Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 is the lectionary text for July 5.
In Jesus' time, the people were so corrupted and disinformed about what God wanted at the hands of a corrupt church leadership and because of living within empire values for so long, that they would not be satisfied with anything other than exactly what they wanted, instead of what God wanted.
We are in such an age.
Jesus came to teach, command and model God's will that we live the values of the Kingdom of God with one another, centered on Agape and Grace. The people wanted what they wanted, and believed that their allegiance to empire would allow them to rise within the system to get (at least some of) it.
After a couple generations of Roman rule and Temple leader corruption, it was all they believed they could hope for in this world.
So, like disillusioned, spoiled and self-centered children, they would not be satisfied with what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled as a better way. They tried to control God, but they could not, so they lashed out. They were oppositional with all who God sent, and to the living of Agape and Grace in the world. It would not serve their selfish desires. Whatever the messengers of God did, they would reject it for trumped up "reasons." It did not stop Jesus. Jesus continued with the consistent message that Agape and Grace are a better way than empire's greed, lust for power and desire for personal status. The more resistance they gave to Jesus, the more persistent and consistent the message of Agape and Grace. Though their "god was the belly," and while claiming to be faithful to God, but "having itching ears" to hear what they wanted to hear, Jesus persisted with the truth of the Kingdom of God, that God wants God's people to live Agape Love and Grace in this part of God's Kingdom, here and now. And the followers of Jesus persisted, and they were ignored, harassed, imprisoned and killed. They persisted, and some came to see the true wisdom of Jesus' Way and lived it. Empire lived on and false teachers and prophets continued to lead the blind away from God, but because of the faithful, so did a different way, God's Way in Jesus.
What a clear description of OUR age and our circumstance in the church, in government, in economics and in society today.
Jesus' prayer acknowledges the blindness of many who thought they knew how to give lip service to God while giving their devotion to empire. Jesus gave thanks for those who trusted Him and followed His Way of Agape and Grace, which is God's Way. The Gospel of Matthew very bluntly points out in this prayer that what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled came directly from God. It is very clear here, that to know Jesus is to know God and to follow Jesus is to be faithful to God.
So, Jesus in Matthew ends this with a call to the pure in heart who would follow Him in the living of Agape and Grace. Jesus acknowledges that living under empire is a burden that will wear you out, make you weary. Jesus calls them/us to bear a different burden - HIS burden. We are called to pick up our Cross, a different Yoke, learn Agape and Grace and the living of it from Him and give our souls a rest from the barrage of attacks on them in the living of empire values. It is the yoke and burden of living Agape and Grace in a world that has no value for them, but it is easy and light for the soul that would otherwise rot and die in its devotion to empire.
Jesus' Way is God's Way. Jesus' Way is not what the false teachers and prophets have twisted it to be in the hearts and minds of so many. It is not the way of empire values. It is the way of Agape (committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable) and Grace (undeserved loving mercy given freely to all). It is a better way for EVERYONE in the world. Indeed, it is the only sustainable way FOR the world, as we have seen.
So, we will either act like disillusioned, disinformed and spoiled children who want what we want, or we will follow Jesus in the living of Agape Love and Grace, and be faithful to God.
The question is, will this generation be different from past generations in faithfulness to God?
Will we finally find rest for our souls?
Pastor Jamie
This is a blog for those who want to live the Good News of Agape Love that Jesus taught and exemplified in the World around them, working to lift up ALL people equally, thus working toward Shalom for all people.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Matthew 10:40-42 is the lectionary text for Sunday, June 28.
Faithfulness is about the living of Agape and Grace in the world, according to Jesus.
ANYONE who lives Agape and Grace in the world is faithful to God.
The divisions of denomination and even faith practice do not matter.
Find a faith that most touches you as you are and that you most identify with because of who you are.
What matters is...
Are you actively committed to others and their well-being? Even stranger or enemy?
Are you kind and generous with others, even strangers and enemies?
Are you merciful with others, even strangers and enemies?
Are you working on behalf of those who are marginalized, downtrodden, disenfranchised and
because of that very vulnerable?
Do you refuse to judge others not like you?
Do you forgive readily? Do you ask for forgiveness when you have hurt someone?
Do you value the truth and speak the truth in love?
Do you resist the powers and principalities that create hatred and create divisions because they value
greed, power over others and status above others?
Do you speak truth to those in power and with wealth?
Do you advocate for the most vulnerable among us in words and actions, standing with them and
lending your voice and power to help them?
Do you stand up to and oppose those who abuse their power for their own gain at the expense of
If you are living this, then you are following what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us and you are faithful to God, WHOEVER you are.
