Tuesday, September 1, 2015

by their fruits

Do your words lift others up, or tear them down?
Do your actions reflect only love of self or of others even different than you?
Does your spending include buying with justice and equity or is it all about getting the deal for 
Do you support politicians who get the most for you and those just like you, or for everyone, equally?
Does your community involvement only involve that which builds up your property values, or builds
   up the people in the community?
Do your ideologies center around promoting only yourself, or are they about the good of all?
Does your "religion" produce good fruit in the world around you, or does it polarize, punish, exclude,
   judge and attempt to shame someone?
Do your actions reflect your words?
Do your words and actions reflect what is in your heart?
Do you go along with others you want to have like you, or do you stand up for what you believe is
Do you engage your heart in decisions regarding others, or just your head?
Do you stand with those who are victimized, lend power to the powerless and your voice to the
   voiceless or do you pile on with those who victimize further or blame the victims for their plight?
What are the principles by which you live?
Do your principles hold expectation for you alone, or do you judge others by YOUR principles?
Do your principles reflect compassion and empathy for others, or are they just about getting you what
   you want?
Is your perception of God one who loves all equally, or certain ones better, yourself included among
Is your belief in God centered on how God directs you to be in the world around you with others, or
   is it centered on you getting all you can for yourself?
Is your faith walk about being more "pure" and "holy" within yourself, or following the teachings to
   love of the one who truly IS God?

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
"By their fruits you will know them."
"Others will know you are MY disciples in that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER."

Pastor Jamie

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