Sunday, May 31, 2020

Making Disciples

Matthew 28:16-20 is the lectionary text for Sunday, June 7

Please note that Jesus' final command is not, "Go and Save people by getting them to accept me as their personal Lord and Savior."  That was not Jesus.  No.  We leave salvation to the Holy Spirit.  God works salvation in us.

First, Jesus proclaimed, as we have witness in Matthew's Gospel, that He had ALL AUTHORITY in the Kingdom of God - both, the heavenly part of the Kingdom AND the earthly part.  Jesus is THE authority for any who would like to be right with God, who follow in Jesus' Way to walk with God.
Jesus is Lord of our lives and not just Savior.  If we would be right with God, who claim the name of Jesus, we must follow Jesus - go where Jesus went, live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us, as we have witness in the Gospels and especially Jesus' Great Commandment that we live Agape Love and Grace with Neighbor as Self, as an expression of our complete Agape Love of God with whole hearts, minds, souls and strengths.

Then Jesus commanded that we GO.  It is a command.  It is movement.  It is putting the Good News of Agape Love and Grace out there in the world around us, in the public sector.  It is not here about preaching on corners, but living Agape Love and Grace in the world around us so that others will see the witness of Jesus in us.  It is taking the teachings, commands and examples of Jesus and applying them to every aspect of life - familial, social, political, economic and ecclesiastical.  It is putting something different in the world from the values of empire in greed, lust for power and desire for status.  It is different from what the world gives, and thus people will take notice of it, be moved by it and be drawn to Jesus through it.

Jesus commanded that we MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.  Because of our witness of love, people will be drawn to the difference that Jesus' Way makes.  It will make folk want to come and be a part of it.  So, we need to make them student followers of Jesus and Jesus' Way.  All people, regardless of nationality, country of origin, ethnicity, race, culture, class, sexual orientation, ability or age are to become student followers of Jesus' Way of Agape Love and Grace because they have seen our witness of how it works in the world.  We are not supposed to spread intolerance, exclusivity, devotion to money, abuses of power or value for position in the name of Jesus.  We are to spread Agape Love and Grace, and then to make followers of Jesus' Way of those who respond positively to it.

And when they come, Jesus commands us to BAPTIZE THEM.  Like the Ethiopian Eunuch who was baptized by Philip in the desert, so no matter what differences a person may have, even if they have been traditionally excluded by the Law of Moses because of their sexual orientation, they are to be INCLUDED in the Community of Agape Love and Grace.  We are to acknowledge that they are sisters and brothers and a part of the body of Christ of which we are a part.  Like the Hellenists included in the leadership, they are to be respected, valued, honored and included in ministry.  They are to flavor the Shalom Community and its work with their presence, needs and gifts.

Jesus commanded us to teach them to OBEY everything that HE commanded.  Jesus, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, with ALL authority in heaven and on earth, commands us to live what HE commanded, as we have witness in the Gospels.  Jesus' imperatives are our imperatives.  Chiefly, Jesus' central command is to live Agape Love and Grace in the world around us.  For some, Jesus is prophet.  For some, Jesus is the Great Prophet.  For us, Jesus is Messiah and LORD.  Jesus has authority in our lives and how we live them.  Jesus is THE authority for us.  In teaching those who come to live everything that Jesus commanded, we must be living it ourselves.

This is the Great Commission.  We are called and commanded to THIS as OUR MISSION, the MISSION of Jesus and Jesus' Way.  Leave salvation to the Holy Spirit.  Leave hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status to the promotors of empire.  This is the Kingdom of God, and for those who would be right with God, this is our mission in the world around us.  It really is that simple.

