It has always led believers to the false view that church is an institution
to be served, rather than a movement of followers of Jesus, both then and
30.Worship, Praise, Prayer and Tithes as God’s only expectations of us is
not a faithful belief in Jesus’ Good News.
31.Strict adherence to the Law of Moses (selective in almost every
case) leads to hypocrisy and not faithfulness as was shown then and has been
seen now.
32.It leads to corrupt misuse and abuse of power by the church and by individual
Christians for their own “gain”.
33.The Church/Church bodies are commanded by Jesus to stand with the
poor, marginalized and most vulnerable in the world.
34.Followers of Jesus are commanded not to judge others, not to refuse
to help, not to abandon the most vulnerable and not to reject the stranger in
the land, neither by ethnicity, faith practice, sexual orientation or any other
difference. 35.Bishops, Clergy and Lay Leaders must stop abusing their power,
influence and position for promoting their own gain, pushing their own
ideologies and agendas, promulgating their own prejudices and preserving their
narcissistic focus on self, and must serve God by serving those who God loves
in Agape Love and Grace.
36.They must stand with (advocate) the poor, marginalized and most
vulnerable who Jesus loves and lead others to do so, and stand against those in
politics, business, society who would hurt them and lead others to do so, if
they are to be faithful to Savior and Lord.
37.There can no longer be lip service to Jesus’ name and duplicitous
devotion to Mammon (wealth), Mars (power) and Narcissus (self-indulgence).
38.Followers of Jesus are people of God and part of God’s creation.
39.We are called and commanded to be stewards of the creation, knowing
that all things of the creation/Kingdom of God belong to God.
40.The pollution, waste and destruction of the creation that God loves
is a sin against God.
41.The abuse of the creation for the sake of personal profit is
unconscionable and immoral.
42.The destruction of others in the world for anyone’s personal or
national gain through war is a sin against God and neighbor.
43.The destruction of the creation for convenience or profit destroys
the creation that God loves, and is therefore a sin against future generations
and against God.
44.We cannot abuse, manipulate or exploit the creation for our own gain
and be right with God.
45.We must care for, nurture, protect and responsibly benefit from the
creation of which we are a part, in order to be faithful to God.
46.We cannot create need or famine and create a lack of breathable air,
drinkable water and viable land, especially for the sake of wealth, power or
status in the world, and be right with God.
47.Jesus commanded us to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and
48.As followers of Jesus, we cannot turn off our minds and responsibly
follow Jesus.
49.We cannot de-value understanding and wisdom and be faithful to
50.We cannot turn off our hearts and follow Jesus.
51.We cannot choose to not live Agape Love and be faithful to Jesus.
52.We cannot focus only on our own souls and faithfully live Jesus’
53.We cannot only concern ourselves with our own, personal salvation
and be faithful to Jesus.
54.We cannot abuse our strength by have power over others and be
faithful to Christ Jesus, but we must rather exercise self-control.
55.We cannot love only power for ourselves and abdicate power over
ourselves and be faithful to Jesus.
56.The Church of Jesus is called and commanded to address the world
with the Gospel of Jesus, not reflect worldly empire within the church.
57.We are called to preach and teach the Agape and Grace Jesus taught,
commanded and modeled and lead people to the transformative experience of
living it.
58.We are called Salt and Light by Jesus in order that we might impact
the world around us in Agape Love and Grace.
59.We are called to boldly and directly address those economic,
political and social expressions of greed, lust for power and prestige that are
represented in Empire and which run contrary to the Kingdom values taught in
the Gospels.
60.We are commanded to address hatred for those not like us by standing
with those hated with the love of Christ and standing up to those who would
abuse them.
61.We are called and commanded to reach across boundaries to embrace
others, build bridges to connect and include all people and work toward peace
and justice in Love and Grace.
62.Service and mercy are what are called for in the Gospel of Jesus in
63.Judgment, rejection, exploitation and refusing to forgive are
antithetical to the Good News of Jesus, of Agape Love and Grace.
64.Perpetrating injustice is antithetical to the teachings, commands
and examples of Jesus.
65.Working toward the Shalom of all people (well-being, completeness
and wholeness) is commanded by Jesus, taught by Jesus and modeled by Jesus.
