Sunday, June 21, 2020


Matthew 10:40-42 is the lectionary text for Sunday, June 28.

Faithfulness is about the living of Agape and Grace in the world, according to Jesus.
ANYONE who lives Agape and Grace in the world is faithful to God.
The divisions of denomination and even faith practice do not matter.
Find a faith that most touches you as you are and that you most identify with because of who you are.
What matters is...
    Are you actively committed to others and their well-being?  Even stranger or enemy?
    Are you kind and generous with others, even strangers and enemies?
   Are you merciful with others, even strangers and enemies?
   Are you working on behalf of those who are marginalized, downtrodden, disenfranchised and
         because of that very vulnerable?
  Do you refuse to judge others not like you?
  Do you forgive readily?  Do you ask for forgiveness when you have hurt someone?
  Do you value the truth and speak the truth in love?
  Do you resist the powers and principalities that create hatred and create divisions because they value
        greed, power over others and status above others?
  Do you speak truth to those in power and with wealth?
  Do you advocate for the most vulnerable among us in words and actions, standing with them and
        lending your voice and power to help them?
  Do you stand up to and oppose those who abuse their power for their own gain at the expense of
If you are living this, then you are following what Jesus taught, commanded and modeled for us and you are faithful to God, WHOEVER you are.
If you claim the name of Jesus and do not live this, then you are at best duplicitous and are not faithful to God, at least according to Jesus, whoever you are.

The reward that you will not lose for following Jesus?
   Clear hearts and minds which are full of good will for children of God.
   Better, stronger and more genuine relationships with others based on love.
   Contentment in knowing that you are doing the right things for the right reasons.
   Being right with God and the peace of mind and heart that comes from that.
   Forget heaven for now.  That is a GIVEN.  Just be satisfied with these rewards and, finally -

What you put out in the world around you creates the world in which YOU must live.

Whoever you are...

Pastor Jamie

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