Matthew 5:1-12 (Gospel text in the Lectionary on February 2)
Is this what we want?
Do we want a world so different from the one we have known for so long?
Do we want the Poor in Spirit to be blessed as recipients of the Kingdom?
I ask, because I just heard of a believer who talked about the "sin" of depression.
I ask, because it seems that we do a great deal to one another in order to hurt others' spirits.
I ask, because to live in that world, we would have to put compassion above believing that people just need to believe like we do, keep a stiff upper lip and press on (or distract themselves with compulsive behavior to alter their moods).
Do we want those who mourn to be comforted?
Or do we want them to mourn in private because it makes us uncomfortable?
Do we want them not to mourn, but "get over it?"
Do we want them not to mourn, but suppress their grief and keep steppin'?
Do we want them to see that that for which they mourn is illegitimate?
Do we want the meek to be blessed and inherit the earth?
What about earning their way? What have they done to earn it?
What about giving merit to the bold and brash, assertive go-getters?
What about passing the inheritance to those who are entitled to it?
Do we want those who hunger and thirst for righteousness to be satisfied?
They are the trouble makers who rock the boat of status quo!
They want to mess up the system that works for some of us, on behalf of others!
They are always griping about something, though so many of us have it so good!
They are the ones who would take from the abundance we're entitled to, to give to the meek!
Do we want the merciful to be blessed and receive mercy?
They're the "do-gooders" who want to let people off the hook!
What about punitive measures to teach people a lesson? They got it coming to them!
What about throwing the book at those who don't behave like we think they should behave?
Do we want the pure in heart to be blessed and see God?
More mamby-pamby, Polly Annaish do-gooders setting the standard that we should have to live up to?
Of course our motives are mixed! We have to look out for our own, self interests?
What ever happened to getting what we want by whatever means necessary?
No one is guileless! What are they trying to hide, anyway? What's in it for them?
Do we want the peacemakers to be blessed? Who said they are children of God?
We have to defend ourselves, and that means invading, occupying and controlling others around the world to uphold our good, old American Way of Life!
Swords into Plowshares, Spears into Pruning Hooks? What about Lockheed Martin? Halliburton?
How will we prove we are the most powerful and right, if we keep the peace?
Do we want those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake to be blessed and have the Kingdom?
They whine so much when they are profiled, accused and sentenced unjustly!
They want reparations, for God's sake!
We have to punish those who aren't like us, who aren't us!
Yeah, sometimes we get it wrong and people suffer or die, but so what? Better to be safe than sorry!
If they don't believe like us, love like us, think like us and look like us, they got it coming to them!
We do like the last part!
When people revile ME or persecute ME, and speak evil against ME falsely... oh wait... on Jesus' account? Oh well, that won't happen. My beliefs are my business. I'm not laying my neck on the line for what Jesus taught. It's not practical! It's too radical! It would mess up everything we've been working for! I'm no martyr! You can't make me do the right thing. I have the right to defend myself and my way of life, and if you try to stop me, I will, until they pry my gun from my still, cold hand.
It seems to me that Jesus is here declaring what God expects of us in THIS PART of God's Kingdom, here and now - that we align ourselves with God's Will by living God's Kingdom values as we are given them by Jesus, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, Savior, Lord of our Lives and Judge of the Living and the Dead.
Cursing those listed was the norm until Jesus.
Surely, you'd think that blessing them as Jesus instructs would be the norm for us now, after two thousand years of having His Good News teachings, commands and examples on living God's Will.
So, how are we doing at living that for which we pray - God's Kingdom come, God's will be done on earth as in heaven?
With regard to God's Kingdom Values - are we the blessing? Or the curse?
Pastor Jamie
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