66.American Civil Religion is anti-Christ - Just as Roman Empire and
Holy Roman Empire held an arrogant sense of “superiority”, exceptionalism and
in America Manifest Destiny opposed the teachings and commands of Jesus, so do
many who profess to be “Christian” today.
67.From before the time of the Discovery Doctrine of 1493, the hubris
of Euro cultures to “discover”, conquer and exploit lands, resources and
peoples across the world has had an evil expression in the world.
68.These twisted beliefs “justify” their lust for power and control, “justify”
their selfishness and greed for more and “justify” being Empire in the world
through unjust and immoral means.
69.None of this is justified according to the Kingdom Values of Jesus
in the Gospels.
70.Jesus taught that “the first shall be last and the last shall be
71.Jesus taught humility in service and mercy toward all.
72.Jesus taught generosity of spirit and with one’s time, ability,
possessions, love and advocacy.
73.God is the God of all nations, not just Rome or Holy Roman Empire or
74.Empire is not of the Kingdom nor an expression of it, but rather
antithetical to its values.
75.Clergy and church who promote such hubris, ignorance and the acceptance
of hatred because it benefits them do not walk with God in Christ Jesus because
it hurts those who Jesus loves.
76.Those who claim the name of Jesus but live for and out of status,
wealth, prestige and position, power do not walk with Christ Jesus because it
makes them believe they can exploit those who Jesus loves for their own
77.Political Ideologies, social philosophies and economic systems that
marginalize, victimize and exploit others are not of Christ.
78.Politicians, clergy, churches, societies and nations that do so are
not faithful to God.
79.The self-sacrificing, unconditional active commitment on behalf of
the other that is Agape Love, which was commanded by our Lord, does not allow
for the abuse, exploitation or hatred of anyone.
80.If salvation is by Grace, then the judgment of others by anyone but
Christ Jesus is a tool of the evil.
81.Grace and Agape Love deny any validity in the judgment of other
faiths, sexual orientation, for any other reason by definition.
82.The belief that one is inherently superior to another by virtue of
race, gender, sexuality, economic wealth, bloodline or nation/region of origin
is absurd and patently false according to the Gospel of Jesus.
83.If Jesus said nothing about something, as we have that witnessed in
the Gospels, how important can it be?
84.If the First Century believers received those who were ethnically,
religiously and sexually different and therefore excluded by the Law of Moses
from being received into the Body of Christ (Acts 8:26-40), shouldn’t we do the
same? 85.While addressing pederasty,
Paul addressed the Roman status symbol of buying children for sex by straight,
married men of means.
86.That practice is unacceptable to God – using or exploiting others
for one’s own pleasure is not acceptable to God.
87.It is not from love, but from a sick desire for power and control
over others, and status.
88.Even IF, we erroneously took it to be a statement about homosexually
in general or specifically, we must acknowledge that Paul equated using others
for sex with the passions that everyone has, and commanded followers of Jesus,
“therefore DO NOT JUDGE,” with regard to those who sleep with those of their
same gender. (Romans 1:18-2:11)
89.That was the central teaching in the passage for those who would be
faithful to Christ Jesus in Rome.
90.Twisting the Word in order to justify our prejudices, in order to
manipulate others to side with us or to believe that we are spiritually
superior, or in order to justify our exploitation of or discrimination against
others is not faithfulness to Christ Jesus.
91.Using selective passages of scripture to judge others harshly and
falsely justify oneself is not a faithful use of scripture.
92.Using them to obfuscate one’s own sins of greed, lust for power and
desire for prestige/position/status, things of which Jesus did say a great
deal, according to the Gospel witness, is unconscionable and immoral.
93.The church body, leader or member who judges others who are
different goes against Christ Jesus.
94.God alone is God, and God is not our cosmic ATM into which we can
punch a magic formula and receive prosperity, or our Genie who is required to
give us our wishes when we call on God’s name, or Santa who rewards the nice
and ignores the naughty, or the Easter Bunny who leaves us treats in the Spring
or the Tooth Fairy who compensates us for every little loss we may suffer.
95. God alone is God, and God is not a Capitalist, an Oligarch, a
Conservative, a static set of rules, a wrathful bully or an American, but the
God of all nations and peoples who is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and
all Loving, Merciful and Gracious with all nations and all peoples.
