Matthew 5:1-12 (Gospel text in the Lectionary on February 2)
Is this what we want?
Do we want a world so different from the one we have known for so long?
Do we want the Poor in Spirit to be blessed as recipients of the Kingdom?
I ask, because I just heard of a believer who talked about the "sin" of depression.
I ask, because it seems that we do a great deal to one another in order to hurt others' spirits.
I ask, because to live in that world, we would have to put compassion above believing that people just need to believe like we do, keep a stiff upper lip and press on (or distract themselves with compulsive behavior to alter their moods).
Do we want those who mourn to be comforted?
Or do we want them to mourn in private because it makes us uncomfortable?
Do we want them not to mourn, but "get over it?"
Do we want them not to mourn, but suppress their grief and keep steppin'?
Do we want them to see that that for which they mourn is illegitimate?
Do we want the meek to be blessed and inherit the earth?
What about earning their way? What have they done to earn it?
What about giving merit to the bold and brash, assertive go-getters?
What about passing the inheritance to those who are entitled to it?
Do we want those who hunger and thirst for righteousness to be satisfied?
They are the trouble makers who rock the boat of status quo!
They want to mess up the system that works for some of us, on behalf of others!
They are always griping about something, though so many of us have it so good!
They are the ones who would take from the abundance we're entitled to, to give to the meek!
Do we want the merciful to be blessed and receive mercy?
They're the "do-gooders" who want to let people off the hook!
What about punitive measures to teach people a lesson? They got it coming to them!
What about throwing the book at those who don't behave like we think they should behave?
Do we want the pure in heart to be blessed and see God?
More mamby-pamby, Polly Annaish do-gooders setting the standard that we should have to live up to?
Of course our motives are mixed! We have to look out for our own, self interests?
What ever happened to getting what we want by whatever means necessary?
No one is guileless! What are they trying to hide, anyway? What's in it for them?
Do we want the peacemakers to be blessed? Who said they are children of God?
We have to defend ourselves, and that means invading, occupying and controlling others around the world to uphold our good, old American Way of Life!
Swords into Plowshares, Spears into Pruning Hooks? What about Lockheed Martin? Halliburton?
How will we prove we are the most powerful and right, if we keep the peace?
Do we want those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake to be blessed and have the Kingdom?
They whine so much when they are profiled, accused and sentenced unjustly!
They want reparations, for God's sake!
We have to punish those who aren't like us, who aren't us!
Yeah, sometimes we get it wrong and people suffer or die, but so what? Better to be safe than sorry!
If they don't believe like us, love like us, think like us and look like us, they got it coming to them!
We do like the last part!
When people revile ME or persecute ME, and speak evil against ME falsely... oh wait... on Jesus' account? Oh well, that won't happen. My beliefs are my business. I'm not laying my neck on the line for what Jesus taught. It's not practical! It's too radical! It would mess up everything we've been working for! I'm no martyr! You can't make me do the right thing. I have the right to defend myself and my way of life, and if you try to stop me, I will, until they pry my gun from my still, cold hand.
It seems to me that Jesus is here declaring what God expects of us in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, here and now - that we align ourselves with God's Will by living God's Kingdom values as we are given them by Jesus, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, Savior, Lord of our Lives and Judge of the Living and the Dead.
Cursing those listed was the norm until Jesus.
Surely, you'd think that blessing them as Jesus instructs would be the norm for us now, after two thousand years of having His Good News teachings, commands and examples on living God's Will.
So, how are we doing at living that for which we pray - God's Kingdom come, God's will be done on earth as in heaven?
With regard to God's Kingdom Values - are we the blessing? Or the curse?
Pastor Jamie
This is a blog for those who want to live the Good News of Agape Love that Jesus taught and exemplified in the World around them, working to lift up ALL people equally, thus working toward Shalom for all people.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
It begins; empire beware
Matthew 4:12-23 (lectionary text for Sunday, January 26)
Jesus, because the people had sat in darkness, even the shadow of death, started His mission.
He began by taking up the theme of John after his arrest, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near."
He immediately called disciples (student followers).
He started with fishermen. They had been able to make a living at their trade for generations, but that was different under Rome. It took a lot of food to feed the occupying army. It took at lot of taxes to feed the insatiable greed of the Roman elites. People who were farmers, fishermen and other trades laborers could no longer make a sustainable living. They only worked to feed empire. These men had nothing to lose. Jesus encountered them and they went. Perhaps the fishing for people would offer them some hope for their futures and the future of their oppressed, desolated nation. Perhaps they heard of Jesus or heard His message. The Gospel writer leaves that up to our imagination, but points out that it did not take much persuasion for them to go with this Jesus.
