Saturday, July 13, 2013


How about out of Love for God and Neighbor - the Agape Love (committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy - Luke 10:25-37) that Jesus COMMANDED, we as followers of Jesus DEMAND that there be a change, not just in individual laws, but in our nation's COMMITMENT to its people and the world...

To Agape Love God with all we have, and love God's WHOLE creation, WHOLE people of all races, ethnicities, faith practices and political philosophies, EQUALLY...

To Agape Love and be Good Stewards of the Creation-
   pursue renewable resources such as geo-thermal, wind and solar power for homes, factories and
   automobiles, so we stop polluting our ground, water and air

To Agape Love our Neighbors as ourselves -
  Insist on Equal Employment and payment for ALL
                 a LIVING WAGE for ALL workers... minimum $15 per hour for ANY job
                 Full Time Employment of 40 hours per week and time and a half for overtime
                 Healthcare for ALL - change the current "Obamacare" and "tweek" it, rather than, out of
                           a desire for more profit for some, defeat it altogether
                 Equal Education for ALL from pre-school through High School - whether in rural, small
                           town, urban or inner-city schools
                 Low -cost Higher Education and Loans for students, including TRADE SCHOOLS for
                           those whose prowess is in manual labor
                 Affordable Housing, Utilities, Transportation, Food, Water for ALL
                 Equal Justice for ALL  with ONE Criminal Justice system for ALL, equally
                 Taking care of our elderly, disabled and other most vulnerable citizens
                 Liberty for individuals over their own bodies, with available consultation of options,
                              and for individuals to have equal marriage with whomever they love...

... and when we have TRULY achieved that AVAILABILITY FOR ALL,
         THEN we look at eliminating public assistance in the future

If we truly LOVE GOD with all that we have, and LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS WE LOVE OUR SELVES, we will not give our devotion to more profit over God or People, and will do that... yes, it would mean a bit less profit for owners, executives and stock holders... but our soul as a nation would be restored to well-being...

we will COMMIT to that as our KINGDOM VALUES for how we live in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, according to God's Will!

It is time for us as Christians in our nation to stand together for Agape Love and BECOME ZACCHAEUS (Luke 19:1-10), instead of the rich man of Luke 16:19-31, so that we do not end up like the rich ruler of Luke 18:18-30, who went away sad because he could not follow Jesus, rather than hold onto his idolatrous devotion to Mammon... instead, we need to live God's Kingdom values that out of the Grace and Agape Love we understand, everyone have enough, regardless (Matthew 20:1-16)... it's time for repentance - a change in how we THINK about things... time to THINK, BELIEVE, ACT on the Agape Love in our nation, as people who DO FOLLOW JESUS...

THEN, our future as a nation will be different, and so will our fate as individual believers... Matthew 25:31-46... just sayin'

Pastor Jamie

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