Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So, we have a decision by the Supreme Court that potentially lifts up folks for equal marriage.  That is WONDERFUL and the battles that will ensue in states will be interesting and hopeful!  For that I am THANKFUL (and surprised).

The Voting Rights Act nonsense will return huge segments of poor, elderly, mostly black and brown folks to the 1950's when it comes to going to exercise their right in a free democracy to vote.  They will be scrutinized as potential criminals while anyone who goes to buy a gun will be lauded as a hero and patriot, regardless of their intentions.  This is being done, clearly, to suppress voters who would likely vote for anyone other than those who represent the far political "right".  These are the folks who have Facebook pages and organizations like TAKE OUR AMERICA BACK and other similar things... now, Congress - bought and paid for - has done all they can to ensure that these folks get and stay in office, so it allows them to also...

not pass the IMMIGRATION BILL before congress.  They can be as hateful as they want, because they are courting LGBT community folks through the courts and figure they will get or retain some votes there, and they are suppressing the votes of black and brown folks who would likely vote for more centrist politicians, so they can go after the "illegal" immigrants and be as nasty as they want to them, those who have worked hard here, paid some taxes here, been exploited here and are now being treated shamefully in a new horror.  We can fill the for-profit prisons with some of them and they can go to working in the fields and factories for $2, the profits going to the prison, of course.  All this being done to them, even as the

FARM BILL is killed, which hurts farmers further and more importantly, TAKES FOOD OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF THE POOR who are on public assistance.  Yes, rather than balance the budget by actually making wealthy and powerful people and corporations (NOT THE SAME THING) pay the taxes they actually owe, we will go after the poor and hungry in our land.  And the farmers will be offered a great deal on prisoner labor, which they cannot refuse.   But it doesn't stop there, because now we are going to

raise STUDENT LOAN rates, even double them, so that those "freeloading" students, whose future jobs we have already eliminated by shipping them overseas so we can exploit other populations for more profit, will have to pay double the rate on student loans to get those almost worthless degrees that will hang on mom and dad's basement wall in their "apartment".  We will go to great lengths to keep the wealthy and powerful from having to pay their fair share as responsible citizens.  It gives the added bonus of paving the way for those who can pay for school outright to excel further as others drop out of school or never go because they cannot afford it.  It will further fill our military with desperate recruits who have nowhere else to go, and FOR PROFIT prisons with those who do desperate things as a last resort.

O beautiful for spacious skies... filled with pollutants from "fracking" ...
for amber waves of grain... saturated in leaked oil from the newest pipeline...
for purple mountains' majesty... with mountain streams later to be polluted (see above)...
above the fruited plains... the fruit picked by prisoners for $2/hour from the local prison
America, America

One HALF step forward and FOUR back...
it's the "PROFIT is GOD tango"... and we are dancing it, being led by the corporations who maneuver our politicians, who in turn dupe us into believing that their purpose is anything other than a quick buck for themselves and those who they truly represent... the rich and powerful...
so, have your hatred for gay folks, black and brown folks, poor folks, immigrant folks, students, union folks, folks who practice "other" faiths, progressive folks and anyone not straight, white, wealthy and/or male... poked, prodded and piqued so that you will continue to blame everyone else except those who pollute, destroy, waste, exploit, kill, deprive, manipulate, and cripple our nation and the world for their own profit... eventually you will see how they are destroying YOU... hope it's not too late...

Pastor Jamie

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