Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tempted to give in to Empire...

Matthew 4:1-11 is the lectionary Gospel text for next Sunday.

To be tempted, Jesus was led into the wilderness.
To identify with us, Jesus went into the wilderness.
After His baptism, he was specifically brought out in isolation by God's Holy Spirit to be tempted by evil.
After 40 days and nights of fasting, being in a physically weak and hungry state and in a spiritually heightened state, Jesus was tempted.
Just like we are tempted, Jesus was tempted, in a moment of weakness in the flesh.

Jesus was tempted to indulge Himself by abusing His power, just as we are tempted.
Just because He could and not because it was right, Jesus was tempted to indulge Himself using the power He had.
But abuses of power like that, even innocent ones, begin small and end up being big.  Eventually, abuses of one's power are exercised at the expense of others and hurt their lives.
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to abuse His power to satisfy Himself.
    Just as WE are tempted to indulge ourselves just because we can.
    Just as WE are tempted to abuse our power, influence and position to satisfy ourselves,
            even when it isn't right and is not what we set out to do.
    Just as WE are to make this life about indulging ourselves at the expense of what is right,
            even to the breaking of our faithfulness to God (and Neighbor).
    Just as WE are tempted to believe these little, innocent indulgences will not hurt anyone,
            until we abuse our power to hurt others for our own satisfaction in gain.
Jesus was tempted to put Himself above all else, but stayed with God instead.

Jesus was tempted to test His status with God.
Does God really love you that much?
Does God love you more than others around you?
Let's see if God does!
Just how special are you to God?
Are you more blessed and highly favored than others?
Let's prove it!
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to lessen His trust in God to prove His status.
    Just as WE are tempted to test God and see how much God loves us, even more than others.
    Just as WE pray for things and believe that the only proof of God's love is getting what we want.
    Just as WE believe that we are God's favorite(s) above others, and it will be proven.
    Just as WE believe that we are more special than other children of God for whatever reason.
Jesus was tempted to put Himself above others in status with God, but stuck with faithfulness instead.

Jesus was tempted to live out of Greed and lust for Power, instead of service to God and Neighbor.
You can, so you should grab all the power and wealth you can!
Forget everyone else, you can take all of it and do with it whatever pleases you!
The weak and poor are clearly not worthy of it, but those who are powerful and wealthy are worthy,
     like you!  Who says you can't have it all?  You can!  And should!
What good is a soul, if you don't have anything to show for it?
Forget your divine purpose!  This is the real world!
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to take it all as others went without.
    Just as WE are tempted to take whatever we can, by whatever means, ignoring the needs of others.
    Just as WE are tempted to see Power and Wealth as signs of God's favor.
    Just as WE are tempted to put material things higher in value than our relationship with God and
    Just as WE are tempted to give our love and devotion to other than God and Neighbor, and thus
           try to serve two masters.
Jesus was tempted to grab all the Power and Wealth He could, but He chose Agape Love instead.

Empire is evil.  D'Evil is in it.
It makes us believe that this whole life is about indulging ourselves with Wealth, Power and Status.
It makes us believe that we alone should have all we want, even at the expense of others if necessary.
It makes us believe that our greatest concern is not our relationship with God and Neighbor, but only
    with ourselves.
It makes us believe that we can give lip service to God and still serve ourselves, living the empire
    values of personal gain over the Kingdom values of Agape Love for God and Neighbor.
Jesus was tempted to give in to Empire values.
So are we tempted.
Jesus showed us a path to saying NO to Empire values and saying YES to Kingdom of God values.
Than can be our path as well.

Jesus, after being tempted, was given enough by servants of the Kingdom.
We are given enough and can find gratitude with enough in the end, if we say NO to the temptation of
    having more than enough for ourselves as others go without enough.
That is Jesus' Way for any who would follow Him.

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Listen to HIM!

Matthew 17:1-9 is the text for next Sunday's Transfiguration worship.

This passage, I believe, clearly states who Jesus is as Fulfiller of the Law and Prophets, bringer of the New Covenant and LORD of our lives.