If you claim the name of Jesus and do not live this, then you are at best duplicitous and are not faithful to God, at least according to Jesus, whoever you are.
The reward that you will not lose for following Jesus?
Clear hearts and minds which are full of good will for children of God.
Better, stronger and more genuine relationships with others based on love.
Contentment in knowing that you are doing the right things for the right reasons.
Being right with God and the peace of mind and heart that comes from that.
Forget heaven for now. That is a GIVEN. Just be satisfied with these rewards and, finally -
What you put out in the world around you creates the world in which YOU must live.
Whoever you are...
Pastor Jamie
Faithfulness is about the living of Agape and Grace in the world, according to Jesus.
ANYONE who lives Agape and Grace in the world is faithful to God.
The divisions of denomination and even faith practice do not matter.
Find a faith that most touches you as you are and that you most identify with because of who you are.
What matters is...
Are you actively committed to others and their well-being? Even stranger or enemy?
Are you kind and generous with others, even strangers and enemies?
Are you merciful with others, even strangers and enemies?
Are you working on behalf of those who are marginalized, downtrodden, disenfranchised and
because of that very vulnerable?
Do you refuse to judge others not like you?
Do you forgive readily? Do you ask for forgiveness when you have hurt someone?
Do you value the truth and speak the truth in love?
Do you resist the powers and principalities that create hatred and create divisions because they value
greed, power over others and status above others?
Do you speak truth to those in power and with wealth?
Do you advocate for the most vulnerable among us in words and actions, standing with them and
lending your voice and power to help them?
Do you stand up to and oppose those who abuse their power for their own gain at the expense of
If you are living this, then you are following what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us and you are faithful to God, WHOEVER you are.
If you claim the name of Jesus and do not live this, then you are at best duplicitous and are not faithful to God, at least according to Jesus, whoever you are.
The reward that you will not lose for following Jesus?
Clear hearts and minds which are full of good will for children of God.
Better, stronger and more genuine relationships with others based on love.
Contentment in knowing that you are doing the right things for the right reasons.
Being right with God and the peace of mind and heart that comes from that.
Forget heaven for now. That is a GIVEN. Just be satisfied with these rewards and, finally -
What you put out in the world around you creates the world in which YOU must live.
Whoever you are...
Pastor Jamie
Monday, June 15, 2020
Matthew 10:24-39 is the lectionary text for June 21.
Jesus was sending them out with strong words.
He admonished them to remain obedient, to face the risks and not waiver, but to imitate Him while
remaining faithful to Him and the Gospel message.
The Gospel of Jesus is divisive.
It requires one to choose a side.
As Pastor Schein used to say, "You put down your money, you take your choice and then you live with it."
Why is it divisive, this Good News of Agape Love and Grace?
Because it is easy to understand, but hard to live.
Because people have "itching ears" to hear what they want.
Because people will "blow with every wind of doctrine" that suits their desires.
In Jesus' time, it was because of the corruption of the Temple Cult leaders.
NOTE: Not all Jewish leaders have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Rome, they were.
They were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their collusion with Empire.
They took on the empire values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Jesus regularly confronted and challenged them, in the Synoptic Gospels especially.
In Luther's time, it was Leo X, the Pope.
NOTE: Not all Popes have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Holy Roman Empire, they were.
That one and those who supported him were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their own values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Luther regularly confronted and challenged them, among others, which was Reformation.
In our time, it is the false teachers of Prosperity, Church Growth, Personal Salvation, Purity and Holiness and White Supremacy.
They are particularly corrupt, these false teachers of Greed, Hatred, lust for Power and desire for Status, the same empire values, since 1981 (and elements before) in THIS EMPIRE, that have corrupted, divided and destroyed communities and individuals within them for centuries before.
Some confront these theologies and the purveyors of them, but many folk have itching ears and blow with every wind of doctrine that sounds good - that promises to give them what they want.
It is a choice - to follow one "Jesus" or the other Jesus.
It is a choice - to give our devotion to the Jesus of the Good News, or give lip service to that Jesus and follow the Jesus created in our own image, the one that pleases us.
It is a choice - to learn from what the (Synoptic) Gospels witness as Jesus' teachings, commands and examples of how to live as children of God in Agape and Grace, or to listen to the voices of those who have created a judging, even bigoted, star spangled banner, capitalistic "Jesus" who is only on their side.
Jesus acknowledged the division, according to Matthew's Gospel.
We will either follow Jesus or not.
We will either live Kingdom values or empire values.
We will choose what others choose, even those close to us, or we will choose Jesus' Way.
We cannot serve two masters.
There is no having it both ways.