The Gospel of Jesus is transformative if
we are receptive to God’s working in the Holy Spirit, and are willing to live
the Agape and Grace at the center of the Gospel of Jesus to which the Holy
Spirit always leads and drives us. It is transformative for individuals,
communities, congregations, church bodies and society if we are willing to do
what Jesus commanded in His first recorded imperative in the first chapter of
the first Gospel written – “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at
hand, REPENT (metanoia – change your thinking so that your
words/actions/direction will change), and BELIEVE IN THE GOOD NEWS.” (Mark 1:15)
In the name of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ. Amen October 31, 2017 Rev. Jamie Kaufman M.Div.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
being religious is not faithfulness Matthew 23:1-12
Piety, religiosity, self-righteousness, blind obedience to the law, purity and holiness are not what the Good News of Jesus in Agape are about.
It is about faithful relationship based on Agape Love. Period. For God and for Neighbor (stranger, enemy, the most vulnerable, everyone).
The Temple cult leaders of Jesus' time wrapped themselves up in religiosity, piety, their version of purity and holiness and did not know or live Agape Love. It got them some power, some status and much wealth at the expense of others, but it did not make them faithful to God or Neighbor.
Agape - unconditional, self-sacrificing active commitment on behalf of the other draws us in Shalom - well-being, completeness and wholeness together for mutual good. It does not divide so that some have more than they need while others do not have enough for Shalom - enough love, provision, joy, peace and community for the living of these days.
The Temple cult leaders were inconsistent because living by the law is subjective to those who do not submit as servants to God, but who instead try to assert themselves as those who deserve power, wealth and status. When we focus on the Agape Love of Jesus' Good News teachings, commands and examples, as the center of our lives and the living of them, we cut through all the things that would keep Shalom from happening and find the joy and peace that come from love, and thus work toward Shalom for all those around us.
It is tragic for all concerned.
None of us is qualified to tell others how to live with God. Jesus claims we are ALL students. The best we can do is GO TO the Rabbi and serve the Teacher, submit to the Teacher's Way humbly and humbly live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us.
This is God's Kingdom and not ours. We are but student followers of the one who IS ONE. We are recipients of that perfect Love and Grace, and we are called to live that with one another unconditionally, even to self-sacrifice - to actively commit ourselves to the Shalom of even the stranger, enemy and most vulnerable among us. It really is that simple.
No religiosity, piety, self-righteousness or obedience to Law compares.
All purity and holiness belong to God.
Let us not be religious. Being religious creates a great deal of injustice, inequity and disunity, and the pain that comes with them.
Let us be faithful to the one we call Savior, Redeemer, fulfiller of the Law and Prophets and Lord of our lives. Let us live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in His Good News of Agape Love. In that is faithfulness. In that we will find Shalom in life - ALL of us, together.
Pastor Jamie
It is about faithful relationship based on Agape Love. Period. For God and for Neighbor (stranger, enemy, the most vulnerable, everyone).
The Temple cult leaders of Jesus' time wrapped themselves up in religiosity, piety, their version of purity and holiness and did not know or live Agape Love. It got them some power, some status and much wealth at the expense of others, but it did not make them faithful to God or Neighbor.
Agape - unconditional, self-sacrificing active commitment on behalf of the other draws us in Shalom - well-being, completeness and wholeness together for mutual good. It does not divide so that some have more than they need while others do not have enough for Shalom - enough love, provision, joy, peace and community for the living of these days.
The Temple cult leaders were inconsistent because living by the law is subjective to those who do not submit as servants to God, but who instead try to assert themselves as those who deserve power, wealth and status. When we focus on the Agape Love of Jesus' Good News teachings, commands and examples, as the center of our lives and the living of them, we cut through all the things that would keep Shalom from happening and find the joy and peace that come from love, and thus work toward Shalom for all those around us.
It is tragic for all concerned.
None of us is qualified to tell others how to live with God. Jesus claims we are ALL students. The best we can do is GO TO the Rabbi and serve the Teacher, submit to the Teacher's Way humbly and humbly live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us.
This is God's Kingdom and not ours. We are but student followers of the one who IS ONE. We are recipients of that perfect Love and Grace, and we are called to live that with one another unconditionally, even to self-sacrifice - to actively commit ourselves to the Shalom of even the stranger, enemy and most vulnerable among us. It really is that simple.
No religiosity, piety, self-righteousness or obedience to Law compares.
All purity and holiness belong to God.