Peter, after his confession earlier (vs. 16), demonstrated that he got the power and majesty of the moment and wanted to stay in it, enshrining the place and perhaps never leaving the mountain.  Verse 9 makes it clear that this was not the purpose of this Theophany.

Imagine the awe of seeing Moses and Elijah!  The meaning of it runs much deeper.  Moses was the agitator of power, the liberator of the oppressed.  Elijah was the clarifier of God's Will for Justice and demander of rightness with God.  Moses was the Law.  Elijah was the Prophets.  Awesome.  It was an awesome moment, as portrayed in Matthew's drama.

But it got even more aweful.  And the meaning of it all became clear.  God's voice introduced God's Face in Jesus.  God claimed Jesus and clarified the role of the Word made Flesh.

"This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to HIM!"

Jesus' Word is the Good News.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is from God.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is the Will of God.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is Kingdom of God values.
It is the fulfillment of Law and Prophets - listen to HIM!
It is the New Covenant in Agape Love and Grace - listen to HIM!

Above Moses and Elijah, Law and Prophets - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is IT!
Jesus is our authority, as we have Jesus in the Gospels.
Jesus is Savior, but also Lord of our lives.
Jesus is Word made Flesh, calling us to be Flesh made Word.
Jesus is Son of God, beloved of God, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, the one sent to deliver us.

It is not about staying and worshiping Him (with Moses and Elijah present).
   God's voice did not say, "Worship, Praise, give tithes, be pure according to the Law and Prophets.)
It is about LISTENING TO HIM!  God commands that they/WE listen to Jesus!
It is about LIVING what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as God's Will!
   It is not about being the most pure and holy, self-righteous or pious.
   It is about LISTENING TO JESUS - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us!
It is not about cloistering ourselves from the world, to stay in our ecstatic worshipful state forever.
   They followed Jesus down from the mountain... into the world... to the Cross!

Jesus was Transfigured so that we will be Transformed.
When we listen to Jesus and follow Jesus in how we live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and
     now, we are faithful to God.
When we come to understand the Gospel message as Jesus' Manifesto for His followers, and strive to
     live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled as faithfulness to God, then we are on the path.
When we confront the corrupt political and religious leaders who have twisted the Word and God's
     Will in the minds of God's children, we are following Jesus.
When we resist the values of empire and refuse to live out of greed, lust for power and desire for
     personal status, we are following Jesus.
When we refuse hatred or apathy, but choose to live Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of
     the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable), we are following Jesus.
When we refuse to base everything on merit, a system designed to divide and exclude, and live
     Grace (undeserved loving mercy given freely), we are following Jesus.
When we deny self and take up the Cross, we are following Jesus.

Jesus' Transfiguration and its meaning bring us to Transformation.

This is God's beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased.

otherwise... "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord," and do not do what I tell you?"  Jesus (Lk. 6:46)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

There's a New Covenant in Town

Matthew 5:21-37 is the Gospel text for February 16th in the Lectionary...

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explained His fulfillment of the Law and Prophets.  It calls us to a different way of thinking.  No more quid pro quo, as that is an expression of empire values.  No check list of righteous and unrighteous tests.  This is much more about establishing and maintaining a relationship based on Agape Love (active commitment/committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger or enemy, and especially the most vulnerable among us).

It is not enough just not to murder out of hatred.
We are not allowed to murder in our hearts - to be hostile or wrathful (orgidzomai) to another, even to labeling or name calling.
We cannot be hostile and wrathful with our sisters and brothers AND be right with God, so we must take care of the relationships, heal those that need to be healed, before we make gestures of righteousness with God.  Only God is judge, and it is to God that we are accountable.  If our accusers go to God, we are liable to the punishment.
Letting go of hostility to others, any others is Jesus' Way.  It is a better way with neighbor and God.

