Matthew 17:1-9 is the text for next Sunday's Transfiguration worship.
This passage, I believe, clearly states who Jesus is as Fulfiller of the Law and Prophets, bringer of the New Covenant and LORD of our lives.
Peter, after his confession earlier (vs. 16), demonstrated that he got the power and majesty of the moment and wanted to stay in it, enshrining the place and perhaps never leaving the mountain. Verse 9 makes it clear that this was not the purpose of this Theophany.
Imagine the awe of seeing Moses and Elijah! The meaning of it runs much deeper. Moses was the agitator of power, the liberator of the oppressed. Elijah was the clarifier of God's Will for Justice and demander of rightness with God. Moses was the Law. Elijah was the Prophets. Awesome. It was an awesome moment, as portrayed in Matthew's drama.
But it got even more aweful. And the meaning of it all became clear. God's voice introduced God's Face in Jesus. God claimed Jesus and clarified the role of the Word made Flesh.
"This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to HIM!"
Jesus' Word is the Good News.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is from God.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is the Will of God.
What Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is Kingdom of God values.
It is the fulfillment of Law and Prophets - listen to HIM!
It is the New Covenant in Agape Love and Grace - listen to HIM!
Above Moses and Elijah, Law and Prophets - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled is IT!
Jesus is our authority, as we have Jesus in the Gospels.
Jesus is Savior, but also Lord of our lives.
Jesus is Word made Flesh, calling us to be Flesh made Word.
Jesus is Son of God, beloved of God, fulfiller of Law and Prophets, the one sent to deliver us.
It is not about staying and worshiping Him (with Moses and Elijah present).
God's voice did not say, "Worship, Praise, give tithes, be pure according to the Law and Prophets.)
It is about LISTENING TO HIM! God commands that they/WE listen to Jesus!
It is about LIVING what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us as God's Will!
It is not about being the most pure and holy, self-righteous or pious.
It is about LISTENING TO JESUS - what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us!
It is not about cloistering ourselves from the world, to stay in our ecstatic worshipful state forever.
They followed Jesus down from the mountain... into the world... to the Cross!
Jesus was Transfigured so that we will be Transformed.
When we listen to Jesus and follow Jesus in how we live in this part of God's Kingdom, here and
now, we are faithful to God.
When we come to understand the Gospel message as Jesus' Manifesto for His followers, and strive to
live what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled as faithfulness to God, then we are on the path.
When we confront the corrupt political and religious leaders who have twisted the Word and God's
Will in the minds of God's children, we are following Jesus.
When we resist the values of empire and refuse to live out of greed, lust for power and desire for
personal status, we are following Jesus.
When we refuse hatred or apathy, but choose to live Agape Love (active commitment on behalf of
the other, even stranger and enemy, and especially the most vulnerable), we are following Jesus.
When we refuse to base everything on merit, a system designed to divide and exclude, and live
Grace (undeserved loving mercy given freely), we are following Jesus.
When we deny self and take up the Cross, we are following Jesus.
Jesus' Transfiguration and its meaning bring us to Transformation.
This is God's beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased.
otherwise... "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord," and do not do what I tell you?" Jesus (Lk. 6:46)
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