Monday, May 4, 2020

The Way

John 14:1-14 is the lectionary text for next Sunday.

I will not be troubled, knowing that I will abide with God forever.
We will be in fellowship with God forever.
We need not be afraid.
We need not trouble ourselves over anything else.
And we need not worry about how that is to happen for us.
We need not worry about the way to heaven.
Jesus IS The Way.
What Jesus did on the Cross for us IS the Way made for us, for ALL of us.
We would not be able to come to the Father but through Jesus.
We but can.  We ALL will, because of the gift of Grace which is Jesus.
"For God so loved the world..."
"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world."
Jesus IS The Way.
For ALL of us.
And the Way of Jesus is NOT just about there, then.
It is about here, now.
Jesus IS The Way to live in THIS PART of the Kingdom, here and now.
Jesus' Way of Agape Love and Grace is the Way of the Kingdom.
"On earth, as it is in heaven," so is this Grace and Love.
So, we need not have troubled hearts about then and there, OR here and now.
It is taken care of for us.
Then and there is destined for us.
Here and now we have the Way of Jesus to teach us about truth and life.
In this is the truth.
In this is "life, life abundant and life forever."
Not just life then and there.
Life here and now.
It is from the Father, through the Son for God's children.
It is the Will of God, from the beginning, that the Word made Flesh would mean truth and life for us.
We are in God and God in us.
We need not worry or be troubled.
We have truth and life in Jesus, who IS the Way.
Jesus need do nothing more for me, as far as I am concerned.
Jesus, the Way, made a way for me by Grace, in Agape Love.
The Way is about truth and life for me, life abundant and life forever.

So, why worry?
There is a place for me, then and there and here and now.
There is a Way for me, here and now - the Way of Agape Love and Grace.

Rest assured.
Live assured.
Blessed assurance.
You have The Way.

Pastor Jamie

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