Sunday, April 10, 2016

Our Democracy is on Hospice... end stages...

Our primary Diagnosis is Aspiration Certainty... due to a Growing Cancer that is choking it down.
The mass is growing, at its core abuses of wealth and power fed by a corrupt, elitist election system.
Many have abandoned any hope of treatment and have embraced the cancerous growth, while others have just resigned themselves to the idea that it will run its course, so they try to ignore it.
The Prognosis does not look good.  With every election cycle, we feed the tumor heartily with our
own aspirations to be the ones to abuse the power and wealth and for others with our apathy, complacency or silence in addressing it.  And the disease itself - those who profit by the death of our Democracy, pit these family members against each other so they cannot agree to pursue the cure.
There is *ONE LAST CHANCE for RADICAL TREATMENT to restore our Democracy to health, but there is no money in it for the wealthy, and it means giving up power to THE PEOPLE for those who have it now, so much is being done to get the people to ignore, be frightened against and deny the possibility of a restoration of true Democracy... and it is working... the resistance to curative treatment is strong... the Cancer's status quo or accelerated growth are seemingly the only two options being presented to the patient.
So, some will be as "comfortable" as they can be for as long as it takes for the aggressive mass to squeeze the rest of the life out of our Democracy, after this election, most likely taken off ANY life support.
There are those who regularly Nurse the disease, keeping it comfortable and treating the painful symptoms with feel good stuff.
The Social Workers of our society speak of hope and comfort and treat the psychological symptoms, because the cure is no longer being sought.
The Spiritual Care Counselors are treating the Spiritual losses with comforting words of Grace and Hope, some of them only praying for some kind of "supernatural" intervention, rather than justice or righteousness to be restored, because that is the only remaining thread of connection between their faith and how they live in society... the supernatural, not relational...
The CNA's (Corporate News Agencies), as always, clean up the mess... put a fresh face, a nice spin on things as they care for the cancer itself... making the outside look nice and clean as the inner workings rot in the corrupt tissue of the cancerous mass... and sometimes the smell of the decay is so strong that no amount of sanitizing can cover what is really going on, but they try.
And the pulling of the plug... the euthanizing of this Democracy will be finally by the silent who are compliant with what has been happening in this mass's accelerated growth since 1981.  The Politicians, PAC's, SCOTUS and hate-filled, greedy, power hungry will be there to hold their hand in encouragement that it is the "right thing to do".  Let it rest in peace, true Democracy.  We will memorialize it with words and museums, like the dead thing it is.
The problem is that this could be an epidemic, as we have seen signs, even recently, out of Panama and even in unlikely places that have been resistant to this strain like Iceland and other places.

Our *ONE LAST CHANCE is to embrace FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OUR NATION, the Democratic Ideal... in this election... with the candidate that MANY have ignored in the media and society, others have tried to scare us against with the same old rhetoric of the past and others readily attack in their desire to embrace the status quo.

We must walk away from this PLUTOCRATIC OLIGARCHY, maintained through the Meritocracies of the Electoral College system and now Super Delegates within parties and fed by billions of the dollars of Corporate and Old Money PAC's through lobbyists working for the 1%, who buy candidates through elections who are then beholden to them. 

But in order for that to happen, the lumpen proletariat would have to rise up and BE the Democratic body and stop being the silent and compliant "wannabe's" of power and wealth themselves, and the self-indulgent ones drunk with self-satisfaction over some measure of their own trinket-filled lives.

In order for recovery, it would have to be important enough to the people by, for and of whom this government is supposed to work.

So, the Prognosis is not good.

Pastor Jamie

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