Let us not be religious. Being religious creates a great deal of injustice, inequity and disunity, and the pain that comes with them.
Let us be faithful to the one we call Savior, Redeemer, fulfiller of the Law and Prophets and Lord of our lives. Let us live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in His Good News of Agape Love. In that is faithfulness. In that we will find Shalom in life - ALL of us, together.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, October 22, 2017
the one thing... Matthew 22:34-46
It was when I realized that this is Jesus' central teaching, His command for every follower and at the heart of everything that Jesus modeled for us, as we have that in the Gospels, that my transformation, my "born from above" moment began.
Jesus is the fulfiller of the Law and Prophets. We know that from His sharing of His mission in Sermon on the Mount. We know that from the Transfiguration account.
In THIS it is fulfilled:
To Love God with all one's heart, soul and mind.
Agape is about loving, but not about feelings. It is about commitment. Committing our lives to God means committing how we live them to God's Way for us to live. We need to use our God-given brains in striving to commit actively to God and Neighbor.
To Love Neighbor as one love's oneself.
This means I would no more want lack or harm to come to my neighbor than I would want that for myself or those I love. It means that I will put my time, abilities, energy and possessions to work to make sure my neighbor has what my neighbor needs, because if my neighbor does not have well-being I do not have well-being.
Jesus made it abundantly clear that He is God's Son and not just of the line of David.
Jesus made His authority abundantly clear in the answers to their questions.
Jesus made it abundantly clear that God wants us to live Agape Love for God and humanity -
active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially
the most vulnerable -
self-giving, even self-sacrificing -
unconditional -
committed action on their behalf.
If everyone did that in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now, we would be in alignment with Kingdom values and God's will would be done on earth as in heaven.
If we chose Agape for God and abandoned our idolatrous love for self - wealth, power and status, all would have enough and have that Shalom - well-being, completeness and wholeness that God wants all of us to have in this part of the Kingdom, here and now.
No other law need be used (and abused) but this.
We would live the golden rule - "do to others as you would have them to do you." (Matthew 7:12)
No need for prophets ever be considered again.
Indeed, the Word would be etched on our hearts. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Indeed, we would be faithful to God and those who God loves.
Indeed, there would be Peace, because we have worked toward living the things that make for peace.
It really is that simple to understand. It is not easy to live.
I believe that our call as followers of Jesus is to perfect the living of this perfect love throughout the rest of our lives in this part of God's Kingdom, and not to worry about that part of God's Kingdom. Living faithfully to Jesus means living Agape Love, which means doing the right things for the right reasons on behalf of others. Salvation is the work of God in my life. Faithfulness to Jesus' Way is my response to God's Love and Grace for doing it.
It was not a suggestion. It is a command. It is the Law and Prophets. Living Agape is everything.
Pastor Jamie
Jesus is the fulfiller of the Law and Prophets. We know that from His sharing of His mission in Sermon on the Mount. We know that from the Transfiguration account.
In THIS it is fulfilled:
To Love God with all one's heart, soul and mind.
Agape is about loving, but not about feelings. It is about commitment. Committing our lives to God means committing how we live them to God's Way for us to live. We need to use our God-given brains in striving to commit actively to God and Neighbor.
To Love Neighbor as one love's oneself.
This means I would no more want lack or harm to come to my neighbor than I would want that for myself or those I love. It means that I will put my time, abilities, energy and possessions to work to make sure my neighbor has what my neighbor needs, because if my neighbor does not have well-being I do not have well-being.
Jesus made it abundantly clear that He is God's Son and not just of the line of David.
Jesus made His authority abundantly clear in the answers to their questions.
Jesus made it abundantly clear that God wants us to live Agape Love for God and humanity -
active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially
the most vulnerable -
self-giving, even self-sacrificing -
unconditional -
committed action on their behalf.
If everyone did that in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now, we would be in alignment with Kingdom values and God's will would be done on earth as in heaven.
If we chose Agape for God and abandoned our idolatrous love for self - wealth, power and status, all would have enough and have that Shalom - well-being, completeness and wholeness that God wants all of us to have in this part of the Kingdom, here and now.
No other law need be used (and abused) but this.
We would live the golden rule - "do to others as you would have them to do you." (Matthew 7:12)
No need for prophets ever be considered again.