And remember, says Jesus, "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, TO THE END OF THE AGE."
This, I believe is both Comfort and Accountability for us.  The Holy Spirit, we know is with us always, relentlessly pointing us to Christ Jesus.  Jesus is with us, the Judge of the living and the dead, the one with all authority in heaven and earth.  Our Lord is with us.  If you claim the name of Jesus, that must give you pause.  It does me.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Come, Holy Spirit

Joel 2:28-32, John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-21

The Holy Spirit of God shall flow from hearts like rivers of living waters.
The Word, etched in hearts (Jeremiah 31), will flow forth into the world.

I know a few things about the Holy Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit UNITES us in Jesus.  The Holy Spirit of God does not divide the body, but unites us in a common love for, devotion to and willingness to follow Jesus as Lord of our lives.  Regardless of any differences among us, we are united in Agape Love in the following of Jesus' Way, and living the Grace that Jesus gave to us, with others.

The Holy Spirit GUIDES us to Jesus, points us to Jesus, drives us to Jesus.  The Will of God is revealed in Law and Prophets and then in Christ Jesus and the Good News of Agape Love and Grace.  The Holy Spirit acts through the Word and our hearts and minds, to deliver us to the place of Jesus and live in the Way of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit arrives after Jesus departs (in flesh) and INSPIRES us to follow Jesus and particularly what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in Agape Love and Grace.  It is the Will of God that we should follow Jesus by living what Jesus taught, commanded and showed us as faithfulness to God.

The Holy Spirit EMPOWERS us, beyond exhibiting spiritual gifts that are to glorify God and not edify ourselves.  The Holy Spirit moves within us and stirs within our hearts and minds to find the courage and strength to live what Jesus commanded us to live in a world that lives by a different set of values.

The Holy Spirit SAVES.  We need not work toward the salvation of others and should not revel in anything we have done or take credit for their salvation.  If it has been done, it has been done by the Holy Spirit of God.  Salvation is by Grace through Faith.  Faith is a gift from God.  That gift is nurtured and enlivened by the Holy Spirit of God.  It's not our job.  We either get with the program or stand in the way by our own attitudes, behaviors, misbeliefs and bad theologies/false teachings.  It is all the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is RELENTLESS.  The Holy Spirit never stops working on us to point us to and drive us to the Way of Jesus, to inspire us to live the Way of Jesus, to empower us to follow the Way of Jesus and live out our Salvation, given by the Grace of Jesus, in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now, in Agape Love and Grace.  The messages come as still, small voices, unexpected encounters, lessons soft as a feather or like a two-by-four to the head and/or heart.  The Holy Spirit never quits on us or on the world, and is always bringing us to Christ Jesus.

All that, and I know that when we are truly faithful to God, we exhibit the FRUIT of the SPIRIT:
Agape Love - active commitment on behalf of the other, stranger, enemy, most vulnerable
Joy- deep, abiding joy at finding contentment and serenity in our walk with God
Peace (Shalom, Eireinei for all)- completeness, wholeness, well-being and the peace they bring
Patience- forbearance with others who need mercy
Kindness- words and actions that lift up and do not tear down
Generosity- giving of our abundance toward all having enough
Faithfulness- living what Jesus, Savior and Lord, taught, commanded and modeled for us
Gentleness- kind treatment and mercy, beyond deserving or merit
Self- Control- not controlling others, but checking our own attitudes, beliefs, philosophies, ideologies, principles, words and actions to make them consistent of those with Jesus

If we are not putting those things out in the world around us as people who profess Jesus as Lord and Savior, then it is not the Holy Spirit of God who is inspiring, directing or empowering us, and it is not as "saved" people that we act.  We must "discern the spirits."

When it comes to people who know and love Jesus and love neighbor, what Jesus said is true.  "You will know them by their fruits."  What spirit they are listening to will become very apparent by the fruits that they bear in the world around them.  The same is true for you.

That the Holy Spirit has been relentless with me as an act of the Grace of God in Jesus, I also know.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, May 17, 2020


The lectionary lesion for next week is John 17:1-11, but I will address the whole passage through verse 26 in anticipation of next week's worship.

