Thursday, March 10, 2016

this electon year

What we’re seein’ here, in this election year

    Is the outrageous becoming routine, the absurd becoming the normal seen

    Is repugnance as our sought after standard, what was once repulsive the optimum shown

    Is the ridiculous as commonplace, incompetence and ignorance proudly worn

    Is hatefulness what is preferred and intolerance the goal

    As eyes burn bright with entitled anger, leads to the death of our nation’s soul

    And what is shown with the intolerance, the bigotry and hatred from manufactured fear

            in full recognition that Reprobates are in office here.


    With misogyny so seductive, and bigotry our nation’s natural base

    And classism is just our way of life, homophobia and sexism rampant in this place

    Xenophobia an art form, Ethnocentrism our value

    A very false sense of supremacy and entitlement puffs up the tattered egos of the shallow

    Nationalistic intolerance aimed at anyone not like us

        If we can’t buy them, we’ll occupy them or destroy them, build walls and deport the rest

    Leaders reflect the lowest form, rather than lead us to places higher

       The Reprobates in office use everyone toward their desire


    Exploitation overseas, taking jobs away from our own

       When they’ve brought everyone to their knees their satisfaction will be fully known

    Defining immorality in solely sexual terms, regulating everyone’s bedroom and body

       While encouraging the immorality of Greed so that the few can lord over the many

    Suppressing voters over here, cuz they might vote for those over there

       While claiming that voter fraud’s at stake, though we can’t find any anywhere

    Putting up barriers for poor, minorities and the young to vote will surely win elections

       While de-regulating firearm sales – cutting out all regulations, aids their natural selection

    Implementing Stand Your Ground laws that we know simply mean OPEN SEASON

       While restricting our ability to sue because we have to keep justice within reason



What we’re seein’ here, in this election year     Is full of pros and cons…

    The cons… con – servatives, NOT conservationists

    The con everything in the obstructionist Con-gress

    The regressive faction, some who should be Con-victs

    The con – unity, con- integrity, con – tolerance, for only their con-stituency

    The con – equity, con- justice, con- fairness party


    And the pros…

    Pro-choice perhaps, but not a choice of more than two parties

    Pro-gressive, but with re-gressive tendancies…

    Pro- establishment, pro-machine, pro-institutional party some

    Pro- getting and staying in power, pro- oligarch, pro-pluto – crat

          these Demagogue democrats

    Pro- keeping them in their place, bringing super-predators to heel…

          while relying on the race to help them seal the election deal

    Pro- sending their jobs overseas… while claiming they want for their ease

    Pro- whatever gets the vote, until elected – that’s the joke

          a “lesser of evils” is their claim – holding voters hostage is the game


    One they call FAR LEFT, one is FAR RIGHT

         Some claim to be in the Center, but we know that ain’t right…

    Different stripes on the same Zebra, not making others’ lives better

         Represent only the few, not the many, no, not ever…


Some claim they want change, tired of always the same

        But then vote for the same lame old lines, the same names

I heard once that to do the same things time and time again

        Expecting a different, better outcome is insane   

Few are truly for CHANGE, most want to keep it the same

         One alone a true public servant… for others power and wealth - the aim


    While our young men lie shot down, dying in the streets

         And so many are held down, held back and held out

    Folk voting for the lesser of evils again, even for one who helped bring this about



What we’re seein’ here, in this election year         Has not changed a thing, I fear

    The exploitation overseas while bringing our workers to their knees

    The genocide of our kids on the street, taking from the poor who have nothing to eat

    Keeping the middle class and poor class down, while a few at the top still hand out the crowns

    The giving of welfare to corporate heads, as the bonuses flow the middle class nearly dead

    Always got more money for another war, paid for by the blood of our brown and black poor

    Padding the pockets of the powerful wealth, while taking away from our elderly’s health

    Scapegoating immigrants, unions and the poor as in anger the ignorant learn to abhor

    Manipulating the masses, pitting us against them, so that those wealthy powerful stay at the helm

    Drinking poisoned water, breathing poisoned air the ground we live on poisoned everywhere

    Someone making quick profit on killing everyone stuff, polluting always more cuz it’s never enough

    Privatizing prisons and privatizing schools, make it for profit, exploit all the fools

    Using the locked up and locked out for free labor while talking of blessings, prosperity and favor

    The 1% with 60%, the 99 left with 40

         In the most powerful, wealthy nation supposed to be ruled by the majority

    Pitting those with little means against those with even less, stirring up hatred among us

         So they can stay on top of the mess

   It’s Capitalism we love not Democracy, not Justice

        The Oligarchs and Plutocrats claiming patriotism are the most treacherous

   The 90’s acronym with an N or the 2,000’s with a T

        are all designed to exploit them,  exploit you and exploit me

   For the profit of the few they will frack up the whole country

        as their cronies kill everyone for the sake of more money

   As climate change is denied like affordable healthcare

        income disparities widen and unequal education leave many in despair

   The promise of more of this status quo will drive more into the ground

        unaffordable housing, unavailable food, undrinkable water abound


There is only ONE HOPE for us in this world, in this nation

    That rational, reasonable, loving folk stand up, speak out and get counted

    Because, my friends, we must be our OWN salvation…


Jamie Kaufman

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