Indeed, the Word would be etched on our hearts. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Indeed, we would be faithful to God and those who God loves.
Indeed, there would be Peace, because we have worked toward living the things that make for peace.
It really is that simple to understand. It is not easy to live.
I believe that our call as followers of Jesus is to perfect the living of this perfect love throughout the rest of our lives in this part of God's Kingdom, and not to worry about that part of God's Kingdom. Living faithfully to Jesus means living Agape Love, which means doing the right things for the right reasons on behalf of others. Salvation is the work of God in my life. Faithfulness to Jesus' Way is my response to God's Love and Grace for doing it.
It was not a suggestion. It is a command. It is the Law and Prophets. Living Agape is everything.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, October 15, 2017
a trick answer
Matthew 22:15-22
They tested Jesus to justify their own duplicitous devotion.
They served Caesar in order to serve themselves.
The Temple Cult leaders were in collusion with Rome (Empire) and gave lip service to God, but gave their hearts to the gods of wealth, power and status.
It was unlawful in Empire not to support the Empire, but immoral for people of God to support the abusive, exploitative and hateful agenda of Empire.
Many resisted paying the tax. Some had little left, because Rome took everything from them. Others resisted because they themselves were greedy. But some resisted because to pay the tax meant supporting Empire, which meant supporting the abuse, exploitation and oppression of God's people.
Jesus had preached and taught resistance to Empire. Jesus was a Rabbi. Jesus was also subject to Roman power, both military and economic. They were trying to put Jesus at odds with either Rome or the people. Jesus did not bite.
If it is about coins and images on coins, then pay what is due the one whose value is the coins. It means nothing, ultimately. Give to Rome the things Rome demands, even while resisting. Capitulate to what one must do, but resist. Participate in the abuses as the abused in such extreme ways (going the extra mile while carrying the Centurian's gear, giving the cloak and not just the coat that is required by one's debtors) and thus make a mockery of their abuses of power and influence. Smile as you serve them. Be polite. And resist in other ways. On the surface, comply. In your heart and mind, resist. Engage in non-participation wherever possible. Impede their progress. Make it harder for them to execute their abuses and oppression. Do not yourself get caught up in exploiting sisters and brothers with them. Do not allow yourself to be in collusion with them as are the religious leaders. Do not gain a little power over others from them, as do the political leaders.
Your devotion belongs to God.
The Agape Love that Jesus commanded is meant to be lived with God and neighbor, and not given to wealth, power and status.
God does not allow duplicitous devotion.
In our hearts and minds, we must acknowledge that it ALL belongs to God, ultimately.
In our hearts and minds, we must never buy into an abusive, oppressive and exploitative way with others who are also children of God.
We must never benefit from a system of oppression, exploitation and abuse.
The religious leaders and political leaders sold out. We must never sell out.
Comply with the demands of the oppressors on the surface. Give them what they require, for their value is not your value. Do it just enough to stay out of trouble, but not enough to gain from it personally. And otherwise, resist participation in Empire. Never take on their values. As much as possible, keep others from being hurt by it. Teach others Jesus' Way as an alternative. Sabotage it. Dismantle it.
And in your hearts and minds, love God with all you have and your neighbor as yourself.
We cannot serve two masters, said Jesus. It all belongs to God.
Pastor Jamie
They tested Jesus to justify their own duplicitous devotion.
They served Caesar in order to serve themselves.
The Temple Cult leaders were in collusion with Rome (Empire) and gave lip service to God, but gave their hearts to the gods of wealth, power and status.
It was unlawful in Empire not to support the Empire, but immoral for people of God to support the abusive, exploitative and hateful agenda of Empire.
Many resisted paying the tax. Some had little left, because Rome took everything from them. Others resisted because they themselves were greedy. But some resisted because to pay the tax meant supporting Empire, which meant supporting the abuse, exploitation and oppression of God's people.
Jesus had preached and taught resistance to Empire. Jesus was a Rabbi. Jesus was also subject to Roman power, both military and economic. They were trying to put Jesus at odds with either Rome or the people. Jesus did not bite.
