Sunday, February 26, 2017

as tempting as it is... Matthew 4:1-11

Fasting empties one of the desire and focus on physical satisfaction while enhancing one's spiritual focus, discipline and value, ideally.  After His baptism, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to focus spiritually, leaving worldly pleasure and satisfaction behind.

Jesus, who identifies with us, emptied Himself of worldly satisfaction and was tempted.  What we have in Matthew's Gospel here is the juxtaposition of worldly empire values and Kingdom values, presented as choices with a clear message on what is the Will of God.  Jesus here demonstrates how we are to face worldly empire values as those who are called to live Kingdom values.

Self-centeredness is a worldly empire value.  It seems reasonable to feed the body when hungry, but not when one is fasting, for it is all about focus.  Self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, self-promotion above other values leads people to put self above others and God's Will.  The indulgence of self most often comes at the expense of someone else.  We use people to please ourselves.  We exploit others for financial gain, sexual satisfaction, social status and gaining social or political power.  When pleasing and satisfying self is our primary value, it is impossible to live the Kingdom values that require selflessness for the sake of other in Agape Love, lifting up "the least" and building healthy community based on love.  We do not live by worldly self-satisfaction alone, if we are people of God, but by the values that God calls us to live.  The Agape Love that Jesus would teach, command and model for us does not allow for self-satisfaction as our primary value, as Jesus demonstrates in His temptation so that those who read Matthew understand a faithful way with God in the face of this very popular worldly empire value.  Jesus gives us an example in Matthew's Gospel, of true Kingdom values and how to fight the temptation to throw them out for self-satisfaction. 

Power over others is not a Kingdom value, especially regarding power over God.  God is not like other Gods, as knew Moses and those after him.  To call on a god's name meant power over that god for some in the days of old.  In Roman culture the gods were meant to be praised and appeased, solicited for one's own promotion and given extreme signs of devotion, because their worldly empire value was for the use of power for personal gain.  Here we have a lesson in the Kingdom value of honest, respectful, guileless relationship with God beyond using God for personal power or gain.  Testing God was about testing to see if God was on one's side, if God would bless one more than others for favor one more than others.  The extreme praise, devotion and acts of piety and bold trust were meant to PROVE God's loyalty to a person, thus making others take note so that one could gain favor, status, power and wealth from them.  Praise and devotion are meant to be given to God for what God has already given, and who God is with us, and not a sign of a childish need for personal elevation or of proof of God's love for an individual above others.  Kingdom values a loving, trusting, agenda-less relationship with God.  Jesus stayed faithful to God with integrity.

Power and wealth are the big temptation.  This is saved for last because it comes out of the first two, to some degree, but also is saved for the climax of the teaching.  Who gives power and wealth?  Worldly empire values dictate that it doesn't matter, and that if one will be great or greater, one will give devotion to whoever or whatever can give power and wealth.  Kingdom values do not see power and wealth as a goal in life.  Kingdom values hold loving relationship as the epitome of life with God.  Giving devotion to whoever or whatever gets us more power or wealth for ourselves flies contrary to that value.  Jesus would in His first sermon, right after this temptation, make strong statements about what we treasure and where our hearts are (6:19-21) and very clearly that we cannot split our devotion, specifically regarding wealth (6:24).  If our goal is more power and wealth for ourselves, our own people or those just like us, we are living worldly empire values and not Kingdom values.  In business, in politics and in human interaction, followers of Jesus are called to put relationship with God and Neighbor above the personal gain of power and wealth.  This is STILL, perhaps our biggest temptation, and though Jesus modeled for us how to face it, we still fall to this temptation as people who would be followers of Jesus.

