Matthew 18:15-20 is the lectionary text for Sunday, September 6
I wonder what would happen if this were practiced.
Individuals do not seem to have a stomach for it. Instead of confronting that which is hurtful or harmful, folk gather forces and talk ABOUT the person who did it to them, rather than talk to them.
Churches don't get involved in disputes among their members, sometimes to their demise. Pastors generally play politics and side with those who represent power for them, or try to be "Switzerland", and thus maintain their "friend to all" image, again benefitting from their "neutrality." And churches often live in underlying tension over factions, and sometimes divide over them or dwindle down to a few folk who are "like minded", until they turn on each other and dissolve.
What would happen if people who are treated unfairly in society addressed it in church with the folk sitting in the pews and breathing in the sanctuary air, soaking in the holy atmosphere who have helped to perpetrate injustices against them? What would happen if pastors encouraged those in politics in their churches to follow what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us, and confronted them when they did not? What would happen if pastors and church leaders encouraged those in business in their churches to follow what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us regarding the poor, and confronted folk when they did not? What would happen if pastors, church leaders and parishioners directly confronted folk in the church who live out their hatred, greed, lust for power and desire for status at the expense of other folk in the same sanctuary? What would happen if we actually followed what Jesus taught us regarding conflict, justice, Shalom, Agape Love and Grace? Hmmm... I wonder. I guess because I am left to wonder what if...
Instead of straddling the fence, trying to serve two masters, giving lip service to God while giving devotion to empire, I wonder what would happen?
The problem, you see, is that Jesus directs folk to confront the person who oppresses them directly, then take another person with them and then take it to the church. The problem is that the church often represents the oppressors, those who have exploited, marginalized and disenfranchised the people. The problem is that the pastors and church leaders often support them, because they know where their power, wealth and status comes from in their devotion to empire.
Jesus said, "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." This is for us both a promise and a warning, I believe.
Jesus said, "What you give is what you will get." That too, is promise and warning.
Jesus said, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." That is Agape and Grace.
Jesus is with those who are gathered, even two or three, a true witness, IN HIS NAME.
Jesus is with those who are gathered, even two or three, a true witness, who are faithful to Jesus, Jesus' teachings, commands and examples for living Agape and Grace.
I wonder what would happen if those in the church would put out in the world what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us? I wonder what would happen if...
Pastor Jamie
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