Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jesus' prophecy

Luke 19:41-44
Jesus wept over the city (and the nation)... because they did not know the things that make for peace, and their fate was sealed because of their distance from God's will (Isaiah 58:5-12)...
He then forcefully drove "Wallstreeters" out... for they were not faithful to God...

The occupy movement is a possible alternative to bloody revolution... I hope THAT trend continues, but if people are suppressed in the midst of their rights to demonstrate... who knows?

What do we want our nation to be known for by its own people and the nations around us?  Do we want to be ruthless, mean-spirited, heartless, exploitative, bullying, greedy and war mongering people?  Or do we want to be people of Jesus... who know "the things that make for peace" -

Justice instead of racist, classist corruption - "Do unto others as you would HAVE THEM do to you."
Humility instead of prideful hubris - "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last."
Equality instead of elevation and separation - "Not so among you... among you, the most humble servant
     of others will be the greatest."
Compassion instead of apathy or exploitation - "Give to one who begs"... "You give them something to
Forgiveness instead of punitive judgment - "As you forgive, so you will be forgiven."

Jesus weeps over us now.
We are SO FAR from what Jesus taught and exemplified, yes, including in His church...
We are compliant with the greedy, ruthless, heartless and cruel...
If we benefit from the Moneychangers, we are all for them... if they cheat us we get angry, but do nothing about it as they hurt others even more severely...

Jesus weeps because of where this will lead us, along with a few hundred years of genocide, slavery, neglect and abuse, racism, classism, cha, cha, cha...

Jesus weeps for us because He weeps for all those whose lives we have hurt.  He weeps for everyone who has been victimized, abused, neglected and exploited by us and those who represent us (dominate the world under the same flag we live under)...

No justice, no peace.  Know justice, know peace.

Rev. Jamie Kaufman, M.Div.

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