We are faced with the same temptations today that Jesus faced in Matthew's Gospel.  As followers of Jesus who see His examples of how to fight those temptations, we still stumble regarding worldly empire values and Kingdom values.  Self-centeredness, self-indulgence and self-satisfaction, even self-promotion above all else is very tempting, even for those of us who profess to follow the Jesus who commands Agape Love as the center of life with God and Neighbor (active commitment on behalf of the other).  Testing God by looking for signs of God's favor and proof that God is blessing us more than others or more highly favoring us, rather than trusting God and being thankful and truly valuing what God has already given us and is to us is all over T-shirts, carry bags, coffee mugs, bible covers and bumper stickers.  Giving our devotion to whoever or whatever will get us more power and wealth, even prestige and status in the world is a way of life for many, while claiming devotion to God.  Seeing God as a mere formula for quid pro quo personal gain, like a cosmic ATM or Slot machine ready to take our deposits of devotion (in tithes and praise) and then pour out the (monetary, status, power) blessings upon us is not a faithful relationship with God.  What we are truly tempted to do is confuse worldly empire values for Kingdom of God values, thus being duplicitous in our devotion and relationship with God and Neighbor for personal gain and actually making "self" our god in the process.  Though the temptations of Jesus (and those who follow Jesus) culminate in the climactic big one of wealth and power, temptations all start with focusing on and indulging self as if that is our primary focus on life, as if that is to be our true devotion, and as if we can do that AND be faithful to God.  Jesus taught us that it is not faithful, and taught us that like Him, we can embrace Kingdom of God values over worldly empire values in the midst of temptation.

With you being tempted in the wilderness,

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Liberator and Agitator let loose - Transfiguration Mt. 17:1-9

Right after Peter gets that Jesus is Messiah who is come (16:13-20), and Jesus confounds what that means in their minds by saying that He must suffer and die (16:21-23), and Jesus must then define discipleship as going with Him to the Cross in self-denial instead of gaining in status or wealth as worldly empire values would dictate, we have this glimpse of Jesus' Glory, or rather, His mission.

I used to think of this as Jesus' penultimate hurrah, the last one being at His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  I have come to understand both differently.

This is Jesus being introduced for who He is to His disciples, just before going to Jerusalem to fulfill His mission.  Jesus, son of God, as we learn at His baptism (3:13-17), is now introduced as Messiah, but also fulfiller of the Law and Prophets, even with similar words - "This is my son, the Beloved; with Him I am well pleased; listen to HIM!" (17:5)

Of course they would listen to Him.  They were listening to Him.  They were his student followers.  That is what they did.  Now, the vision of Him in His transfigured glory might have astounded them enough to make them want to listen to Him more, to be sure, but I think it was something more significant than supernatural glory - yes, I said that - that should make them take notice of Jesus by God's command.

It was Moses and Elijah who appeared with Jesus.  Moses, the Law and Elijah, the Prophets were the heroes of people of God.  Jesus is the fulfiller of the Law and Prophets.  Don't listen to them anymore, at least not with as much obedience as you listen to Jesus.  He fulfills the Law and Prophets of God.  He IS the fulfillment of them.  His Words are God's Words.  His Will is God's Will.  You have given great weight to the Law of Moses and the words of the Prophets in the past.  Now, listen to HIM.  Jesus is the Law and Prophets for you. 

Moses was the one who stood before Pharaoh and spoke God's will of Liberation for God's people to the oppressive power.  Elijah was the one who risked His life to tell people what God's will meant for them, in direct opposition to the corrupt powers in Israel.  This, Son of God, Messiah will stand before the oppressive occupying power and claim God's Kingdom supreme.  He will stand up to Herod and the corruption of his collusion with Rome, and declare God's Kingdom supreme.  This is the Kingdom in the face of the Empire.  Jesus will Liberate hearts and minds from the bondage of oppressors, even as He liberates our souls from death and hell.  Jesus will Agitate the corrupt powers that be and speak the truth to corrupt power, thus bringing Kingdom values to bear in the face of worldly empire values, and He would empower His followers to do the same as people who live in THIS PART of God's Kingdom.

And even though they needed one more clarification from Jesus, at least, to be certain that He was Messiah (17:9-13), His disciples were mostly clear on what His appearance with Moses and Elijah meant.  He is Son of God, Messiah, soon to be Redeemer and Savior.  He was God's authority for them and is for us.

As with most of the Good News of Jesus which, incidentally, we are commanded to believe in (Mark 1:15) as Jesus' fulfillment of the Law and Prophets, it is not about the supernatural sights, sounds and activities, but about how people are moved to live with one another that matters.  Just as the importance of Moses was not the plagues themselves, but the outcome of liberation for God's people, and just as it was not in the tempest or earthquake that Elijah heard God but in the still, small voice that he found direction, so we are not to get lost in our focus on the supernatural signs and wonders themselves, as if they are what following Jesus is about.  We are to see how, beyond God getting our attention through signs and wonders, God directs us to live in THIS PART of God's Kingdom with one another, here and now.

