Sunday, April 24, 2016


Notice the disconnect with politicians from the will of the majority of people?
Polls strongly suggest that the masses want one thing and those who "represent" them, another.

How about the disconnect between what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for His followers, and what those who claim the name of Jesus actually do and say?  Politicians, corporate executives, law enforcement officers, business people, neighbors and others claim Jesus publicly, but regularly do or say things that are OPPOSITE from what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled.

How about the disconnect between folk who want to be seen as good people, but who swindle others through real estate, supporting candidates who work to hurt others, buying from stores that blatantly discriminate, exploit or cost American jobs and other self-absorbed acts.

From where do these disconnects come?

Disconnect hearts from minds, disconnected popular culture, disconnected human beings (only connected electronically and not face to face), disconnected spirit from everyday life and disconnected morality from economic and social actions.

"God helps those who help themselves."
"Look out for number one"
"Nothing personal, just business."
"What the American people want..."
"Uphold the 'American Way'."
"Maintain the 'American way of life'."
"Obtain the 'American dream'."
"I got mine.  Let them get their own."
"I am a self-made person."
"Bigger fences make better neighbors."
"I only want what's coming to me."

So, how are your connections?
Of body, heart, mind and spirit?  Of your needs and those of others around you?
Of needs vs. wants?  Of justice and equality?  Of your words and actions and
what you claim to believe?  Of yourself with other human beings?

No more disconnects.  We cannot afford to be more disconnected.
Pastor Jamie

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