"Hear this, you who trample upon the needy, and bring the poor of the land to an end... when can we deal deceitfully with false balances... that we may buy the poor... and the needy... and sell the refuse... The Lord has sworn... 'Surely I will never forget any of their deeds." Amos 8:4-7
Thousands of Lobbyists and Political Action Committees buy congressional votes so that they can do business with no regulations (which led us to the current economic crisis during the last administration), ship jobs overseas at will (which has led to the grave unemployment of our citizens), pollute the planet at will, waste and deplete our natural resources, unsafely extract what is left of the fossil fuels from under the land and sea, and control government for their own gain. A very few who are very wealthy and powerful truly benefit from this personally, and the rest of us suffer.
Corporations pour millions into political campaigns, because they know they will get BILLIONS in return. Where do those billions come from? Our taxes, our willingness to look away, our silence when extreme greed is exercised and our voting in parties and candidates who want to do these things for the benefit of a few over the well-being of the nation and world around us.
The same "job creators" who are screaming NOT to have to pay their fair share of taxes now, are the ones who cared so much about the economy and nation that they laid off thousands of workers in order to maintain their high, personal profits. The promise that they will hire people and create jobs is a smoke screen, as while they were getting the tax breaks before, they laid off people and destroyed jobs. Their concern is not for the nation or individual workers, but for profits for themselves on the backs of others.
"Beware of those who love salutations... best seats... places of honor... who devour widows' houses (the property of the most vulnerable in society)... they will receive the greater condemnation." Jesus in Luke 20:45-47
They create their own science to refute the claims of legitimate scientists about global warming... why? So they can go on raping the creation for profit.
They spread fear about "socialism" and our President's background or religious affiliation... why? So they can manipulate a gullible public and keep profits coming for themselves on the backs of the poor.
They create propaganda about "liberty" and "freedom" and "self determination" so that they can scapegoat minorities and blame the victims for the plight they have created in the lives of the poor.
They convince people that the wealthy and powerful will "trickle down" some of their wealth to benefit them, when that has not been the case... ever.
They buy politicians for their own profit. We allow it.
They go against the Prophets of God and Jesus. And we believe them when they say they are people of faith.
"... live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things..." Paul in Philippians 3:17-21
Please. Please. Please. Do not go along with them for the ride! Please! Address the wrong-doing and defend those most vulnerable who have no voice or power. Jesus commands it in Agape Love for "The Least".
Pastor Jamie
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