Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It is Reformation weekend.

"the laborer deserves his/her wages."  Luke 10:7

The reformation of the 16th Century was sparked by the unrest created when the peasants (working poor) realized the disparity in the Church and Holy Roman Empire (church and state ruling class) between those who were royalty and had the wealth (cardinals, bishops and popes mirrored that social economic class within the church) and the poor.  It set off a chain of events that sparked spiritual, social, economic and political revolution.

The French Revolution was a violent rebellion by those who had little or nothing against those who had everything, while those who had nothing starved to death.

The American Revolution was an expression of the frustration over tyranny, both political and economic by ordinary citizens who worked hard and wanted government to represent them and not just tax them... (while our modern "tea party" group represents the interest of those who want representation WITHOUT being taxed... and have been used to that for decades...)

"O the times, they are a changin'"
"O, change gonna come"

The occupy movement is an early sign that what has gone around has come around again.

CEO's make 300x what average workers in corporations make, pay less taxes and lay people off to make more profit for themselves and wealthy stockholders.

Over the past 30 years, the wealthiest 1% of our population has increased their wealth by almost 4x..., while middle class folks' wealth has diminished and the poor have not been raised above being "the poor".  That wealthiest 1% is the only group represented by our government, and they pay very little taxes compared to the rest of the nation because they are...

It is time.  "Occupy" is starting to open the eyes of some.  Our President's attempts to make laws to tax the wealthy and put the poor and middle class back to work have been thwarted by the wealthy and those who represent them in government (mostly Republicans)... they would rather see people remain unemployed so they can blame the President at election time, than do what is right and get people back to work and help the most vulnerable.  It is acceptable in their value system to continue hurting "the least" in order to get more power, prestige and wealth in the nation.

That is not acceptable to Jesus.
THIS is not acceptable to Jesus.
Read the Gospels... the Kingdom of God does not value the poor being exploited, beaten down and destroyed.  Jesus does not value ignoring the poor, blaming the poor, treating the stranger in the land shamefully and playing political games to stay in power and with wealth.

It is time for REFORMATION... maybe to stave off REVOLUTION... I pray that despite local, state and federal government attempts to quell the legal and non-violent protests, others will join in and do what must be done... SPEAK OUT... WRITE... DEMONSTRATE... VOTE for those who will most embody Kingdom values according to JESUS, not according to the right wing...

Read His words.  Learn from His teachings.  Act in Agape Love for "the least".

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jesus' prophecy

Luke 19:41-44
Jesus wept over the city (and the nation)... because they did not know the things that make for peace, and their fate was sealed because of their distance from God's will (Isaiah 58:5-12)...
He then forcefully drove "Wallstreeters" out... for they were not faithful to God...

The occupy movement is a possible alternative to bloody revolution... I hope THAT trend continues, but if people are suppressed in the midst of their rights to demonstrate... who knows?

What do we want our nation to be known for by its own people and the nations around us?  Do we want to be ruthless, mean-spirited, heartless, exploitative, bullying, greedy and war mongering people?  Or do we want to be people of Jesus... who know "the things that make for peace" -

Justice instead of racist, classist corruption - "Do unto others as you would HAVE THEM do to you."
Humility instead of prideful hubris - "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last."
Equality instead of elevation and separation - "Not so among you... among you, the most humble servant
     of others will be the greatest."
Compassion instead of apathy or exploitation - "Give to one who begs"... "You give them something to
Forgiveness instead of punitive judgment - "As you forgive, so you will be forgiven."

Jesus weeps over us now.
We are SO FAR from what Jesus taught and exemplified, yes, including in His church...
We are compliant with the greedy, ruthless, heartless and cruel...
If we benefit from the Moneychangers, we are all for them... if they cheat us we get angry, but do nothing about it as they hurt others even more severely...

Jesus weeps because of where this will lead us, along with a few hundred years of genocide, slavery, neglect and abuse, racism, classism, cha, cha, cha...

Jesus weeps for us because He weeps for all those whose lives we have hurt.  He weeps for everyone who has been victimized, abused, neglected and exploited by us and those who represent us (dominate the world under the same flag we live under)...

No justice, no peace.  Know justice, know peace.

Rev. Jamie Kaufman, M.Div.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

people get ready

Thousands are a part of the "occupy" movement... I am hopeful that it is an alternative to bloody revolution or riot, as a valid expression of democracy... now in threat of being challenged toward disbanding...

People are fed up.  The greed embraced for so long by the most wealthy and powerful is now being exposed for what it is by people who have largely been silent until now.
People are unified.  Those who keep others down and quiet by the implied message that they, too could rise up to their level of wealth and power, are now being addressed for their deceit.
People are mobilized.  They are moving to make the statement that they see the truth of greed and power, and that they can rise against what they stand for.

"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?  Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him/her, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?  Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.  Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and God will say, 'Here I am.'"  Isaiah 58:5-12

It is starting, but we have far to go.

When we turn our backs on the wealthy and greedy, instead of on the poor...
When we care for the needs of the most vulnerable, and not just about getting more for ourselves...
When we break the chains of unequal education, employment and healthcare...
When we destroy the yoke of an unequal justice system...
When we abandon the ruthlessness, mean-spiritedness, self-centeredness, apathy, complacency and
     unkindnesses that have come to define us as a nation...

THEN we will have peace.
THEN we will have justice.
THEN we will have sustainable well-being in the nation.
THEN we will have equality, equity, respect, joy and security.

