Matthew 13:24-30,36-43
Every time someone uses their freedom of speech to spread hatred,
I think of this parable.
Every time someone takes a wonderful movement of love and turns
it into a brutal world of judgement and exclusion, punitive control and
hypocrisy, I think of this parable.
Every time a preacher or bishop twists the Good News of generosity in
community into a get rich quick scheme at the expense of those who trust
them, I think of this parable.
Every time people falsely believe themselves superior to others racially,
sexually, economically, mentally or in any other way, I think of this parable.
Every time people claim to love the one who told this parable while doing
just the opposite of what the teller taught, commanded and modeled on how
to be faithful to God and Neighbor, I think of this parable.
Every time I see people struggling to survive because others have made their
lives that hard for their own gain, I think of this parable.
Every time I see people being treated shamefully and the ones doing it feel no
shame, I think of this parable.
I think of this parable an aweful lot. There is a lot of aweful.
But there will be a turn around. It will come. There are people who bear good
fruit in the world and who sustain life instead of destroy it with others. There
will be a turn around when the movement of love does not die but thrives, and
people come together because they see the wisdom, the hope and the sustainability
of living that love. There will be a turn around when people recognize the weeds
for being weeds again, and leave them alone while they thrive, because the good
fruit shall not be overcome by the weeds in the end, but will grow and thrive and
produce in the lives of all those God loves. There will be a turn around.
And the wheat...
And the weeds...
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