Many seem to claim the name of Jesus and focus on believing in Him as Savior for their salvation, as if their personal salvation is the thing.  The signs and wonders to them are a "proof" of God's power and immanence.  The Gospels use signs and wonders to make it all about listening to what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us on how to live with one another toward justice, equality, equitable treatment and peace (well-being, completeness and wholeness) in Agape Love (unconditional, self-sacrificing active commitment on behalf of the other - especially "the least" - most vulnerable, and even stranger and enemy).  Yes, Jesus was transfigured and it was quite a show, with Moses and Elijah standing with Him.  They heard the voice of God and it was amazing.  But what did God SAY?  God directed them to recognize Jesus as God's ultimate authority as the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets, and then to follow Him - what He taught, commanded and modeled for them.  It was all toward the coming down off the Mountain and going into the plain where the people were, and the work of Liberation and Agitation that this occurred, and about bringing Jesus' followers on board with the mission of eliminating oppression and corruption in the world, even to the sacrificing of their lives by execution to do so.  It was all about following Jesus to the Cross.

This was a pivotal moment for Jesus' disciples in the Gospel.  It was a pivotal moment for all those in 67 A.D. who would have this Good News read to them as they faced the same oppression and corruption.  It can be a pivotal moment for us, going into the season of Lent with increased prayer and fasting, self-sacrifice and service, if we choose to make it that.  If you want to be a follower of Jesus, then follow what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled in the Good News, particularly in how it teaches us to live with one another in THIS PART of God's Kingdom.  In this time of corruption and oppressive power, be an Agitator who speaks truth to power and a Liberator who empowers others to leave their bondage to it behind.  In other words, follow Jesus.  Speak and live Kingdom values in the face of worldly empire values.  In other words, follow Jesus.  You can and must do that as a follower of Jesus.  THAT is the Good News of Jesus, and that is what it means to follow Him.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, February 12, 2017

if you would be perfect... Matthew 5:38-48

Jesus continued on in the sermon, fulfilling the Law of Moses by applying the spirit of the Law, God's intent for God's people, for living with one another.

"An eye for an eye" was about restraint in administering justice, instead of unrestrained vengeance when someone has wronged a person.  One was only allowed to exact punishment equal to the suffering produced by the offense.  It was a start.  But even with this, as brother Gandhi pointed out so long ago, to live by this would eventually render the whole world blind and toothless.  If we are to follow Jesus, we live by Kingdom values, especially in the face of great offense committed at the hand of the occupying empire, we are called to show even MORE restraint, defiant restraint. 
When the elitists offend you, do not strike back.  Instead, defiantly turn the other cheek to demoralize them, forcing them to see their action against you as being unjust.
When the person you owe demands the coat you (traditional) put up for collateral, give them your clothing as well, to defiantly expose the wrongness of a system that would exact such a hardship.
When a Roman soldier forces you to carry his equipment for a mile (the legal limit on conscripted labor from the occupied), defiantly carry it two miles to shame him and the system that oppresses.
And in the Kingdom, we recognize the losses of those who live under the occupying empire.  We recognize that the unjust political and economic system has rendered some without means in jobs, some sick without treatment, some unable to compete due to a lack of equal education, some forced to work for sub-living wages.  If you have means, give to them.  Loan to those who need to borrow from you under the harsh economic conditions that threaten the survival of many, and loan without interest.  Defy the worldly empire values of status, power over others, wealth at the expense of others, status based on dubious social standards and only giving of oneself for personal gain in the end.  These are not Kingdom values.  People of the Way of Jesus do not live these values.  Instead, we live in defiance of them, and do not participate in the system that lifts them up.