Not until we do as God wants us to do.
Not until we turn from our wicked ways of selfishness, greed and hatred.

We have work to do.  Speak, write, demonstrate, vote... for those who will do what is most consistent
    with what Jesus teaches... the prophets speak...

We are now at the point at which the soul of our nation is at stake.

Pastor Jamie

Monday, October 10, 2011

until we make it right

II Chronicles 7:14 "... if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

People often preach or speak about how great things are because God is blessing "the righteous".  Instead of seeing that sometimes their prosperity is not due to blessings from God but rather their exploitation or abuse of the poor, their neglect of justice and their engagement in corruption and deceit for gain, they claim that their wealth is a reward for "right living".
People rarely look for their own fault when things are going badly for themselves or the nation, but rather look to blame others.  Right now, the current administration is being blamed for the hangover from the debauchery of the last administration, drunk with power and greed, even though MANY citizens not only went along with it but encouraged it for their own gain.  We also blame the victims of our greed and exploitation, like "illegal" aliens in the land, those who receive public assistance, agencies and organizations that help the poor and so on... which is why they see no need to fund them and cut what little they have had...

In Alabama, now with the most stringent immigration laws that violate human rights as well as civil rights, latino families are leaving in droves.  Consequently, $150m has been lost by the state's farmers because of a lack of field hands at the harvest.  Consequently, teens and adults are being harassed and bullied because of their ethnicity, and being told to move back "south of the border", etc...   Now, the state government is actually looking at providing 5 years worth of documentation to the SAME PEOPLE they have discriminated against, in order that they might return and help them out of their agricultural crisis.  How insulting is that?  God is not pleased.

Rather than take less profit during difficult times, corporations choose to lay off workers.  Rather than make the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes as they always should have, government officials cut funds  to the most vulnerable in the nation, to education, to public broadcasting, to the arts, etc...  Rather than regulate business to make sure they keep jobs here, government officials write loopholes for incentives to ship jobs overseas, pollute other nations and exploit their people for cheap labor.  Rather than pay a fair, living wage they vilify organized labor so they can pay less to workers here and make them work harder.    Rather than help the most vulnerable in the land, they blame them for our nation's economic problems - not their own greed, corruption and thirst for power over others.

Jesus said that He came to "preach good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."  Luke 4:18, 19

With whom do you think Jesus stands here?
Perhaps things will get better, we will avoid all-out revolution, our economy will recover, we will not be at war, our people will be complete and whole... perhaps... if we "turn from (our) wicked ways" in prayer and not conspiracy, in humility and not hubris, seeking God's face and not Mammon's, then God will look at a  people who love what is good and just, who love our neighbors as ourselves and live like we do, and who want to be a people of peace, love and justice...

That is MY prayer.  People over Profits.  Love over Greed.  Peace over Power.  Humility over Pride.
Pastor Jamie

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

woe to you

"Hear this, you who trample upon the needy, and bring the poor of the land to an end... when can we deal deceitfully with false balances... that we may buy the poor... and the needy... and sell the refuse... The Lord has sworn... 'Surely I will never forget any of their deeds."  Amos 8:4-7

Thousands of Lobbyists and Political Action Committees buy congressional votes so that they can do business with no regulations (which led us to the current economic crisis during the last administration), ship jobs overseas at will (which has led to the grave unemployment of our citizens), pollute the planet at will, waste and deplete our natural resources, unsafely extract what is left of the fossil fuels from under the land and sea, and control government for their own gain.  A very few who are very wealthy and powerful truly benefit from this personally, and the rest of us suffer.

Corporations pour millions into political campaigns, because they know they will get BILLIONS in return. Where do those billions come from?  Our taxes, our willingness to look away, our silence when extreme greed is exercised and our voting in parties and candidates who want to do these things for the benefit of a few over the well-being of the nation and world around us.

The same "job creators" who are screaming NOT to have to pay their fair share of taxes now, are the ones who cared so much about the economy and nation that they laid off thousands of workers in order to maintain their high, personal profits.  The promise that they will hire people and create jobs is a smoke screen, as while they were getting the tax breaks before, they laid off people and destroyed jobs.  Their concern is not for the nation or individual workers, but for profits for themselves on the backs of others.

"Beware of those who love salutations... best seats... places of honor... who devour widows' houses (the property of the most vulnerable in society)... they will receive the greater condemnation."  Jesus in Luke 20:45-47

They create their own science to refute the claims of legitimate scientists about global warming... why?  So they can go on raping the creation for profit.
They spread fear about "socialism" and our President's background or religious affiliation... why?  So they can manipulate a gullible public and keep profits coming for themselves on the backs of the poor.
They create propaganda about "liberty" and "freedom" and "self determination" so that they can scapegoat minorities and blame the victims for the plight they have created in the lives of the poor.
They convince people that the wealthy and powerful will "trickle down" some of their wealth to benefit them, when that has not been the case... ever.
They buy politicians for their own profit.  We allow it.

They go against the Prophets of God and Jesus.  And we believe them when they say they are people of faith.
"... live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their end is destruction,  their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things..."  Paul in Philippians 3:17-21

Please.  Please.  Please.  Do not go along with them for the ride!  Please!  Address the wrong-doing and defend those most vulnerable who have no voice or power.  Jesus commands it in Agape Love for "The Least".

Pastor Jamie