He had four disciples. They were physically strong and spiritually willing
Jesus then went into synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of God's Kingdom and the Shalom in it that Jesus came to restore, thus delivering God's people from their oppression.
Though the lectionary text ends with verse 23, the following verses report the results:
Jesus' fame spread. Great crowds followed Jesus. People from all over came to the one who brought Good News of the restoration of Kingdom of God values and the well-being, completeness and wholeness that comes with that. Lives were being changed. People notice that. The ravages of a long time of military occupation, the collusion of the Temple Cult Leaders and King, exploitation, disenfranchisement and brutality were being reversed and people were being restored to well-being.
It begins, God's Kingdom come and God's Will being done on earth as in heaven. The deliverance promised in justice. Jesus is here now; empire beware.
Pastor Jamie
Jesus, because the people had sat in darkness, even the shadow of death, started His mission.
He began by taking up the theme of John after his arrest, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near."
He immediately called disciples (student followers).
He started with fishermen. They had been able to make a living at their trade for generations, but that was different under Rome. It took a lot of food to feed the occupying army. It took at lot of taxes to feed the insatiable greed of the Roman elites. People who were farmers, fishermen and other trades laborers could no longer make a sustainable living. They only worked to feed empire. These men had nothing to lose. Jesus encountered them and they went. Perhaps the fishing for people would offer them some hope for their futures and the future of their oppressed, desolated nation. Perhaps they heard of Jesus or heard His message. The Gospel writer leaves that up to our imagination, but points out that it did not take much persuasion for them to go with this Jesus.
He had four disciples. They were physically strong and spiritually willing
Jesus then went into synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of God's Kingdom and the Shalom in it that Jesus came to restore, thus delivering God's people from their oppression.
Though the lectionary text ends with verse 23, the following verses report the results:
Jesus' fame spread. Great crowds followed Jesus. People from all over came to the one who brought Good News of the restoration of Kingdom of God values and the well-being, completeness and wholeness that comes with that. Lives were being changed. People notice that. The ravages of a long time of military occupation, the collusion of the Temple Cult Leaders and King, exploitation, disenfranchisement and brutality were being reversed and people were being restored to well-being.
It begins, God's Kingdom come and God's Will being done on earth as in heaven. The deliverance promised in justice. Jesus is here now; empire beware.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Lamb of God as Redeemer
John 1:29-42 (lectionary text for Sunday, January 19)
Two things strike me in this passage from John. After the Gospel writer establishes exactly who Jesus, the Logos made Flesh is, in beautiful, even glorious terms, now we find out who Jesus really is!
Jesus is the Lamb of God.
Jesus is the Lamb of the Passover.
He will be sacrificed.
It will be by His blood that we are saved.
It has been announced by John (Elijah).
Jesus has been introduced to the world.
Jesus is the Redeemer of THE WORLD.
By His death, will ALL have Redemption.
He takes away the sin of THE WORLD.
No exceptions.
God's Grace, as expressed in the message, ministry and sacrificial death of Jesus, will win!
Now, "nothing can separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus!"
No conditions.
No exceptions.
No prerequisites.
No earned merit involved.
No litmus test of faith.
No exclusions.
Grace wins. God declares it. John's Gospel proclaims it.
I believe in Grace. I believe that God's work in Grace has worked.
I believe that the power of sin and death are overcome by it.
I believe that the transformation of sinners is complete in it.
I believe that it is the final Word, given by the Word made Flesh.
I am thankful for it.
I rely upon it.
I believe in it.
The Grace of God is more powerful than evil, sin and death.
I respond to it.
I want to live my life in response to this amazing, unearned and unmerited gift of God, this
undeserved loving mercy given freely.
How? By living loving mercy with others around me, though it is unearned and unmerited.
Why? Because that is the only way for followers of Jesus - living Agape Love in Grace.
Why? Because that is the only way that the world will have Shalom (wholeness, completeness
and well-being).
Why? Because the New Covenant in Jesus commands it, demands it, teaches and models it for us.
The Law has not led to Shalom for all people. It has been used to create division, injustice and war.
Only the Grace given and modeled by Jesus in the living of Agape Love unites, restores justice
and brings peace through the establishment of Shalom.
God's Grace experienced in the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other,
even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable among us), is the only sustainable
way for humanity, as it alone establishes Shalom for all.
I like who Jesus is, according to John.
I am grateful, thankful for this Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of THE WORLD.