If it is about coins and images on coins, then pay what is due the one whose value is the coins. It means nothing, ultimately. Give to Rome the things Rome demands, even while resisting. Capitulate to what one must do, but resist. Participate in the abuses as the abused in such extreme ways (going the extra mile while carrying the Centurian's gear, giving the cloak and not just the coat that is required by one's debtors) and thus make a mockery of their abuses of power and influence. Smile as you serve them. Be polite. And resist in other ways. On the surface, comply. In your heart and mind, resist. Engage in non-participation wherever possible. Impede their progress. Make it harder for them to execute their abuses and oppression. Do not yourself get caught up in exploiting sisters and brothers with them. Do not allow yourself to be in collusion with them as are the religious leaders. Do not gain a little power over others from them, as do the political leaders.
Your devotion belongs to God.
The Agape Love that Jesus commanded is meant to be lived with God and neighbor, and not given to wealth, power and status.
God does not allow duplicitous devotion.
In our hearts and minds, we must acknowledge that it ALL belongs to God, ultimately.
In our hearts and minds, we must never buy into an abusive, oppressive and exploitative way with others who are also children of God.
We must never benefit from a system of oppression, exploitation and abuse.
The religious leaders and political leaders sold out. We must never sell out.
Comply with the demands of the oppressors on the surface. Give them what they require, for their value is not your value. Do it just enough to stay out of trouble, but not enough to gain from it personally. And otherwise, resist participation in Empire. Never take on their values. As much as possible, keep others from being hurt by it. Teach others Jesus' Way as an alternative. Sabotage it. Dismantle it.
And in your hearts and minds, love God with all you have and your neighbor as yourself.
We cannot serve two masters, said Jesus. It all belongs to God.
Pastor Jamie
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
that you come and how you come
Matthew 22:1-14
Those invited to follow God's Son in the celebration of the feast that has no end, to be wed to the Son and walk faithfully with Him in His Good News of Agape Love and Grace, would not come, because they were too busy making money and thought themselves above it.
So, God invites those who were not at first invited - those marginalized, downtrodden, good and bad to come to the banquet.
They will come when they come to understand what the Good News means for the world in which they live.
But when we come, we must come right.
We must come clothed, not in the common covering of self in greed, lust for power and status or in hatred.
We must come clothed, not in self-righteousness in a belief that we can be pure enough, holy enough or worthy in and of ourselves.
We must come clothed in Christ - in HIS Righteousness by Grace. We must come knowing that we are covered by that Grace and value it.
We must come clothed in the Love of Christ for us and for all others.
If we come covered in that Grace and Love, then we come covered in the belief that we are called to BE that Love and Grace in the world around us, Christ's Heart and Mind, Christ's Hands and Feat, Salt and Light in the world.
If we come, we must come right, clothed in Christ Jesus and His righteousness.
We must come as people wed to Christ Himself, vowing faithfulness to walk with Christ for the rest of our lives. We must come as people who celebrate the Love and Grace with which we are covered, and create it in the world around us, not for those who we think are worthy, but all others in Grace, just as we receive that from Christ Jesus freely.
Come. Come Right.
Pastor Jamie
Those invited to follow God's Son in the celebration of the feast that has no end, to be wed to the Son and walk faithfully with Him in His Good News of Agape Love and Grace, would not come, because they were too busy making money and thought themselves above it.
So, God invites those who were not at first invited - those marginalized, downtrodden, good and bad to come to the banquet.
They will come when they come to understand what the Good News means for the world in which they live.
But when we come, we must come right.
We must come clothed, not in the common covering of self in greed, lust for power and status or in hatred.
We must come clothed, not in self-righteousness in a belief that we can be pure enough, holy enough or worthy in and of ourselves.
We must come clothed in Christ - in HIS Righteousness by Grace. We must come knowing that we are covered by that Grace and value it.
We must come clothed in the Love of Christ for us and for all others.
If we come covered in that Grace and Love, then we come covered in the belief that we are called to BE that Love and Grace in the world around us, Christ's Heart and Mind, Christ's Hands and Feat, Salt and Light in the world.
If we come, we must come right, clothed in Christ Jesus and His righteousness.
We must come as people wed to Christ Himself, vowing faithfulness to walk with Christ for the rest of our lives. We must come as people who celebrate the Love and Grace with which we are covered, and create it in the world around us, not for those who we think are worthy, but all others in Grace, just as we receive that from Christ Jesus freely.