Jesus in Matthew says to be WORTHY, we must TAKE UP THE CROSS and FOLLOW HIM.
The Gospel is not divisive.
The duplicitous, self-serving and corrupt false teachers have created the division.
The Good News of Jesus unifies those who strive in faithfulness to live Agape and Grace.
The Good News of Jesus lifts up, builds up and sustains Shalom for all people.
The Bad News of empire's false teachings and values divides, demoralizes and destroys lives.
We must choose.
You must choose.
And here's the thing -
When facing the decision and the consequences of that decision as followers of Jesus, keep in mind-
"Those who find life (a life of empire values) will lose it (a life with God), and those who lose their life (built on empire values) for Jesus' sake (and the sake of Jesus' Good News) will find it (life with God)."
So, put down your money, take your choice and live with it.
Choose wisely.
Pastor Jamie
Jesus was sending them out with strong words.
He admonished them to remain obedient, to face the risks and not waiver, but to imitate Him while
remaining faithful to Him and the Gospel message.
The Gospel of Jesus is divisive.
It requires one to choose a side.
As Pastor Schein used to say, "You put down your money, you take your choice and then you live with it."
Why is it divisive, this Good News of Agape Love and Grace?
Because it is easy to understand, but hard to live.
Because people have "itching ears" to hear what they want.
Because people will "blow with every wind of doctrine" that suits their desires.
In Jesus' time, it was because of the corruption of the Temple Cult leaders.
NOTE: Not all Jewish leaders have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Rome, they were.
They were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their collusion with Empire.
They took on the empire values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Jesus regularly confronted and challenged them, in the Synoptic Gospels especially.
In Luther's time, it was Leo X, the Pope.
NOTE: Not all Popes have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Holy Roman Empire, they were.
That one and those who supported him were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their own values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Luther regularly confronted and challenged them, among others, which was Reformation.
In our time, it is the false teachers of Prosperity, Church Growth, Personal Salvation, Purity and Holiness and White Supremacy.
They are particularly corrupt, these false teachers of Greed, Hatred, lust for Power and desire for Status, the same empire values, since 1981 (and elements before) in THIS EMPIRE, that have corrupted, divided and destroyed communities and individuals within them for centuries before.
Some confront these theologies and the purveyors of them, but many folk have itching ears and blow with every wind of doctrine that sounds good - that promises to give them what they want.
It is a choice - to follow one "Jesus" or the other Jesus.
It is a choice - to give our devotion to the Jesus of the Good News, or give lip service to that Jesus and follow the Jesus created in our own image, the one that pleases us.
It is a choice - to learn from what the (Synoptic) Gospels witness as Jesus' teachings, commands and examples of how to live as children of God in Agape and Grace, or to listen to the voices of those who have created a judging, even bigoted, star spangled banner, capitalistic "Jesus" who is only on their side.
Jesus acknowledged the division, according to Matthew's Gospel.
We will either follow Jesus or not.
We will either live Kingdom values or empire values.
We will choose what others choose, even those close to us, or we will choose Jesus' Way.
We cannot serve two masters.
There is no having it both ways.
Jesus in Matthew says to be WORTHY, we must TAKE UP THE CROSS and FOLLOW HIM.
The Gospel is not divisive.
The duplicitous, self-serving and corrupt false teachers have created the division.
The Good News of Jesus unifies those who strive in faithfulness to live Agape and Grace.
The Good News of Jesus lifts up, builds up and sustains Shalom for all people.
The Bad News of empire's false teachings and values divides, demoralizes and destroys lives.
We must choose.
You must choose.
And here's the thing -
When facing the decision and the consequences of that decision as followers of Jesus, keep in mind-
"Those who find life (a life of empire values) will lose it (a life with God), and those who lose their life (built on empire values) for Jesus' sake (and the sake of Jesus' Good News) will find it (life with God)."
So, put down your money, take your choice and live with it.
Choose wisely.
Pastor Jamie
Sunday, June 7, 2020
... and then there's Jesus
Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 is the lectionary Gospel text for next Sunday.
Jesus hung with, ate with, associated with those not approved by the religious leaders of His day.
They were heaped in empire values and viewed themselves "above" others.
They believed that they had reached a certain status in society, and they abused their power to
hold down, back and out others of whom they did not approve.
They thought themselves more pure and holy than others, and therefore more worthy.
They believed in self-righteousness and merit as a part of their embedded theology.
Jesus set them straight.
Mercy. God wants mercy, not judgment or punitive treatment.
We are all sinful. We all need Grace. We are called to be loving and gracious regardless of merit.
We cannot earn our salvation.
Those who believe otherwise have their own sins with which to deal.
And then, Jesus acted.
