John 1:29-42 (lectionary text for Sunday, January 19)
Two things strike me in this passage from John. After the Gospel writer establishes exactly who Jesus, the Logos made Flesh is, in beautiful, even glorious terms, now we find out who Jesus really is!
Jesus is the Lamb of God.
Jesus is the Lamb of the Passover.
He will be sacrificed.
It will be by His blood that we are saved.
It has been announced by John (Elijah).
Jesus has been introduced to the world.
Jesus is the Redeemer of THE WORLD.
By His death, will ALL have Redemption.
He takes away the sin of THE WORLD.
No exceptions.
God's Grace, as expressed in the message, ministry and sacrificial death of Jesus, will win!
Now, "nothing can separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus!"
No conditions.
No exceptions.
No prerequisites.
No earned merit involved.
No litmus test of faith.
No exclusions.
Grace wins. God declares it. John's Gospel proclaims it.
I believe in Grace. I believe that God's work in Grace has worked.
I believe that the power of sin and death are overcome by it.
I believe that the transformation of sinners is complete in it.
I believe that it is the final Word, given by the Word made Flesh.
I am thankful for it.
I rely upon it.
I believe in it.
The Grace of God is more powerful than evil, sin and death.
I respond to it.
I want to live my life in response to this amazing, unearned and unmerited gift of God, this
undeserved loving mercy given freely.
How? By living loving mercy with others around me, though it is unearned and unmerited.
Why? Because that is the only way for followers of Jesus - living Agape Love in Grace.
Why? Because that is the only way that the world will have Shalom (wholeness, completeness
and well-being).
Why? Because the New Covenant in Jesus commands it, demands it, teaches and models it for us.
The Law has not led to Shalom for all people. It has been used to create division, injustice and war.
Only the Grace given and modeled by Jesus in the living of Agape Love unites, restores justice
and brings peace through the establishment of Shalom.
God's Grace experienced in the living of Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of the other,
even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable among us), is the only sustainable
way for humanity, as it alone establishes Shalom for all.
I like who Jesus is, according to John.
I am grateful, thankful for this Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of THE WORLD.
I pray that more will come to believe in Jesus' Good News of Agape Love and Grace, and live it.
Pastor Jamie
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