Agape Love is not about feelings.  It is unconditional and self-sacrificial by nature.  Why?  Because it is not based on merit or getting a return.  It is based on need - the needs of individuals to receive it, and the need for all in society to live by it.  In this part of God's Kingdom, we are called to live by Kingdom values, despite what those around us do.  So, Agape (active commitment on behalf of the other, especially the most vulnerable and even stranger and enemy) is not about the subject of the love at all.  It is not about being nice or doing nice because of fondness felt for the other.  It is an active commitment to work on the behalf of the other regardless of feelings, because it is needed and builds a better world. 
This flies in the face of worldly empire values that demand merit-based interaction.  It defies a system based on rewarding those who benefit us and punishing those who do  not.  The Greco-Roman elitist system was based on position and power, and people got more of both by doing nice things to others who would then reward them.  Jesus turns this on its head with a different value - what if we were actively committed to one another's well-being regardless of what we got out of it?  Then everyone would have their needs met and would have well-being, completeness and wholeness.  Those are Kingdom values.  God loves and benefits all within the creation, the righteous and unrighteous.  Oh, and GOD decides who that is, by the way.  We are to benefit one another actively because we need that from others, they need it from us and the world needs it from all of us.  Even the most reviled in society do nice things when they think they can get something back for it.  That system is void of true value.  Actively committing on behalf of only those who are nice to us does not transform the world - it participates in the worldly systems that have created inequities from hatred, greed and self-centeredness.   If we are followers of Jesus, we live by a different standard - a different value.  If we would be perfect (teleioi - mature in faith, right in conduct, complete and whole) in Jesus' eyes, then we will love even stranger and enemy by actively committing to their well-being.  Then we are acting as children of God the Father.

In an age of empire values based on false merit and entitlement, and on privilege there is a powerful message here for those who would claim to follow Jesus.  In an age in which the church has taught many to seek being "(more)  blessed and highly favored" above others, and live "self-righteousness" through purity and holiness, and seek monetary prosperity as if that is a Kingdom value, Jesus turns things upside down as fulfiller of the Law and Prophets.  Jesus' Agape Love and Grace represent a different standard and a different code by which to live.  They represent Kingdom values.  We, as people who would follow Jesus are called to live by what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us, as we have that in the best record available - the Gospels.  Perfection according to Kingdom values is not wealth, status or power.  Those are worldly empire values, and they lead to some having more than they need while others go without, to some having power over others and abusing that power for personal gain while others remain powerless, and to some flaunting their position as elites to stroke their own egos while others are humiliated and live in need, marginalized from community.  In humility, people of Jesus deny self and live Agape Love so that all may have ENOUGH - completeness, wholeness and well-being.  God loves all humanity and is the God of all humanity.  God demands it.  We cannot follow Jesus AND live worldly empire values.

Pastor Jamie

Monday, February 6, 2017

The things that Make for Peace : Community Devotion II

Things in the nation seemed good for some-
The Economy and Military were Strong… people makin’ money and relative peace in the land, it seemed, but there was a guy… we’ll call him Jerry – Jerry the Truthteller
He started warning folk… created some unrest in a season of power and prosperity…
Pointed out that the Nation was imploding… from greed and corruptions of power that ran rampant
Babylon was looming large on the horizon
And there was another guy… we’ll call him Henry – Henry represented, let’s say…
Alternative Facts…
He told everybody God was blessing them with power and prosperity… they were on the right track… their blessings proved that…
So, Jerry got louder with his message… and the louder Jerry the Truthteller got,
The louder Liar Henry got…
So, Jerry sent out a Meme – a picture of himself wearing a wooden yoke –
It was a sign that the nation would be conquered and under the yoke of Babylon
And Liar Henry sent out a Meme – a broken wooden yoke…
“Tsawright… fahgetabotit!  We good!”
So, Jerry sent out a final Meme – him naked, wearing an Iron Yoke
It’s ALL gonna be taken away and we gonna be under their power…
Why did Jerry the Truthteller insist on causing so much unrest in a time of relative
peace and Prosperity?  Why did he want to cause so much unrest himself?
Cuz it was a lie – the way he put it was “you say Shalom, Shalom, when there is no Shalom”
He interrupted their feel good session by saying
That they were Greedy for Unjust Gain
That they treated the most vulnerable who they had beaten down, carelessly
That they acted Shamefully toward some folk and were not ashamed of it, but proud of it and bold about it…
And he kept it in their face…
Why?  Because he liked being a pain in the ass?  No.
Because he was telling the Truth – people were being treated shamefully
And the Nation could not be well or whole until everyone was whole and complete…
And it happened…
They were conquered… exiled… yoked under Babylon… The Nation imploded from within… and was conquered
He showed signs of restoration by buying some land, even knowing he would be exiled…
Their hope now was a future hope in the restoration of Shalom… well-being for people…

