Monday, June 15, 2020


Matthew 10:24-39 is the lectionary text for June 21.

Jesus was sending them out with strong words.
He admonished them to remain obedient, to face the risks and not waiver, but to imitate Him while
remaining faithful to Him and the Gospel message.

The Gospel of Jesus is divisive.
It requires one to choose a side.
As Pastor Schein used to say, "You put down your money, you take your choice and then you live with it."

Why is it divisive, this Good News of Agape Love and Grace?
Because it is easy to understand, but hard to live.
Because people have "itching ears" to hear what they want.
Because people will "blow with every wind of doctrine" that suits their desires.

In Jesus' time, it was because of the corruption of the Temple Cult leaders.
NOTE: Not all Jewish leaders have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Rome, they were.
They were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their collusion with Empire.
They took on the empire values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Jesus regularly confronted and challenged them, in the Synoptic Gospels especially.

In Luther's time, it was Leo X, the Pope.
NOTE: Not all Popes have been or are corrupt - in THAT time and place, under Holy Roman Empire, they were.
That one and those who supported him were particularly corrupt and served as false teachers to support their own values of Greed, lust for Power and desire for Status.
Luther regularly confronted and challenged them, among others, which was Reformation.

In our time, it is the false teachers of Prosperity, Church Growth, Personal Salvation, Purity and Holiness and White Supremacy.
They are particularly corrupt, these false teachers of Greed, Hatred, lust for Power and desire for Status, the same empire values, since 1981 (and elements before) in THIS EMPIRE, that have corrupted, divided and destroyed communities and individuals within them for centuries before.
Some confront these theologies and the purveyors of them, but many folk have itching ears and blow with every wind of doctrine that sounds good - that promises to give them what they want.

It is a choice - to follow one "Jesus" or the other Jesus.
It is a choice - to give our devotion to the Jesus of the Good News, or give lip service to that Jesus and follow the Jesus created in our own image, the one that pleases us.
It is a choice - to learn from what the (Synoptic) Gospels witness as Jesus' teachings, commands and examples of how to live as children of God in Agape and Grace, or to listen to the voices of those who have created a judging, even bigoted, star spangled banner, capitalistic "Jesus" who is only on their side.

Jesus acknowledged the division, according to Matthew's Gospel.
We will either follow Jesus or not.
We will either live Kingdom values or empire values.
We will choose what others choose, even those close to us, or we will choose Jesus' Way.
We cannot serve two masters.
There is no having it both ways.
Jesus in Matthew says to be WORTHY, we must TAKE UP THE CROSS and FOLLOW HIM.

The Gospel is not divisive.
The duplicitous, self-serving and corrupt false teachers have created the division.
The Good News of Jesus unifies those who strive in faithfulness to live Agape and Grace.
The Good News of Jesus lifts up, builds up and sustains Shalom for all people.
The Bad News of empire's false teachings and values divides, demoralizes and destroys lives.

We must choose.
You must choose.

And here's the thing -
When facing the decision and the consequences of that decision as followers of Jesus, keep in mind-
"Those who find life (a life of empire values) will lose it (a life with God), and those who lose their life (built on empire values) for Jesus' sake (and the sake of Jesus' Good News) will find it (life with God)."

So, put down your money, take your choice and live with it.
Choose wisely.

Pastor Jamie

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