Notice that the adultery message is aimed at men.  It certainly applies to women, but Jesus knew men. Wandering eyes cause us to wander.  Touching others inappropriately causes us to sin.  Here, Jesus teaches that we had better see things differently and not touch inappropriately.  It is better to lose the lusty thoughts, actions and ways than to hurt someone we love and then be at enmity with God.  It is a different, better way.  It is Jesus' way.

Again, divorce teachings are aimed at men.  Men had all the power in that time and place.  Women were victims of the system that allowed men to divorce their wives (see Mark 10:2-12).  Jesus admonishes men to not use divorce in a cavalier fashion in order to simply gratify themselves with someone else.  Marriage is intended to be for life, in every sense of that - life enhancement, security, abundance, sustainability.  Unless your spouse has been unfaithful, ending a marriage against her will is breaking a covenant of love and trust that should not be broken, causing her also to be a part of that breach of covenant.  It is not fair.  Men had all the power to divorce.  Whoever has power in marriage should not abuse that power for any reason.  God does not want that for marriage or for individuals in it.  This is Jesus' better way.

"Bearing false witness" is about lying.  It's just not all about lying.  To swear on a fact as a witness was critical for those seeking the truth, particularly in civil conflicts, for justice.  Exaggeration, making claims one cannot possibly guarantee and lying are not God's Way.  We live now in the post truth/alternative facts era and are bombarded by 15,000 blatant lies in 3 years by the "leader of the free world," wild and fearful claims designed to manipulate some to scapegoat others or to gain the allegiance of the easily duped and gullible, half truths that are designed to make people question what they are actually seeing and hearing and wild conspiracy theories that are designed to incite division and even violence.  Telling the simple truth with "Yes" or "No" would be refreshing at this point.  Even when that does happen, we have a great propensity to cover the truth with misdirection and false smears of character, clearly.  So, we must stubbornly hold to claiming on that which we know to be true, repeatedly in the face of the falsehoods, putting it out there for people to see and hear.  We have no power over the outcome, no matter how much we "swear to God," so we should not do so.  All we have is a true witness of what we see and hear.  "Anything else comes from the evil one."  I believe that this may thoroughly admonish most of us.  I know it does me, especially regarding what I send along in posts at times.  We can do better.  We must for the sake of God's children.  That is Jesus' better way.

BONUS... (not in the Lectionary this year for some reason)...

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."  Gandhi
At one time, this law was meant to be a limit on retaliation, likening the limit to justice.  There was a certain amount of Grace in it for a very punitive Law-oriented people.
Under empire (in this case of the Roman variety), people were desperate and poor.  All was taken from them to feed the empire elites and the soldiers that occupied Israel.  Desperate people did desperate things. Giving to ease the pain of the victims of empire is still a necessity.
Violently resisting the evildoers, in this case those who abused their power under empire, meant more pain, imprisonment or even death.  Active, non-violent resistance was a better, more sustainable way to react, according to Jesus (then Gandhi, Vernon Johns, Dr. King, etc.).  Turning the other cheek was a defiant act toward those who abused their power over the occupied.  It was a way of letting them know that their abuse was not going to put the victim in despair.  Pledging one's coat was collateral for loans that many could not repay, and when one's coat was demanded, it was a way to display the injustice of the practice by giving one's cloak as well.  Roman soldiers could demand that citizens carry their gear for one mile.  "Going the extra mile" was a way to defiantly say that this was no imposition at all, an attempt to shame them for their abuse of power.
Giving to beggars was a way to sustain those most vulnerable in the community, who were the most victimized by a system that rewarded the ruthlessness of those with power and wealth, who had status.  It was a way to counter the pain for the most vulnerable.  Loaning without a pledge was a way to exhibit Jesus' Kingdom of God values over those of empire.  It was all about a relationship built on Agape Love for even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable.

