Matthew 22:15-22 is the lectionary text for Sunday, October 18th.
They gave Him a question to test Him and trick Jesus into verbally being disloyal to empire and the emperor or to God. He gave them a trick answer.
Graven images were anathema to faithful believers. Jesus was being set up by the Pharisees to either be disloyal to God or to Caesar. Either way, they would try to entrap Him and hasten His demise.
Meanwhile, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Chief Priests, Scribes and Elders benefitted from the lucrative trade of changing Roman coins into Shekels in the Temple, so that faithful believers could make their offerings without being unfaithful to God. They exploited and cheated the people for their own personal gain. It did not matter that the coins were kosher in the Temple. Their real devotion was to the empire and emperor on the "real" money. Jesus had already dealt with them in Chapter 21 of Matthew. That is why Jesus called them hypocrites.
The point is this. It all belongs to God. If you are a faithful believer, it ALL belongs to God. Money, government, economics, social engagement, worship, work, family, church, community, marriage, parenting, sex, education, healthcare, employment, the environment, politics, public safety, how you handle Covid19 - ALL of it belongs to God. We are either faithful in everything or we are not faithful. We are faithful in these things or not.
And how are we faithful? Not by giving our lip service, piety, rituals, tithes, worship and praise to God while giving everything else to empire. No. That is the stuff of hypocrites.
We are faithful by applying what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in the living of Agape Love and Grace to every aspect of life, in every arena of life. We are faithful when we work toward the Shalom of all around us (completeness, wholeness and well-being). Are you using what God has given you in Agape Love for God and Neighbor? The creation, are you honoring and preserving this gift of God? Are you aligning yourself with those who most exhibit Kingdom values in Politics and Economics? Are you participating in the world around you in Agape Love and Grace? If you are trying to give lip service by saying, "Amen" to the Good News of Jesus, while living the values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status, you are not. If you are about getting what you can for yourself to the neglect of others around you, by the chosen ignorance to their plight or at their expense, you are not being faithful. If you are actively committed to the well-being of others around you, then you are following Jesus.
Give to empire what belongs to empire - NOTHING. Fight for a Democracy in this nation, vote for those who will strive to establish it, and then use your vote to make sure your tax dollars go to preserving and sustaining the well-being of others around you in the nation and the world. Fascist Oligarchy is evil. It is empire. Social Democracy is the closest political and economic system to Kingdom values that exists in the world today. Laissez-faire Capitalism is the furthest from it, is of empire and is evil by its nature. It is based on the empire values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status, and not on Agape Love or Grace. Vote for humanity, for civility, for the environment, for justice, for peace, for equity and equality. Do work that does not mean gain for you at the expense of others. Vote not only for your own interests, but for the interest of others, ALL others, and especially the most vulnerable. That is the Agape way. End Empire. That is Jesus' Good News way to be in the world, this part of God's Kingdom, here and now.
Give to God what belongs to God - EVERYTHING. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength by loving your Neighbor as yourself, in every aspect of your life.
We cannot serve two masters. (I read that somewhere.)
It is a choice. It is YOUR choice. Put down your money, take your choice and live with it.
The question is -
Will you be a person of the Good News of Jesus in this part of the Kingdom, here and now?
Will you be a person of the Bad News of Empire, and walk away from the Kingdom?
Pastor Jamie
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