Jesus showed mercy to the daughter of a synagogue leader.
Jesus showed mercy to an "unclean" woman.
Jesus showed mercy.
If your belief is that some are better than others in this world, and especially in God's eyes, your embedded beliefs are leading you astray.
If you believe that we can earn our salvation through purity and holiness, tithes and worship and praise, your embedded theology is failing you.
If you believe that this faith is all about you and Jesus, and your personal salvation, your embedded theology has failed you.
If you believe that part of faith is being blessed and highly favored above others, or that you are necessarily to prosper by worshiping, praying, tithing, praising Jesus, you have been the victim of false teachers.
Jesus taught, commanded and modeled the active living of Agape Love - active commitment/committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable.
Jesus exhibited Grace - undeserved loving mercy, given freely.
Jesus commanded us not to judge others.
Jesus commanded us to forgive.
Jesus commanded us to care for the most vulnerable, strangers and even enemies.
Jesus advocated on behalf of women, foreigners, people of other faiths and even occupiers.
Jesus said His followers are the ones who deny self, take up the Cross and follow Him.
Jesus set folk straight on their false and embedded beliefs.
If your faith allows you to be only concerned with yourself and those connected to or like you,
if it allows you to hate others not like you, if it allows you to get as much as you can for yourself at the expense or to the exclusion of others around you, if it allows you to abuse your power over others to exploit or hurt them and if it allows you to desire or strive for status/position/superiority over others, it is not of Jesus. I assure you. There are many false prophets and teachers who will tell you what you want to hear, and having "itching ears" to hear what you want, you may be tempted to follow their teachings. If you are being taught in ways that lead you to give your devotion to yourself above others, it is not of Jesus. Don't listen to them. For your sake, the sake of your soul, the sake of others and the soul of our nation and the world, do not listen to them.
Look to Jesus. Read what Jesus is witnessed as saying in the Gospels.
Live Agape Love and Grace, be merciful with others.
That is what God wants.
Pastor Jamie
Jesus hung with, ate with, associated with those not approved by the religious leaders of His day.
They were heaped in empire values and viewed themselves "above" others.
They believed that they had reached a certain status in society, and they abused their power to
hold down, back and out others of whom they did not approve.
They thought themselves more pure and holy than others, and therefore more worthy.
They believed in self-righteousness and merit as a part of their embedded theology.
Jesus set them straight.
Mercy. God wants mercy, not judgment or punitive treatment.
We are all sinful. We all need Grace. We are called to be loving and gracious regardless of merit.
We cannot earn our salvation.
Those who believe otherwise have their own sins with which to deal.
And then, Jesus acted.
Jesus showed mercy to the daughter of a synagogue leader.
Jesus showed mercy to an "unclean" woman.
Jesus showed mercy.
If your belief is that some are better than others in this world, and especially in God's eyes, your embedded beliefs are leading you astray.
If you believe that we can earn our salvation through purity and holiness, tithes and worship and praise, your embedded theology is failing you.
If you believe that this faith is all about you and Jesus, and your personal salvation, your embedded theology has failed you.
If you believe that part of faith is being blessed and highly favored above others, or that you are necessarily to prosper by worshiping, praying, tithing, praising Jesus, you have been the victim of false teachers.
Jesus taught, commanded and modeled the active living of Agape Love - active commitment/committed action on behalf of the other, even stranger and enemy and especially the most vulnerable.
Jesus exhibited Grace - undeserved loving mercy, given freely.
Jesus commanded us not to judge others.
Jesus commanded us to forgive.
Jesus commanded us to care for the most vulnerable, strangers and even enemies.
Jesus advocated on behalf of women, foreigners, people of other faiths and even occupiers.
Jesus said His followers are the ones who deny self, take up the Cross and follow Him.
Jesus set folk straight on their false and embedded beliefs.
If your faith allows you to be only concerned with yourself and those connected to or like you,
if it allows you to hate others not like you, if it allows you to get as much as you can for yourself at the expense or to the exclusion of others around you, if it allows you to abuse your power over others to exploit or hurt them and if it allows you to desire or strive for status/position/superiority over others, it is not of Jesus. I assure you. There are many false prophets and teachers who will tell you what you want to hear, and having "itching ears" to hear what you want, you may be tempted to follow their teachings. If you are being taught in ways that lead you to give your devotion to yourself above others, it is not of Jesus. Don't listen to them. For your sake, the sake of your soul, the sake of others and the soul of our nation and the world, do not listen to them.
Look to Jesus. Read what Jesus is witnessed as saying in the Gospels.
Live Agape Love and Grace, be merciful with others.
That is what God wants.
Pastor Jamie
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