The Word was Shalom – it means Peace:
NOT just a lack of unrest or conflict or war – that is actually a consequence of it…
Shalom means well-being, completeness and wholeness,
Because that is what leads to Peace – a lack of unrest, conflict and war
When an individual has well-being, his or her heart and mind are at peace
When a person does not have well-being, there is unrest and conflict, if it’s been taken
When a people do not have that, it’s been taken, there is unrest, conflict and even war
When everyone has well-being, completeness and wholeness,
There is Peace in hearts and minds, Peace in the streets and Peace in the World

Skip 650 years or so, to The Teacher…
Who said, “Peace I leave with you… My Peace I give to you… not like the world gives it…”
He was talking about a genuine Peace from God… from living Kingdom of God values…
He was talking about that in the face of a false Peace – the Pax Romana…
The Peace of the Roman Empire… worldly empire values peace…
It was a lack of war, perhaps… but not a lack of unrest…
It was based on Coercion, Force, Occupation and Oppression
The Teacher’s Peace is Shalom (eirhnh in Greek)…
It was REAL Peace – the restoration of Well-being, Wholeness and Completeness
In the FACE OF Oppression… This is a Kingdom of God Peace from living K of G values…

Now, skip another 30 years or so, to a Pupil of the Teacher…
Who urged people in the community to “Pursue the Things that Make for Peace” –
In the diverse community they were in, it was important
Not to Judge one another
And Accept one another’s differences
Work toward Justice, Respect, Concern and Compassion
Do the things that make for Mutual Up-building in community
Live Agape Love – active commitment on behalf of the other, not just self…
Why?  Because when people live this in community,
Each individual has a sense of well-being, wholeness and completeness
And when all the individuals have that – everyone has that…

We have seen – We know well the things that make for Unrest, Conflict and War
Injustice, Inequitable Treatment, Inequality, a false sense of Superiority
Hatred, Greed, lust for Power… the de-valuing of others and de-humanizing of some,
Marginalizing, Excluding, Withholding human rights, Provoking, Attacking and
The Holding down, back and out of some while favoring others…

(You Tube: Vernon Johns Story clip… last sermon…)

These things prevent the well-being of those affected by them, and those who love them…
They do not allow for well-being in hearts and minds
And do not then allow for Peace on our streets

We cannot have Peace until we value and live the Things that Make for Peace…
Equal Justice, Opportunities, Rights, Respect and Value for ALL
THESE make for well-being, wholeness and completeness and bring Shalom – Peace…

                   (You Tube:  Vernon Johns Story clip… money is power)

Generosity over Greed
The Needs of all People over the Profit of a few
The Empowerment for All over the coercive power over many by the few
Acceptance of all, rather than the Exclusion of some
Understanding over Judgment
Agape Love – active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy –
    over Self-centered, Self-Indulgence and a false sense of entitlement
Humility over Hubris
Love over Hate AND Apathy AND Complacency

We cannot have REAL PEACE until we have in place the Things that Make for Peace
So, if you want Shalom: well-being, wholeness and completeness and peace
Work for REAL PEACE, even if it means some civil unrest now… a harsh word…
Don’t cry “Peace, peace” when there is no peace, like those who oppose protest do…
Don’t value Coercive, Forced, Occupied Oppression, like those who abuse power do…

DEMAND the Things that MAKE for Peace!  For ALL people!  Not just for yourself!
In the face of worldly empire values… value TRUE SHALOM and work toward it by
Valuing and Living and Demanding The Things that Make for Shalom!



Sunday, February 5, 2017

Love Demands More - Matthew 5:21-37

Jesus' fulfillment of the Law and Prophets is all about the Spirit of them and how they are meant to lift up a people with one another and with their God.  Jesus' Law of Agape Love commands us to love God with all that we have and love our neighbor as our selves.  The two are inseparable.  Jesus then taught that we should love one another as He has loved us.  This is a tall order, but if we are followers of Jesus we will strive to grow in that Agape (active commitment on behalf of the other - especially "the least", stranger and enemy), and how we live it in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.

