The WORD MADE FLESH has dwelt among us. The Good News has been in circulation for 2000 years. The teachings, commands and examples of Jesus have been shared for 20 centuries and 50 generations. God's Will has been made known for the living of Agape Love and the Justice, Equitability, Peace, Equality and Shalom (well-being, wholeness, completeness) for all that is the fruit of that living of Agape Love in Grace for the whole creation that God loves.
And yet...
We have constant war.
We have horrible poverty, and mostly for children in the world.
We have inequitable treatment for many (mostly brown and black) in our world.
We have unequal opportunities in education, income, affordable housing, healthcare, food, drinkable
water, non-toxic land and air and peaceful life free from violence and exploitation.
We have injustice perpetrated purposefully and intentionally on some at the hands of others.
We have 1% owning 40% of the world's resources, while 99% struggle to survive.
We have hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status that drive our values, our inequities, our
injustices, our wars and death.
Jesus as an icon is embraced, because people want a personal Savior.
Jesus as Lord of our lives, fulfiller of the Law and Prophets and authority on how to live within God's
Will is ignored.
So, we have what we have - politically, economically and ecclesiastically...
people who claim the name of Jesus, but who live by the empire values of greed, lust for power
over others and desire for personal status above others.
The future looks bleak for the planet because of the greed of a few and disregard for the planet that
we all share.
It looks bleak for millions of people because of that greed, who will die of diseases once thought
eliminated and wars over ever shrinking resources.
It looks bleak for most and eventually for all.
Yet, the drive for personal gain at the expense of others is strong, even to killing one's own future
family for one's own gain right now.
Understanding has been de-valued and chosen ignorance has been lifted up with myths over truth and
Wisdom has been thrown out and recklessness has been fully grasped.
Civility has been murdered and intolerance is the new norm.
Intelligence has been rejected for prideful ignorance.
The economic conditions that led to the world-wide economic disaster in 1929 and to the stock market crash in America are being replicated brilliantly. Greed and the inequities it produces are in full swing, as the very few rush to raid whatever resources they can for themselves, even toward the destruction of the whole economy, aided by the de-regulation of their greed and opportunities for the exploitation of others.
The political unrest across the world, the nationalism among seized governments by ultra-"right" extremists are reminiscent of the conditions just before both world wars. Hatred grows.
The climate has never been challenged this badly, so we will see more unprecedented extreme weather as a result. Drought, water surges, flooding, hurricanes, tornados, fires and earthquakes (due to fracking) will lead to war, famine, disease and extinction. All results of our own greed, lust for power over others and desire for personal status above the good of others, even ultimately of ourselves in the end. Empire values are a disease, an addiction in and of themselves. As such, they ultimately destroy the lives of their hosts.
Happy New Year, right?
Well, it could be.
If we were to heed the messages of Jesus in the Good News teachings, commands and examples He offered regarding a different value for living based on Agape Love for God, Neighbor (and the creation God loves), we would see a stabilization and restoration of Shalom on every level and in every aspect.
That would take a purposeful, intentional learning of what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled in the Gospels and a committed, and a faithful living of it.
I am convinced that it is the only hope for all of us.
The adoption and living of empire values (greed, lust for power over others and desire for personal
status above others) leads us to destruction, ultimately.
The embrace of the Good News of Jesus in Agape Love and Grace leads us to Shalom and life.
I am resolved to keep beating this drum for as long as I have breath.
I am resolved to lift it up above the filth and inevitable destruction of empire values.
I am resolved to put it in the face of those who claim Jesus' name but live empire values.
I am resolved to write, preach, teach and demand Agape Love as Jesus' Way for those who would
follow Him.
I am resolved to FB, Text, Email and blog for as long as I can afford the (commandeered for the profit of a few and the silencing of the many) internet.
I am resolved to follow Jesus' Way and grow in the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable) and Grace (undeserved loving mercy, given freely) in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, here and now.
What is your New Year's Resolution for 2018?
Pastor Jamie
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