I pray that more will come to believe in Jesus' Good News of Agape Love and Grace, and live it.
Pastor Jamie
Two things strike me in this passage from John. After the Gospel writer establishes exactly who Jesus, the Logos made Flesh is, in beautiful, even glorious terms, now we find out who Jesus really is!
Jesus is the Lamb of God.
Jesus is the Lamb of the Passover.
He will be sacrificed.
It will be by His blood that we are saved.
It has been announced by John (Elijah).
Jesus has been introduced to the world.
Jesus is the Redeemer of THE WORLD.
By His death, will ALL have Redemption.
He takes away the sin of THE WORLD.
No exceptions.
God's Grace, as expressed in the message, ministry and sacrificial death of Jesus, will win!
Now, "nothing can separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus!"
No conditions.
No exceptions.
No prerequisites.
No earned merit involved.
No litmus test of faith.
No exclusions.
Grace wins. God declares it. John's Gospel proclaims it.
I believe in Grace. I believe that God's work in Grace has worked.
I believe that the power of sin and death are overcome by it.
I believe that the transformation of sinners is complete in it.
I believe that it is the final Word, given by the Word made Flesh.
I am thankful for it.
I rely upon it.
I believe in it.
The Grace of God is more powerful than evil, sin and death.
I respond to it.
I want to live my life in response to this amazing, unearned and unmerited gift of God, this
undeserved loving mercy given freely.
How? By living loving mercy with others around me, though it is unearned and unmerited.
Why? Because that is the only way for followers of Jesus - living Agape Love in Grace.
Why? Because that is the only way that the world will have Shalom (wholeness, completeness
and well-being).
Why? Because the New Covenant in Jesus commands it, demands it, teaches and models it for us.
The Law has not led to Shalom for all people. It has been used to create division, injustice and war.
Only the Grace given and modeled by Jesus in the living of Agape Love unites, restores justice
and brings peace through the establishment of Shalom.
God's Grace experienced in the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other,
even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable among us), is the only sustainable
way for humanity, as it alone establishes Shalom for all.
I like who Jesus is, according to John.
I am grateful, thankful for this Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of THE WORLD.
I pray that more will come to believe in Jesus' Good News of Agape Love and Grace, and live it.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Beloved Son... again...
Matthew 3:13-17 is the text for Baptism of the Lord on Sunday, January 12.
The prophet's yoke was transmitted.
John (Elijah) had completed the mission in preparation for the Sent One.
And the spectacle of this Rite was hardly subtle. It was clear to any who would read this Gospel.
Jesus is Son of God and Messiah, the one for whom they had waited for so long.
But it is different this time, and not just because Jesus is identified as Messiah.
It is a complete change from before. This is not just another new prophet being ordained.
Because the people had "sat in deep darkness" for a long time under Rome, the corrupt King and Temple Cult Leaders. They had been occupied, oppressed and demoralized for generations. The King was no longer a Sovereign, but a Vassal under Rome, who did what he could to benefit himself and his own instead of faithfully leading the people of God. The Law and Prophets had been so twisted that the children of God were being led to live in compliance with empire values. People were being held down, back and out by their own government and religious leaders, and under the evils of empire.
Enter John the Baptist (Elijah), in preparation for Jesus.
Enter Jesus, the promised Messiah.
This was different from one more prophet in a long line of true and false prophets.
This one was Son of God, the Sent One anticipated for generations.
This was Son of God, who was born as the most poor and humble are born, who was forced to be a Refugee in a foreign land because of the political persecution aimed at him, a Son of God who could identify with the children of God under empire.
John knew this was different. His baptism of repentance for preparation could not touch into what this Jesus, Messiah would baptize the children of God. This was different.
This is God, reaching into a world of quid pro quo and merit based society and interaction, calling and commanding the people to live a life of Agape Love (unconditional love).
This is God, reaching into a norm of Greed-based interactions dominated by those already with wealth, calling and commanding the people to live a life of Generosity and selflessness with others as children of God.
This is God, reaching into an environment of oppressive, abusive force imposed on the people by megalomaniacs, calling and commanding the people to live a life of shared power for the equal empowerment of all people in community.
This is God, reaching into a climate of celebrity and status, fame and self-glorification by those considered elite, calling and commanding the people to live a life of humility instead of hubris, and finding their worth in their relationships with God and Neighbor.
This is Kingdom of God values brought to bear on the empire values that had divided and destroyed healthy lives of well-being and community, and had left the many in deep despair.
This is the New Covenant in the flesh.
This is Grace and Agape Love shined into the darkness of Abusive Law and Hatred.