The High Priestly Prayer is in THREE parts.
The first is Jesus' prayer for Himself, in completion of His mission.
The second is Jesus' prayer for His disciples, victorious over sin because they are unified with one another and with God.
The third is Jesus' prayer for the church universal, that they may have unity in love.

Jesus is all about Unity in Agape Love.
The Kingdom of God is all about Unity in Agape Love.
The world is about division, inequities, conflict, ruthlessness, merit, person gain at the expense of others, exclusion, arrogant hubris, greed, hatred, power with which to exploit and abuse others, status for self above others and the sense of superiority that comes with it and opulence for some on the backs of those who struggle to survive.  The world is built on empire values.

We are empire in the United States of America today.
Our actions reveal our values, which expose the truth of our devotion and loyalties, even for many in the church.
Jesus still prays for us, on our behalf, with the Father.

Our nation was built on the enslavement and genocide of whole cultures.
Our nation has exploited and manipulated the world for our own gains for generations.
Our nation has considered itself exceptional over others, and has even developed an American Civil Religion that claims the name of Jesus, but devotes itself to Wealth, Power and Status.
Our nation claims the name of Jesus, the Commander of Agape Love, but manufactures hatred among its own people so that those with wealth, power and status can keep it all at the expense of the rest.
Our nation has now abandoned its most vulnerable to give the elites more.
Our nation has walked away from allegiances formed for justice and Democracy, to pursue injustices and Fascist Oligarchy.
Our nation needs the High Priest to pray on our behalf.

We, disciples of  Jesus and the church universal, need to repent - to change our thinking so that our direction will change.
We, disciples of Jesus and the church universal, need to live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us to live - Agape Love and Grace, as Kingdom values.
That is our hope.  It alone is faithfulness to God.

The summary of this passage and prayer, is that the world will have the love that God has shown within ourselves.  That is Jesus' prayer for the world.
If we, disciples of Jesus and the church universal, would witness to that vision and live it, then the world would take note (especially because it is so distinct from the empire values we have seen normalized since 1981 in the church and society), and imitate that, even become a part of the body of Christ.  It happened in the First Century, according to Acts.

One thing is certain - the path we are on is not a sustainable one for life on this planet.
Our hope, I believe our only hope, is that we will live the Agape Love and Grace that Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us to live, here and now, in THIS PART of the Kingdom.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Jesus owns (Agape) Love

John 14:15-21 is the lectionary text for next Sunday, May 17.

It is personal with Jesus, the fulfiller of Law and Prophets in the command to live Agape Love.
"If you love ME, you will keep MY commandments."
"They who have MY commandments and keep them are those who love ME, and those who love
       ME will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them."
(vs. 23, 24)  "Those who love ME will keep MY Word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.  Whoever does not love ME does not keep MY Words; and the Word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me."

Make no mistake, it is GOD'S WILL that we live this Agape Love that Jesus commanded.
It is not about feelings, but about obedience to God's Will.
You need not feel it right away for stranger or enemy, but you must actively commit to their well-being, according to Jesus, who says that this is from the Father.

Jesus' Commands.
Jesus' Word and words.
They are God's.
To  be faithful to God is to be faithful to the living of what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled in the living of Agape Love and Grace.  It is that simple, and it is that difficult a task.
In the merit-based, quid pro quo centered world of empire, it is about selective giving of self for the sake of self and ones just like self.
In the Grace, Agape Love centered Kingdom of God, it is about giving freely to the undeserved and actively committing to stranger and enemy, the most vulnerable, who cannot and/or will not give back.
That flies in the face of empire.
It flies in the face of American Civil Religion - the same thing.

With God, it is NOT faithful to believe oneself to be superior, supreme or better than others.
With God, it is NOT faithful to get all one can for self, even or especially at the expense of others.
With God, it is NOT faithful to get power so one can use it to benefit some unfairly over others.
With God, it is NOT faithful to do what one does for position, prestige, fame or self glory.
The Good News of Jesus forbids it.
The values of the Kingdom of God do not allow it.