So, for those around Jesus who represent the abuses of power in empire that allow them to kill at will, not only are they not to kill, but not to hate... and not only not to hate, but not to get to that point of anger that would make one want to objectify the other or justify harm to them.  No.  Following Jesus means that we reconcile.  Those who resist empire are also to take heed to this.  We are to resist, not participate in worldly empire values and transform worldly empire thinking and acting.  If we become like empire and use force or coercion toward that goal, then we have lost because we exhibit worldly empire values instead of Kingdom of God values in the struggle.  As we have seen in history, active, aggressive non-violent resistance works.  Transformation of hateful systems, ideologies and hearts does not happen by returning the hatefulness with more of the same.  Transformation comes from speaking truth into it and then offering an alternative - a better way.  Agape Love is that better way for the world.  We cannot be right with God if we are at odds with our sisters and brothers.  Anger from some perspective of "justification" or "righteousness" that separates us is not about Agape Love, but about self and pride.  Hatred that comes from fear of the other is not about Agape Love, but about self and fear.  Agape Love casts out pride and fear, allowing us to reconcile, to reach across, to sit at table with our enemies because God commands it.  And in the striving to reconcile, Kingdom values transform the world.

Hyperbole here is not meant to be taken literally.  We must stop doing that with scriptural teachings.  Looking at a person solely with lust, even if one has not acted on that lust, is making a person into an object, and particularly seeing that person as an object whose only purpose to us is for one's own sexual pleasure.   We de-value human beings when we reduce everything about them to sex.  The value of other human beings comes from the heart and soul.  Who they are is not defined by only their body parts or what they do with them sexually.  Sex is meant to be an expression of love, a unique expression shared with a person that does deeper than mere physical gratification.  We have urges as adult human beings, and they are meant to be satisfied within a context of love.  Making sex just about gratifying self is an act of objectifying or using another person for our own lusts and not valuing them beyond what they do for us.  Agape Love does not allow that.   Two, consenting adults sharing this intimacy in a context of love is never wrong, unless there is betrayal in adultery or unless the betrayal comes from de-valuing the other by treating them like an object.  One who follows Jesus should go to great lengths to curb the urge to objectify someone else for the sake of sexual gratification.

Jesus took a hard line on divorce.  I believe that marriage is intended to be taken seriously.  In His time, it was lawful, under the Law of Moses for a MAN to write a certificate of divorce for whatever reasons, leaving the wife with no security, means of living or stature in society.  This is about power.  Men abused the loopholes in the law because men enforced the laws.  Women and children were powerless in the society.  This command out of Agape Love recognizes the value of women and children and takes abuses off the table.  There were, no doubt many men who would not be pleased by this, because they were used to using the law to their advantage over others.  Jesus fulfills this law in this way to lift up the value of women.  Women are not meant to be tossed from one man to another in marriage as if they are chattel.  This was a revolutionary teaching.  "Trading one's wife in on a younger model", as we see regularly practiced today among the powerful and wealthy elite males in our society is an abuse of Agape Love.  Objectifying, not only women, but wives is wrong.  Agape Love prohibits that.  The powerless are to be lifted up and valued, and those who abuse power are to repent and live differently. 

We need to remember from where our strength comes, keeping in perspective to whom we belong and to whom belongs all of heaven and earth.  This is God's Kingdom.  We just live in this part of it.  We have no power over much of what happens in it, and to act or speak as if we do, unfettered from our utter dependence and reliance upon God and unaffected by our adherence to God's will is not faithful.  Telling the truth is a Kingdom value.  Humility is a Kingdom value.  Claiming power over the truth is not.  Claiming that one has control over what happens is not.  I believe that God values us keeping our word and being known for keeping our word, not making outrageous claims.  I believe that God values us simply stating the truth without personal bravado.  Being a follower of Jesus who has integrity, not just in words but actions is of great value in the Kingdom of God.  It may not always be valued in worldly empire, but in the Kingdom it has merit.

Jesus fulfills the Law and Prophets in Agape Love, which is the spirit of the Law as God intended it.  Jesus here addressed some of the abuses of the Law by those who were in collusion with Rome and who acted on their own behalf at the expense of others, for their personal gain in power and wealth.  As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to live Agape in the world in every arena of life.  By definition that means putting others' well-being at least equal to our own.  It is in the living of Agape Love that community is built and out of healthy community that healthy individuals come.  Treating the other as one would like to be treated creates an environment of compassion, empathy and trust.  Those are Kingdom values, and lived in the face of worldly empire values that divide by breeding hatred and greed, those values transform not only individual lives, but the whole world - THIS PART of God's Kingdom.

Pastor Jamie