Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tempted to give in to Empire...

Matthew 4:1-11 is the lectionary Gospel text for next Sunday.

To be tempted, Jesus was led into the wilderness.
To identify with us, Jesus went into the wilderness.
After His baptism, he was specifically brought out in isolation by God's Holy Spirit to be tempted by evil.
After 40 days and nights of fasting, being in a physically weak and hungry state and in a spiritually heightened state, Jesus was tempted.
Just like we are tempted, Jesus was tempted, in a moment of weakness in the flesh.

Jesus was tempted to indulge Himself by abusing His power, just as we are tempted.
Just because He could and not because it was right, Jesus was tempted to indulge Himself using the power He had.
But abuses of power like that, even innocent ones, begin small and end up being big.  Eventually, abuses of one's power are exercised at the expense of others and hurt their lives.
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to abuse His power to satisfy Himself.
    Just as WE are tempted to indulge ourselves just because we can.
    Just as WE are tempted to abuse our power, influence and position to satisfy ourselves,
            even when it isn't right and is not what we set out to do.
    Just as WE are to make this life about indulging ourselves at the expense of what is right,
            even to the breaking of our faithfulness to God (and Neighbor).
    Just as WE are tempted to believe these little, innocent indulgences will not hurt anyone,
            until we abuse our power to hurt others for our own satisfaction in gain.
Jesus was tempted to put Himself above all else, but stayed with God instead.

Jesus was tempted to test His status with God.
Does God really love you that much?
Does God love you more than others around you?
Let's see if God does!
Just how special are you to God?
Are you more blessed and highly favored than others?
Let's prove it!
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to lessen His trust in God to prove His status.
    Just as WE are tempted to test God and see how much God loves us, even more than others.
    Just as WE pray for things and believe that the only proof of God's love is getting what we want.
    Just as WE believe that we are God's favorite(s) above others, and it will be proven.
    Just as WE believe that we are more special than other children of God for whatever reason.
Jesus was tempted to put Himself above others in status with God, but stuck with faithfulness instead.

Jesus was tempted to live out of Greed and lust for Power, instead of service to God and Neighbor.
You can, so you should grab all the power and wealth you can!
Forget everyone else, you can take all of it and do with it whatever pleases you!
The weak and poor are clearly not worthy of it, but those who are powerful and wealthy are worthy,
     like you!  Who says you can't have it all?  You can!  And should!
What good is a soul, if you don't have anything to show for it?
Forget your divine purpose!  This is the real world!
Jesus, quoting the Law of Moses, refused to be tempted to take it all as others went without.
    Just as WE are tempted to take whatever we can, by whatever means, ignoring the needs of others.
    Just as WE are tempted to see Power and Wealth as signs of God's favor.
    Just as WE are tempted to put material things higher in value than our relationship with God and
    Just as WE are tempted to give our love and devotion to other than God and Neighbor, and thus
           try to serve two masters.
Jesus was tempted to grab all the Power and Wealth He could, but He chose Agape Love instead.

Empire is evil.  D'Evil is in it.
It makes us believe that this whole life is about indulging ourselves with Wealth, Power and Status.
It makes us believe that we alone should have all we want, even at the expense of others if necessary.
It makes us believe that our greatest concern is not our relationship with God and Neighbor, but only
    with ourselves.
It makes us believe that we can give lip service to God and still serve ourselves, living the empire
    values of personal gain over the Kingdom values of Agape Love for God and Neighbor.
Jesus was tempted to give in to Empire values.
So are we tempted.
Jesus showed us a path to saying NO to Empire values and saying YES to Kingdom of God values.
Than can be our path as well.

Jesus, after being tempted, was given enough by servants of the Kingdom.
We are given enough and can find gratitude with enough in the end, if we say NO to the temptation of
    having more than enough for ourselves as others go without enough.
That is Jesus' Way for any who would follow Him.

Pastor Jamie

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