Sunday, July 10, 2022

Mary chose the better part. Will we?


Luke 10:38-42   Pentecost VI


Jesus showed great openness and respect toward women.  They provided for Him along the way, but Jesus shows interest in them as disciples, sharing the Good News with them, talking with them, healing them, including them and making them examples of faithfulness for His other disciples.

 Here, Jesus is at the home of Martha.  It was common for Jesus and His disciples to stay in people’s homes, eat their food and bless them with the Good News, healing and wholeness.  Martha’s sister, Mary, sat at Jesus’ feet as a disciple.  She was learning the Good News of the Kin-dom.  Martha was distracted from the Good News by many tasks in her home, and complained to Jesus that Mary was not upholding the social mores of household tasks assigned to women as Martha was, but was sitting at Jesus’ feet as a disciple.  Jesus gently rebuked her and pointed out that there is only ONE most important thing – the Good News of the Kin-dom of God.  Mary had chosen wisely the better part, and it would not fail her.

 It seems to me that men have done great harm to women over the centuries.  Failing to see their equality of gifts and perspectives, treating them as objects for male pleasure, reducing them to subservience in life and holding them down, back and out by not giving equal consideration, respect or pay continues on in this part of the history of humanity.  I was raised to be one of those men, and I confess that it took me far too long to realize the errors of that way.

 It also seems to me that women have sometimes bought into their own subservience, and that when some women are empowered others work to pull them back down to a less equal role.  Even women who rise in the ranks of formerly male-dominated fields such as business and politics look with some contempt on other women who work toward equality and equitable recognition and renumeration, along with equal rights.  They even work against other women getting equal and civil rights, equality of respect and pay.  And there are some who falsely believe themselves superior because of their race, ethnicity or culture of origin.  They have learned that well from the purveyors of bigotry. 

 The church that bears Jesus’ name has done a disservice to women for generations as well.  Refusing to ordain, relegating women to auxiliary functions, using their hands and hearts for service while ignoring their minds and leadership qualities, the church has ignored the very people who have been more faithful than the men who disregard them in the church.  The church did not learn that from Jesus.

 Rabbi Jesus did not disregard or disrespect women.  He broke Sabbath and rabbinical laws to engage with women, taught and healed them, raised them as examples of faithfulness and called them to discipleship.  And women were there for Him.  They hosted Him, followed Him, helped Him and did not abandon Him when all the other disciples did.  Women were then the first witnesses of His resurrection, because they went to serve Him out of loving devotion, even after His death. 

 Mary had chosen the better part.  She belonged as a disciple among disciples.  There was need of only one thing, and Mary recognized that.  It will never be taken away from her or any women (or men) who make the Good News of Jesus their priority in life.  Jesus in Luke makes Mary an example for other women who would be His disciples, no less than the men.

 When will we learn the Agape Love of Jesus and commit it to how we live our lives in this part of God’s Kin-dom, here and now?  When will we actively commit our lives to the well-being of those especially vulnerable in our society, as women and children have always been, and work to bring Shalom to all people, equally?  When?  Are WE at the feet of Jesus, learning His Good News of Agape Love, or are we distracted by many other things?

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