This is The New, Greatest Commandment brought to bear in the lives of people who were beaten down.
This is God's big "turning it upside down" moment.
This is Word made Flesh, dwelling among us. God's Kingdom come. God's Will to be done.
And it would resist empire and bring new hope to the masses whose lives were touched by this Good News.
And, for a while, as it was lived by those who followed Jesus, it changed the lives of many in the First Century world.
And, then, empire subsumed it, manipulated the Good News to the point of it being unrecognizable and then took what it had created and packaged and sold it as "faithfulness" to God.
And so, here we are, having sat in deep darkness again for a generation (38 years in earnest), under empire.
And on next Sunday, this text will be read and preached.
And empire preachers will focus on the miracle, the power for adherents, the personal salvation and prosperity available through Him, the wonderful status of claiming the name of Jesus and the need to offer praise and tithes to this Son of God who came to save souls.
And some followers of Jesus will preach about the transformation of lives, community and society available in the Good News of Jesus, when folk heed the command to live Agape Love and Grace in the world around them, in resistance to the prevalent empire values normalized in our culture and churches.
Which will it be for you?
Pastor Jamie
The prophet's yoke was transmitted.
John (Elijah) had completed the mission in preparation for the Sent One.
And the spectacle of this Rite was hardly subtle. It was clear to any who would read this Gospel.
Jesus is Son of God and Messiah, the one for whom they had waited for so long.
But it is different this time, and not just because Jesus is identified as Messiah.
It is a complete change from before. This is not just another new prophet being ordained.
Because the people had "sat in deep darkness" for a long time under Rome, the corrupt King and Temple Cult Leaders. They had been occupied, oppressed and demoralized for generations. The King was no longer a Sovereign, but a Vassal under Rome, who did what he could to benefit himself and his own instead of faithfully leading the people of God. The Law and Prophets had been so twisted that the children of God were being led to live in compliance with empire values. People were being held down, back and out by their own government and religious leaders, and under the evils of empire.
Enter John the Baptist (Elijah), in preparation for Jesus.
Enter Jesus, the promised Messiah.
This was different from one more prophet in a long line of true and false prophets.
This one was Son of God, the Sent One anticipated for generations.
This was Son of God, who was born as the most poor and humble are born, who was forced to be a Refugee in a foreign land because of the political persecution aimed at him, a Son of God who could identify with the children of God under empire.
John knew this was different. His baptism of repentance for preparation could not touch into what this Jesus, Messiah would baptize the children of God. This was different.
This is God, reaching into a world of quid pro quo and merit based society and interaction, calling and commanding the people to live a life of Agape Love (unconditional love).
This is God, reaching into a norm of Greed-based interactions dominated by those already with wealth, calling and commanding the people to live a life of Generosity and selflessness with others as children of God.
This is God, reaching into an environment of oppressive, abusive force imposed on the people by megalomaniacs, calling and commanding the people to live a life of shared power for the equal empowerment of all people in community.
This is God, reaching into a climate of celebrity and status, fame and self-glorification by those considered elite, calling and commanding the people to live a life of humility instead of hubris, and finding their worth in their relationships with God and Neighbor.
This is Kingdom of God values brought to bear on the empire values that had divided and destroyed healthy lives of well-being and community, and had left the many in deep despair.
This is the New Covenant in the flesh.
This is Grace and Agape Love shined into the darkness of Abusive Law and Hatred.
This is The New, Greatest Commandment brought to bear in the lives of people who were beaten down.
This is God's big "turning it upside down" moment.
This is Word made Flesh, dwelling among us. God's Kingdom come. God's Will to be done.
And it would resist empire and bring new hope to the masses whose lives were touched by this Good News.
And, for a while, as it was lived by those who followed Jesus, it changed the lives of many in the First Century world.
And, then, empire subsumed it, manipulated the Good News to the point of it being unrecognizable and then took what it had created and packaged and sold it as "faithfulness" to God.
And so, here we are, having sat in deep darkness again for a generation (38 years in earnest), under empire.
And on next Sunday, this text will be read and preached.
And empire preachers will focus on the miracle, the power for adherents, the personal salvation and prosperity available through Him, the wonderful status of claiming the name of Jesus and the need to offer praise and tithes to this Son of God who came to save souls.
And some followers of Jesus will preach about the transformation of lives, community and society available in the Good News of Jesus, when folk heed the command to live Agape Love and Grace in the world around them, in resistance to the prevalent empire values normalized in our culture and churches.
Which will it be for you?
Pastor Jamie
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