And finally, here is that loving enemies thing - that praying for persecutors thing.
Loving can not be like the empire quid pro quo arrangement.  That is not real loving - not Agape.  This love is unconditional, even sacrificial.  Loving those who will benefit you means nothing in the Kingdom, according to Jesus.  It is loving those who even hurt you that is hard, and that is of Jesus.  If we would be perfect according to Jesus, we must love enemies, strangers and the most vulnerable among us.  The good news is that Agape is not about feelings.  It is about active commitment/committed action on their behalf.  I don't have to like them, trust them or join them in their oppressive ways.  In fact, I must necessarily not do that.  I must pray for them, because they too are locked into an oppressive system.  They may be on top, but they are still victims of it.  Until we see the wisdom and faithfulness of getting rid of oppressive systems, we must pray for all who are under them and especially those victimized by them.  Finally, it is not about what they are like, how they are treating us or what they do to us that matters, but who we are in it.  I do not want to become what I do not value.  Ruthlessness, retribution, victimization and hostility are not Kingdom Values, according to Jesus.  Those are empire values.  We are under empire and subject to it, but are not to be a part of it.  I should therefore not become a laissez-faire Capitalist because I know the system is designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many.  I can pray for them and must resist their ways, hoping that someday they will see the wisdom and faithfulness of Kingdom Values.  I must model the alternative by being generous with any abundance I may have for those most vulnerable, who are my sisters and brothers.  Likewise with those who are Hawkish by nature, those who are xenophobic, ethnocentric, homophobic, nationalistic, misogynistic or just plain bigoted.  These are the characteristics of those who value empire.  I need not hate them or be hostile toward them, for that would make me unfaithful to Jesus' Way, but rather pray for them, resist their ways in my own life and model a different, better way - Jesus' Way.

Jesus' Way is the Kingdom of God Way.
Jesus' New Covenant is faithfulness to God.
It is not easy, especially under empire, though it was given under those conditions and specifically as an address to empire values.
It is faithfulness to live Jesus' Way - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled as we have that in the Gospels.
It is a more sustainable way.  It is a more loving way.

My prayer is that we will see empire for what it is and resist adopting its values.  Our nation has been steadily, intentionally been adopting empire values since 1981 in this most recent iteration.  I pray that we will reject the normative empire ways of greed, lust for power and desire for status, along with the hatreds that fuel and sustain them, and turn toward (metanoia - repent) Jesus' Way of living Agape Love and Grace in the world.
Until we do, we will be victims of and promoters of values that run contrary to the Will of God.

There was a New Covenant in Town, captured by the Gospels - here Matthew's Gospel.
Isn't it time that we learned what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled and then apply it to how we live our lives here and now, in this part of God's Kingdom?

Pastor Jamie

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fulfiller of the Law and Prophets

Salt flavors the rest.  It is not the main course, but preserves and makes the main course more palatable.  If it does not affect the main body, of what good is it?
Light eliminates darkness or beckons one through it to the light.  If light does not shine in the darkness, it may as well not be light.

We are salt and light, according to Jesus.
We will flavor the body around us or we will be good for nothing.
We guide others through the darkness and eliminate the darkness by what we DO, or we are not light at all.

Jesus came to fulfill the Law:  Love God will all that you have; love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus came not to abolish it, but to give us its essence, meaning and application in the world - in Jesus' time as in our time, under the darkness of empire.

Those who actually follow Jesus will never be the main course.  Many are called but few are chosen.
Many will claim the name of Jesus while giving their devotion to the things of empire.
Many will claim the twisted, legalistic and punitive use of the law for their own gain.
Many will kill the prophets' messages with the false teachings of those who are devoted to empire.
Many will walk away from the faith altogether, rather than follow Jesus' Way.

Jesus' Way is the new, old way.
It is the Way of God in covenant.
It is the Way of loving God and neighbor.
It is the Way of learning from the prophets of God.
It is not an easy way.

Being the salt is a challenge, for it is easy to be swallowed up by the whole without flavoring it, just blending in with it without affecting it.
Being the light is a challenge, for the light is exposed, stands out in the darkness as being different, and is not always welcomed by those who are accustomed to and comfortable with the darkness.

