Sunday, December 9, 2018

Do Over

John came AS Elijah to usher in the Messiah.  It is very clear here.
His whole purpose in life was to proceed Messiah... in annunciation, birth, ministry, arrest and death.
His preparation was to set the stage for a Do Over.

In Luke 3:1-18...

John announced that it was time for necessary Repentance (metanoia - change one's thinking and one's direction).

Indeed, in order to receive the Good News of Jesus, centered on Agape Love, it would take a changing of thinking from the twisted understandings of Law and Prophets perpetrated on the people of God by the Temple Cult leaders of the time. 

Claiming their heritage would not cut it.  They had gone astray.  It was time for change.

The details were very practical with regard to defining Jesus' new way -
based on Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other) -
the well off must share of their abundance for the sake of those who did not have,
officials must not use their positions in order to gain for themselves at the expense of others,
and those with power must not abuse their power for their own kicks or for personal gain.

There would be consequences for those who did not practice these Kingdom values.
God was demanding this as the New Way.  John was there to prepare people for its coming.

For those who benefitted from corrupt and predatory practices it would not sound like it, but
the Gospel writer offered that what was proclaimed was "good news to the people."  Indeed, it would be good news to the masses who had been exploited, abused and disenfranchised by the elites in empire.  It would be very good news for them that they would now thrive and not just survive.

It was time to change thinking and direction -
from self-centered to other-centered
from predatory by some to sustainable for all
from idolatrous of power, wealth and status (self) to loving of God and Neighbor
from corrupt and abusive to honorable and loving.

That means that some will not have all that they have had through their ruthless greed, lust for power and desire for status.
It also means that the many will have enough and will have their Shalom (completeness, wholeness and well-being) restored.
That is, ultimately Good News for All.

Time for a Do Over.  Here.  Now.  In this Advent of a new year.  It is past time for us to rethink and change direction to a more sustainable and loving way for all.

Pastor Jamie

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