Saturday, May 11, 2019

To Be Known...

For what are you known?
For what would you LIKE to be known?

Jesus, son of God, identified with humanity.  He took on human life so that we would know that God identifies with us.
Jesus called His disciples to identify with Him.  Living Agape Love was a tall enough order, but now Jesus commanded His disciples to apply Agape Love to the world AS JESUS DID.  God loves us, and we are to love others in the world in the same way that God loves us.  It is Jesus' command.

Then, Jesus gave them the criteria by which others would know that they are Jesus' followers, that they belong to Jesus - that they live that Agape Love in the world.

It was not by the fact that they worshiped Jesus.
It was not by the fact that they praised Jesus.
It was not by the fact that they tithed in Jesus' name.
It is not for being baptized or carrying a big Bible, speaking in tongues or claiming Jesus as personal Lord and Savior that we are known as Jesus' followers.
It certainly is not for being self-righteous, judging or hateful that others will identify us with Jesus.
Jesus' followers are known for living the Agape Love that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for them to live in the world.  That is how EVERYONE is to know that we are Jesus' followers, that is, if you believe JESUS.

This was important to Jesus.  Before He left them, Jesus wanted them to know this one thing, according to John's Gospel.  This is His last wish, Jesus' final instruction to His disciples.  Jesus COMMANDED that any who claim Jesus' name, who would be followers of Jesus imitate Him in how we live Agape Love in the world around us.

So, for what are you known?
For what would you like to be known?

Would you like to be known as a follower of Jesus?

Pastor Jamie

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