Things in the nation seemed good for
The Economy and Military were Strong… people makin’ money and relative peace in
the land, it seemed, but there was a guy… we’ll call him
Jerry – Jerry the TruthtellerHe started warning folk… created some unrest in a season of power and prosperity…
Pointed out that the Nation was imploding… from greed and corruptions of power that ran rampant
Babylon was looming large on the horizon
And there was another guy… we’ll call him Henry – Henry represented, let’s say…
Alternative Facts…
He told everybody God was blessing them with power and prosperity… they were on the right track… their blessings proved that…
So, Jerry got louder with his message… and the louder Jerry the Truthteller got,
The louder Liar Henry got…
So, Jerry sent out a Meme – a picture of himself wearing a wooden yoke –
It was a sign that the nation would be conquered and under the yoke of Babylon
And Liar Henry sent out a Meme – a broken wooden yoke…
“Tsawright… fahgetabotit! We good!”
So, Jerry sent out a final Meme – him naked, wearing an Iron Yoke
It’s ALL gonna be taken away and we gonna be under their power…
Why did Jerry the Truthteller insist on causing so much unrest in a time of relative
peace and Prosperity? Why did he want to cause so much unrest himself?
Cuz it was a lie – the way he put it was “you say Shalom, Shalom, when there is no Shalom”
He interrupted their feel good session by saying
That they were Greedy for Unjust Gain
That they treated the most vulnerable who they had beaten down, carelessly
That they acted Shamefully toward some folk and were not ashamed of it, but proud of it and bold about it…
And he kept it in their face…
Why? Because he liked being a pain in the ass? No.
Because he was telling the Truth – people were being treated shamefully
And the Nation could not be well or whole until everyone was whole and complete…
And it happened…
They were conquered… exiled… yoked under Babylon… The Nation imploded from within… and was conquered
He showed signs of restoration by buying some land, even knowing he would be exiled…
Their hope now was a future hope in the restoration of Shalom… well-being for people…
Shalom means well-being, completeness and wholeness,
Because that is what leads to Peace – a lack of unrest, conflict and war
When an individual has well-being, his or her heart and mind are at peace
When a person does not have well-being, there is unrest and conflict, if it’s been taken
When a people do not have that, it’s been taken, there is unrest, conflict and even war
When everyone has well-being, completeness and wholeness,
There is Peace in hearts and minds, Peace in the streets and Peace in the World
Skip 650 years or so, to The Teacher…
Who said, “Peace I leave with you… My Peace I give to you… not like the
world gives it…”He was talking about a genuine Peace from God… from living Kingdom of God values…
He was talking about that in the face of a false Peace – the Pax Romana…
The Peace of the Roman Empire… worldly empire values peace…
It was a lack of war, perhaps… but not a lack of unrest…
It was based on Coercion, Force, Occupation and Oppression
The Teacher’s Peace is Shalom (eirhnh in Greek)…
It was REAL Peace – the restoration of Well-being, Wholeness and Completeness
In the FACE OF Oppression… This is a Kingdom of God Peace from living K of G values…
Now, skip another 30 years or so, to a
Pupil of the Teacher…
Who urged people in the community to “Pursue the Things that Make for
Peace” –In the diverse community they were in, it was important
Not to Judge one another
And Accept one another’s differences
Work toward Justice, Respect, Concern and Compassion
Do the things that make for Mutual Up-building in community
Live Agape Love – active commitment on behalf of the other, not just self…
Why? Because when people live this in community,
Each individual has a sense of well-being, wholeness and completeness
And when all the individuals have that – everyone has that…
We have seen – We know well the things that make for Unrest, Conflict and War
Injustice, Inequitable Treatment, Inequality, a false sense of Superiority
Hatred, Greed, lust for Power… the de-valuing of others and de-humanizing of some,
Marginalizing, Excluding, Withholding human rights, Provoking, Attacking and
The Holding down, back and out of some while favoring others…
(You Tube: Vernon Johns Story clip… last sermon…)
These things prevent the well-being of
those affected by them, and those who love them…
They do not allow for well-being in
hearts and mindsAnd do not then allow for Peace on our streets
We cannot have Peace until we value and
live the Things that Make for Peace…
Equal Justice, Opportunities, Rights, Respect and Value for ALLTHESE make for well-being, wholeness and completeness and bring Shalom – Peace…
(You Tube: Vernon Johns Story clip… money is power)
Generosity over Greed
The Needs of all People over the Profit
of a fewThe Empowerment for All over the coercive power over many by the few
Acceptance of all, rather than the Exclusion of some
Understanding over Judgment
Agape Love – active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy –
over Self-centered, Self-Indulgence and a false sense of entitlement
Humility over Hubris
Love over Hate AND Apathy AND Complacency
We cannot have REAL PEACE until we have
in place the Things that Make for Peace
So, if you want Shalom: well-being,
wholeness and completeness and peaceWork for REAL PEACE, even if it means some civil unrest now… a harsh word…
Don’t cry “Peace, peace” when there is no peace, like those who oppose protest do…
Don’t value Coercive, Forced, Occupied Oppression, like those who abuse power do…
DEMAND the Things that MAKE for Peace! For ALL people! Not just for yourself!In the face of worldly empire values… value TRUE SHALOM and work toward it by
Valuing and Living and Demanding The Things that Make for Shalom!
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