The Scribes and Pharisees, the whole Temple Cult leadership, had lost their flavor and had blended in with the whole of empire in order to gain what empire had to offer, a different value from God.
They were not light, but part of the darkness, and helped others to be accustomed to the darkness as if it was the normative way of children of God, comfortable and cozy with empire and its perks.
They did not flavor the body.  They did not beckon beyond the darkness or shed light on it.
Their righteousness was not righteousness.   They were not right with God.

The religious leaders who have normalized the greed, lust for power and desire for status that are empire values, have not been salt or light and have not led the children of God to be salt or light.  They have ignored the command to love God and neighbor.  They have given their devotion to self alone, and have seen their connection with others as only a means toward getting them what they want, instead of what God wants.  They, as a part of empire, have exploited, manipulated, oppressed and abused others with their twisted use of the law and prophets, even of the Gospel of Jesus.  It is darkness and not light.  It is a body of tasteless, putrid mass of decay with no flavor or hope of preservation.

Jesus calls His followers to be the salt of the earth and light of the world.
Jesus, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, gives the Good News of new life and hope in the living of Agape Love and Grace, even in the face of empire's destruction, hopelessness, hatred, apathy and self-serving greed, lust for power and desire for status.
Jesus calls us to be different than the rest and to affect the world by living His Way of Kingdom of God values in this part of the Kingdom, here and now.

So, we can flavor the world by being different from it.
We can be the beacon that leads people out of the darkness, exposes the darkness and eliminates it.
Or, we can be of no use to God or God's children.

Does our righteousness exceed that of corrupt religious leaders, politicians and elites, or does it reflect their righteousness, which is likened to unrighteousness to God?

Jesus, who is Fulfiller of Law and Prophets, Savior and Lord gives us a better way for the world.
It only becomes that when we are willing to be His Salt and Light for the world.

We cannot serve two masters.  It renders us as useless as flavorless salt or hidden light.
That is not faithfulness to God.

We are called to fulfill the Law and Prophets by loving God and Neighbor as Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us in the Gospels.
That is faithfulness to God.

Pastor Jamie

set aside

Jesus was dedicated to God.
He was the firstborn son, and thus to be given to God.
Their offering was the offering of the poor.
Simeon declared Jesus the light of God for the Gentiles and Israel - everyone.
Anna, in Luke's Gospel designated a Prophet, regardless of her gender, prophesied about Jesus.
And they moved to Nazareth of Galilea.

Jesus was set aside to be the Lord of those "called out." (ekklesia - called out ones, community)
Set apart to be a part of the people of God.
Called to be a faithful leader at birth, according to the Law (from the beginning, according to John's Gospel).
Called to be a light of hope, joy and life to the Gentiles (and the people of Israel).
Called to be for the world that hope, that joy and life that empire was not.

Jesus was set aside, to be a part of God's Kingdom Come and God's Will being done.
Jesus was set aside, called apart to lead the whole community to God's Way in the face of empire.
Jesus was set aside, called apart to counter the oppressive, abusive victimization of God's people.
Jesus was set aside for the Gentiles as well as the people of Israel.
Jesus was set aside for the women as well as the men.
Jesus was set aside for all people and not just the elites of power and wealth.

The devout ones knew it from the beginning.
The disciples would come to know it.
Those occupied and oppressed by empire would come to know it.
They would respond to this gift of God, set apart to be a part of new hope and life in joy.

What about the devout ones now?  The disciples?  Those occupied and oppressed by empire now?
Will WE respond to this gift of God, set apart to be a part of new hope and life in joy?
Will WE acknowledge what Jesus means to the world and follow Jesus?
Will WE live what this set apart one taught, commanded and modeled in order to change the world?

What about US?
Will we set aside our devotion to wealth, power and status to embrace Agape Love and Grace?
Will we set aside our hatreds, fears, complacency and apathy to live what Jesus brought?
Will we be apart from empire so that we can be a part of the movement to heal its wounds?
Will we be the children of God, followers of Jesus and sisters and brothers to the oppressed?
Will we embrace the new hope, life and joy of Jesus in the face of the old hopelessness, destruction and despair of empire?

What about US?  Will we be the light for all people or more of the darkness that has oppressed them?

Pastor Jamie