Come. Come Right.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, October 1, 2017
My homage to Luther's 95 Theses on the 500th Anniversary month of their posting... (see Oct 8 blog below)
Out of love for the truth of the Gospel, and a desire to
illuminate the teachings, commands and examples of Jesus on how to live Agape
Love and Grace in the Good News, I humbly offer this homage to Martin Luther’s
95 Theses on this, the 500th Anniversary month of their original
posting. We need Reform in the
church. Now.
True Faithfulness and therefore true Repentance (Mark 1:15; Matthew
4:17) come from changing our thinking on what it means to follow Jesus, to be
followers of Jesus. It comes in submission
to His Word as fulfiller of Law and Prophets.
Righteousness is not piety, purity or holiness. Those are things of
God. Righteousness is faithfulness to
the teachings, commands and examples modeled by Jesus on how we live Agape Love
and Grace in the world, thus exhibiting spiritual gifts and producing the Fruit
of the Spirit in the world (Galatians 5:22, 23). Faithfulness to Christ Jesus our Savior and
Lord is living the Gospel Mandate, Jesus’ Manifesto on Agape Love and Grace for
how we live in this part of God’s Kingdom, here and now. Faithfulness to Jesus
as Savior, Redeemer, Lord and fulfiller of Law and Prophets, our authority and
the deliverer of God’s Will in the Good News, the New Covenant of Grace is
lived by obeying Jesus’ Agape Love Command, in living what Jesus taught,
commanded and modeled for us.
Self-righteousness is not righteousness. (Romans 5:6-11; Ephesians 2:1-10) Salvation is not based on merit, as those who
represent Empire (then, the Holy Roman Empire, in Jesus’ day the Roman Empire)
live and promote. Salvation is not
earned. It is given freely, which is by
Grace through Faith. Faithfulness to
living what Jesus commanded and salvation by Grace being established, therefore
personal salvation is not the motive of followers of Jesus. Our motive is living what God wants us to
live and letting God save, thus trusting in God’s Mercy and Grace out of faith
in God. For personal salvation as a
motive is the work of Empire, setting some as better than others, which is not
true in the Kingdom in which we are all “beggars at the foot of the throne of
Grace.” Piety, purity and holiness is of
God and only given by God, so it is not about us “becoming” more pious, pure or
holy but rather us becoming more faithful to the following of God’s Kingdom
Values as we have been given them in Jesus’ teachings, commands and
examples. Worship, praise and tithes are
not necessarily works toward salvation, as is taught by Jesus (Mark 7:1-8).
Faith Litmus tests of spiritual gifts mean nothing, as is witnessed in the
teachings of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew 7:21-23). The highest spiritual gift
is telling the truth of God, according to Paul (I Corinthians 14:1-5), but even
that is subordinate to living the Agape Love commanded by Jesus (I Corinthians
13). In short, we are to rely on the Grace
and Agape of God, and live Agape and Grace in the world around us. That is righteousness in Christ Jesus. That is faithfulness to Christ Jesus.
The church has been corrupted by the lust for power, greed and desire
for prestige, position and status which are Empire values, rather than the
Agape Love and Grace which are Kingdom of God Values. Then it was the Holy Roman Empire under Leo
X. In the time of Jesus and the writing
of the Gospels it was the Roman Empire.
The value of hubris in the Empire overshadowed the humility taught and
modeled by Jesus in the Kingdom. It led
to false teachings around wealth, prestige and power, even to the exploitation
of the people under Rome and then to the selling of indulgences for salvation
under Leo X, and now to the false teachings of Church Growth, Prosperity
Theology and the emphasis on Personal Salvation. It led to a view that church was an institution
to be served, rather than a movement of followers of Jesus, both then and
now. Worship, Praise, Prayer and Tithes
as God’s only expectation of us not faithful to the Gospel. Strict adherence to the Law of Moses
(selectively in almost every case) lead to hypocrisy and not faithfulness as
was shown then and has been seen now. It
leads to corrupt misuse of power by the church and by individual Christians. The Church/Church bodies are commanded by
Jesus to stand with the poor, marginalized and most vulnerable in the
world. Followers of Jesus are commanded
not to judge others, not to refuse to help, not to abandon the most vulnerable
and not to reject the stranger in the land, neither by ethnicity, faith
practice, sexual orientation or any other difference. Bishops, Clergy and Lay
Leaders must stop abusing their power, influence and position for promoting
their own gain, promulgating their own prejudices and preserving their
narcissistic focus on self, and must serve God by serving those who God loves
in Agape Love and Grace. They must stand
with (advocate) the poor, marginalized and most vulnerable who Jesus loves and
lead others to do so, and stand against those in politics, business, society
who would hurt them and lead others to do so, if they are to be faithful to
Savior and Lord. There can no longer by
lip service to Jesus’ name and duplicitous devotion to Mammon (wealth), Mars
(power) and Narcissus (self-indulgence).
