Sunday, February 21, 2016


In a world in which doctrinal adherence toward purity and holiness means intolerance of any who do not hold the same value, I venture to share that I do not care about purity OR holiness.  I want to be faithful.

Jesus is my authority.  His fulfillment of Law and Prophets in Agape Love is my only doctrine.  His regular disregard for the Law of Moses (as recorded in the Gospels) was fulfilled in loving acts designed to lift people up as children of God.  Jesus did not make it about Praise and Worship of Him or tithes to His "organization".  Jesus made it all about Agape Love.

Agape Love is active commitment on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy according to the Jesus of the Gospels.  It is central to His teachings.  He commanded it and modeled it in how He lived, according to the Gospels.

So, to follow Jesus is to follow what Jesus taught, commanded and exemplified.  It means to live His New Commandment, to love one another as His mandate, especially with the hungry, strangers, naked, sick and imprisoned.  It means sacrificing self for the other, even stranger and enemy.  It means going the extra mile, forgiving those who wrong you, not judging others for any reason.  It has nothing to do with purity and holiness.  In fact, Jesus defined righteousness in terms of how the Pharisees and other religious leaders were not living love for people.  He calls His followers to make sure our righteousness (Agape) exceeds that of them.

In a world in which doctrinal adherence toward purity and holiness leads to division, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, marginalization, estrangement and intolerance, I believe that Agape Love, when embraced as teaching and practice can bridge gaps and unify God's people.  Believing that there is NOTHING more important than living Agape Love as followers of Jesus leads us to faithfulness to God and one another.

THEN, when we all live this love for the sake of other, all will receive as well as give and the well-being of all in the creation will be restored.  Justice and Peace will result.  Joy will replaced bitterness and depression.  Life will be the result, abundant and forever.

Live what Jesus taught.

Pastor Jamie

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