Saturday, July 29, 2017

what you do with what you have... Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

The mustard seed is about seemingly insignificant and small things providing much in the Kingdom.  The small seed grows into a shrub that helps to sustain life and provide flavor to some in the world around it.

The treasure in the field is how the Kingdom meets us in this life, when we do not expect to find something that we treasure, but when we do we do whatever it takes to hold onto it.  I have people in my life that represent treasure to me, great treasure.  For some of them, it was an unexpected joy to find them in my life, but now that I have them, I want to hold onto the relationships and will do what it takes to do so.

The pearls represent that which we have earnestly sought and have finally found.  When we finally have what we  have longed to have, we will sacrifice a great deal to have and hold onto it.  My wife represents a lifetime of searching with the wrong people, for the right person with whom to share my life and ministry.  I am thankful, even Jacob with Rachel thankful, to have her.  I know that I got the better end of this deal, and I will do what I need to in order to honor her and make our marriage flourish in healthy joy. 

The end is not ours to judge now.  We are the fishes and not the fisher who decides which fish are to be kept and which are to be thrown out.  We are the fishes and not the angels who sort out the fishes.  Perhaps we need to treat others who seem to be small or insignificant as mustard seeds who are valued in the Kingdom.  Perhaps they are not our treasure, but we can come to understand that God treasures them.  Perhaps we can come to understand that not everyone represents what we have earnestly sought in our lives, but that they are sought by the Kingdom and valued. 

What is new and not like the old may have treasure in the Kingdom of God.  Jesus' New Covenant in Grace and Agape Love certainly does.
What is old may be of value to the Kingdom as well, having a place in the experience of the people of the New Covenant in the value of our faith history and heritage.

Perhaps we can grow to value what God values.
Perhaps we can grow in our graciousness toward others as God has been gracious and merciful with each of us.
Perhaps we can grow in loving others who God loves in this part of God's Kingdom.
Perhaps, if we learn to treasure what God loves, even the insignificant, the old and new.
Perhaps that is living in the Kingdom with God.

Pastor Jamie

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