Saturday, September 5, 2015

I love the Cross

Every faith has its symbols.  They encourage us, inspire us and admonish us to live the principles of our faith.

I love the Cross.

It is the symbol of self-sacrifice by the Divine, who needed not offer Godself for my sake, but did.

It is the reminder that my redemption from evil, paid for at great cost, is given freely to us by Grace (undeserved loving mercy given freely).

It is a beacon of righteousness and therefore worthiness, not found within myself (for no matter how much I live the Law, it cannot make me self-righteous), but found in God for me, given freely to me out of Agape Love.

It is the very image of Agape Love (unconditional, active commitment on behalf of the other), given by a God who is wholly other but immanent in our lives and perfectly, actively loving of all humanity.

It is the standard that this Agape Love is to be our way of living in all aspects of life with God and all humanity.

It is the Cross that drives us, guides us and compels us to put this Agape Love out in the world around us in Grace, creating a more loving and gracious world around us.

I love the Cross. 

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