The AJC is running an article that reports that 400,000 are being denied Medicaid because they make too much money, though they live UNDER THE POVERTY LINE...
In the mean time, large corporations are given tax breaks, as well as wealthy Georgia citizens, and corporations also receive "incentives" - aka - corporate welfare for keeping their businesses here, in order that they may hire more citizens, which they do at the very least, minimum level possible...
It is simply unconscionable and IMMORAL to hurt these families like this. The governor, state legislators and parties to which they belong should lose their jobs for not representing their citizenry, and especially the most vulnerable among them.
Yet, people VOTE for these soulless predators, believing them to be upright leaders who look out for their interests. Why are people so easily duped? Why do "Christians" not believe they have a moral, spiritual obligation to "the least of these", whom Jesus calls His sisters and brothers? Why do "Christians" vote for them, knowing their history of unjustly siding with the wealthy and powerful?
The same goes for the extreme "right" politicians in Congress. Their work to benefit the wealthy and powerful, while taking away what little the most vulnerable have, is CLEARLY, according to the Gospels, ANTI-CHRIST. Yet, these politicians run for office on platforms of faith, and claim to represent all the people in their districts. And people who claim to follow Jesus VOTE for them, knowing that they actively try to suppress the votes of minorities and others, actively take away what little the most vulnerable have and actively work to benefit the wealthy and powerful on the backs of the most poor and least powerful... intentionally, consistently, systematically...
The goats think that they can be the sheep and do this.
They think they can claim Jesus' name and ignore what Jesus commanded, taught and exemplified
for His followers, and still be His followers.
They think they should be considered fully human, while clearly having huge areas of arrested
They believe they can serve both God and wealth and/or God and power.
What may be more sad than the vulnerable who are hurt by all these goats, is the level of delusion these folks live in, believing they could be not only be not doing the wrong thing, but actually that they are doing the right thing somehow... easily duped and gullible... unconscionable, immoral...
Compliance with evil is evil.
Silence in the face of evil is evil.
Actively hurting the vulnerable in order to benefit those with plenty is EVIL.
Pastor Jamie
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