Instead, those who would be followers of Jesus are supposed to live in Jesus' Way.
We are called out to live different lives from empire (ekklesia).
We are community (koinonia) built on Agape Love and Grace.
We are people who willingly submit to Jesus' commands to live Agape and Grace in the world.
We are people who value Jesus' way as the better, only sustainable way for the world.
We are people who actively work toward the Shalom of ALL people, regardless of our differences.
We are people who are merciful instead of vengeful, spiteful or punitive with others.
We are people who are humble instead of falsely superior, supreme or ruthless over others.
We are people who are inclusive and accepting, rather than intolerant or exclusive.
We are people who unite instead of divide, and build bridges instead of walls.
We are people who welcome the stranger, heal the sick and care for those imprisoned.
We are people who feed the hungry, clothe the naked and satisfy the thirsty instead of self gluttony.
We are people who give freely of our abundance, rather than build bigger barns in which to store more for ourselves.
We are people who share with those we do not know and care for those who are foreigners in our midst and across the world.
We are people who uphold the equal rights, dignity and respect of others as much as for ourselves.
We are people who advocate on behalf of those held down, back our out by empire and its values.
We are people who actively reach out to the marginalized by the forces of empire.
We are people who value everyone and champion the equitable treatment of everyone.
We are people who demand equal opportunities for all in every aspect of existence.
That is what it means to follow Jesus.

Claiming the name of Jesus and offering praise and worship and tithes to Jesus is not what Jesus commanded of us.
Judging others in Jesus' name is specifically what Jesus commanded us NOT to do.
Treating others shamefully in Jesus' name is what Jesus specifically said makes us goats, bound for weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Neglecting others for the sake of self and trying to justify it with our faith in Jesus is what Jesus said specifically will put us on the other side of the great chasm from Jesus.
Those are what it means to live in, participate in and collude with empire.

Jesus owns Agape and Grace.
Jesus lived it with us.
Jesus commands it of us.

So, are we followers of Jesus, or of empire?
What did Jesus say?  Do you know?

Pastor Jamie

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Way

John 14:1-14 is the lectionary text for next Sunday.

I will not be troubled, knowing that I will abide with God forever.
We will be in fellowship with God forever.
We need not be afraid.
We need not trouble ourselves over anything else.
And we need not worry about how that is to happen for us.
We need not worry about the way to heaven.
Jesus IS The Way.
What Jesus did on the Cross for us IS the Way made for us, for ALL of us.
We would not be able to come to the Father but through Jesus.
We but can.  We ALL will, because of the gift of Grace which is Jesus.
"For God so loved the world..."
"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world."
Jesus IS The Way.
For ALL of us.
And the Way of Jesus is NOT just about there, then.
It is about here, now.
Jesus IS The Way to live in THIS PART of the Kingdom, here and now.
Jesus' Way of Agape Love and Grace is the Way of the Kingdom.
"On earth, as it is in heaven," so is this Grace and Love.
So, we need not have troubled hearts about then and there, OR here and now.
It is taken care of for us.
Then and there is destined for us.
Here and now we have the Way of Jesus to teach us about truth and life.
In this is the truth.
In this is "life, life abundant and life forever."
Not just life then and there.
Life here and now.
It is from the Father, through the Son for God's children.
It is the Will of God, from the beginning, that the Word made Flesh would mean truth and life for us.
We are in God and God in us.
We need not worry or be troubled.
We have truth and life in Jesus, who IS the Way.
Jesus need do nothing more for me, as far as I am concerned.
Jesus, the Way, made a way for me by Grace, in Agape Love.
The Way is about truth and life for me, life abundant and life forever.

So, why worry?
There is a place for me, then and there and here and now.
There is a Way for me, here and now - the Way of Agape Love and Grace.

Rest assured.
Live assured.
Blessed assurance.
You have The Way.

Pastor Jamie