The Church of Jesus is called and commanded to address the world with
the Gospel of Jesus, not reflect worldly empire within the church. We are called to preach and teach the Agape
and Grace Jesus taught, commanded and modeled and lead people to the
transformative experience of living it.
We are called to boldly and directly address those economic, political
and social expressions of greed, lust for power and prestige that are
represented in Empire. We are commanded
to address hatred for those not like us by embracing them with the love of
Christ. Service and mercy are what are
called for in the Gospel of Jesus in love.
Judgment, rejection, exploitation and refusing to forgive are
antithetical to the Good News of Jesus, of Agape Love and Grace.
American Civil Religion is anti-Christ.
Just as Roman Empire and Holy Roman Empire held an arrogant sense of
“superiority”, exceptionalism and manifest destiny which opposed the teachings
and commands of Jesus, so do many who profess to be “Christian” in
America. Their twisted belief “justifies”
their lust for power and control, “justifies” their selfishness and greed for
more and “justifies” being Empire in the world.
None of this justifies them according to the Kingdom Values of Jesus in
the Gospels. Jesus taught that “the
first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Jesus taught humility in service and mercy
toward all. Jesus taught generosity of
spirit and with one’s time, ability, possessions and advocacy. God is the God of all nations, not just Rome
or Holy Roman Empire or America. Empire
is not of the Kingdom nor an expression of it, but rather antithetical to its
values. Clergy and church who promote
the ignorance and acceptance of hatred because it benefits them do not walk
with God in Christ Jesus because it hurts those who Jesus loves. Those who claim the name of Jesus but live
for and out of status, wealth, prestige and position, power do not walk with
Christ Jesus because it makes them believe they can exploit those who Jesus
loves for their own gain. Political
Ideologies, social philosophies and economic systems that marginalize,
victimize and exploit others are not of Christ.
Politicians, clergy, churches, societies and nations that do so are not
faithful to God.
If salvation is by Grace, then the judgment of others is a tool of evil. Grace and Agape Love deny any validity in the
judgment of other faiths, sexual orientation, for any other reason by
definition. If Jesus said nothing about
something, as we have that witnessed in the Gospels, how important can it
be? If the First Century believers
received those who were ethnically, religiously and sexually different and
therefore excluded by the Law of Moses from being received into the Body of
Christ (Acts 8:26-40), shouldn’t we do the same? While addressing pederasty, Paul addressed
the Roman status symbol of buying children for sex by straight, married men of
means. That practice is unacceptable to
God – using or exploiting others for one’s own pleasure is not acceptable to
God. It is not from love, but from a
sick desire for power and control over others, and status. Even IF, we erroneously took it to be a
statement about homosexually in general or specifically, we must acknowledge that
Paul equated using others for sex with the passions that everyone has, and
commanded followers of Jesus, “therefore DO NOT JUDGE.” (Romans 1:18-2:11) That was the central teaching in the passage
to those in Rome. Twisting the Word in
order to justify our prejudices, in order to manipulate others to side with us
or to believe that we are spiritually superior, or in order to justify our
exploitation of or discrimination against others is not faithfulness to Christ
Jesus. Using selective passages of
scripture to judge others harshly and falsely justify oneself is not a faithful
use of scripture. Using them to
obfuscate one’s own sins of greed, lust for power and desire for
prestige/position/status, things of which Jesus did say a great deal, according
to the Gospel witness, is unconscionable and immoral. The church body, leader or member who judges
goes against Christ Jesus.
The Gospel of Jesus is transformative if we live the Agape and Grace at
the center of it. It is transformative for individuals, communities, congregations,
church bodies and society if we do what Jesus commanded in His first recorded
imperative in the first chapter of the first Gospel written – “The time is
fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, REPENT (metanoia – change your
thinking so that your words/actions/direction will change), and BELIEVE IN THE
GOOD NEWS.” (Mark 1:15)
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