My sisters and brothers,
In addition to the political instability caused by those who would twist our social institutions for their own gains in wealth and power, we are now seeing an upsurge in Corona virus cases and deaths. The two are linked. Instead of using their influence, the resources of the nation and power to unify the nation and mount a unified attack on the pandemic and economic losses associated with it, those who choose to divide us have ignored the rise in cases of this virus, the science of fighting it and the dire economic needs of our nation, especially among the most vulnerable in it.
That is not new. In spite of the needs for all people to have enough on which to live, for decades they have ignored the minimum wage needing to be a living wage. They have ignored the need for ALL people to have adequate, affordable and available healthcare. They have ignored the need for all children to have EQUAL access to a GOOD education. They have ignored the needs of the black and brown, LGBTQ+, female and religiously diverse populations within this nation to have EQUAL rights and opportunities for a life of well-being. While depriving folk of what they have needed, they have vilified, devalued, dehumanized and scapegoated some to divide us and thus keep their positions of power and wealth, from which to abuse and oppress the rest of us. Clearly one political party has had this as their central platform for decades, but the other party has done little to change it because of its benefits for its elites as well. Our political system is corrupt. Our economic system is immoral and unconscionable. Our soul is dying.
"Most Merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful. We have sinned against you in thought, word and deed by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart, soul, MIND and strength. We have not loved our Neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of Jesus Christ and by His Grace, please forgive us, lead us to repentance and to establish and/or restore Shalom for all those who have been disenfranchised, marginalized and oppressed by our actions in the world."
If you are a politician, a corporate executive, the owner of a business, clergy, believer or citizen, please pray this prayer with me. It may be your/my/our only hope as individuals and a nation. We have fallen so far from God's Way for us because of our living of empire values (greed, lust for power, hatred, desire for status), that we must solely rely on God's Grace and repent, out of Agape Love, to advocate on behalf of those we have hurt.
Praying it is one thing.
Meaning it is another.
Repentance is yet another, and one even more difficult, for it means changing our thinking and thus our words and actions. Our soul, your soul and my soul are all at stake.
For the sake of the most vulnerable, the nation and the world we must confess, ask for forgiveness from God and Neighbor, and Repent. It is our only hope RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW.
Pastor Jamie
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